Chapter 388 returns to Wood clan

What happened at Absolute Beginning Mining Area in Golden State.

Like a storm, it swept through the entire state of Golden State.

In the Spirit Empire imposing manner, even combined with Devouring Soul Sect Wu God Level Powerhouse, with gold clan Divine Rank Powerhouse hard anal.

But the result.

It was the fiasco of both sides at the same time.

The chestnut in the fire is a youngster named Zhao Fang, the cultivation base is only 3-Star Martial Saint.

It is rumored that this youngster, with its background, has the guard of the Martial God level.

Not only killed gold clan, but also Devouring Soul Sect Powerhouse, and even surrendered nearly 400 Martial Saint on the spot.

It is the most rewarding person in this battle.


At the end of the battle, the youngster, along with the people he received, disappeared at the same time.

It disappears out of thin air, as if it is never existence.

This makes the Golden State crowd horrified at the same time, more curious about the youngster identity and the origin.

Other than that.

The situation in Golden State has also undergone earth-shaking changes because of this.

Originally a big family of gold clan, after the death of a Divine Grade Old Ancestor, several Peak clansman, Origin Qi was seriously injured.

Directly from the original state of aggression, I had to shrink the line of defense and retreat to the clan.

Other influences are taking the opportunity.

For a moment, Golden State above, smoked four, chaotically constant.


All of this has nothing to do with Zhao Fang.

Wood clan Great Array before.


Space ripples, a path of star ripples.

Followed by.

A compass with a size of hundred zhang (333m) emerges from the Void and appears in front of the Wood clan Great Array.

Compass above, sitting on more than 300 people.

Everyone’s body is emits with the powerful aura of Martial Saint.

More than three hundred aura connections, the cohesive imposing manner, even the Martial God Powerhouse, is also moving.

In the middle of these three hundred people.

It is standing three people.

A monkey face middle-aged man, a Silver Saddle White Horse General, and a youngster in white wins the snow.

When I saw the Wood clan Great Array, which was close at hand, the white youngster grinned. “It’s finally back. I didn’t expect this Star compass to be a powerful force, but the price is too great.”

The group that appeared this was the departure of Zhao Fang and others from Absolute Beginning Mining Area.

With the Star compass on the road, the group almost disappeared from the Absolute Beginning Mining Area and appeared directly in the Wood clan tens of millions of miles away.

But the same.

Zhao Fang also paid the price of ten divine crystal mines.

If Zhao Fang is in the killing gold Clan Elder, there are a lot of divine crystal mines, I am afraid he is still distressed.

Star compass above.

It is the Martial Saint Powerhouse that Zhao Fang conquered.

Although they did not have a ‘life and death Control Heart Pill’ on them, under the constraints of Heavenly Dao Oath, these people will not betray themselves at least for a hundred years.

And a hundred years of Time, for Zhao Fang, it is enough!

“Blade Slave, I hope to see you again!”

Zhao Fang looked at one place and muttered to herself.

After leaving the Absolute Beginning Mining Area, Blade Slave did not follow.

He has not settled in the Central Spirit Territory.

“Less two months, more than half a year, I will definitely go to the North Spirit Territory to find you!”

This is Blade Slave.

After a slight flash of gaze, Zhao Fang gathered his heart and spread his palm. In it, there was a grain like a broken gold, emits a sand-like object of amazing aura.

Immeasurable constant sand !

Produced in the bottom of ancient mines.

On the occasion of the Nine-Headed Lion great war Dragon Vein and the swallowing of Dragon Vein, it was swallowed together.

It’s just this thing, not as good as it imagined.

Halfway through the road, Nine-Headed Lion vomited, at least spit out nearly a hundred pounds of Immeasurable constant sand.

Immeasurable constant sand, as a Divine Grade Tool Refiner material, is naturally worth more than common.

In Outer World, there is a gram of two grams of Immeasurable constant sand, which has already been fired at a high price, or the kind of priceless.

Imagine it.

If the news of the Immeasurable Constant Sand is passed out, how much Vibration will be triggered in Outer World!

“Immeasurable constant sand, more than 300 Martial Saint servants… This trip to Golden State is not a bad trip.”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth reveals a trace smile.

I just watched the Dungeon countdown and it was getting closer and closer to Dungeon.

Thinking of this experience at Five Elements Ruins World, Zhao Fang is really like a world.

Just stepped into Five Elements Ruins World, the six Martial Emperor Powerhouse by Heavenly River School Ghost King Cave, died.

Later, he was dancing with Shinigami by Golden Divine Ox.

If you don’t own Luck, body Divine Martial, and other people, even Martial Saint, have no reason to escape.

These pictures, the scene resounded in Zhao Fang mind, every time I think of it, I will give birth to a feeling of heart. but.

All this, finally have to put a full stop.


Wood clan Great Array slowly activated, with a strong and almost magnificent heaven and earth Essence Qi, crazy.

Sitting on the Star Compass, more than 300 Martial Saints, suddenly eyes bright, one by one, incredible looking into the Array.

“Good rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi !”

“I feel this amazing and amazing Life aura in this heaven and earth Spiritual Qi!”

“What the hell is this?”

More than 300 Martial Saint vision flickered.

At this time.

Wood clan Great Elder, with Wood clan everyone, came to meet.

Can be seen.

Zhao Fang and the crowd sitting on the Star compass, his expression was stunned.

It took a moment to react, pointing to more than 300 Martial Saints on the Star compass: “What are these?”

“My servant!”

Zhao Fang’s words almost let Mu Chuanfeng under the foot and fell directly to the ground.

“Hey? Servant?”

Mu Chuanfeng’s expression is extremely strange, but this weirdness is also shocked by a trace.

‘This little fellow, only how long it took to go, turned back to more than 300 Martial Saint, damn, is he going to rob a Martial Saint nest? ‘

Of course, this shock is just a flash.

More, it is a bitter smile.

Think of Wood clan’s only Eight Leaf clansman situation, and then look at the Zhao Fang in front of him, Mu Chuanfeng has a feeling of ‘kind’.

“én? Great Elder is going to take the critical one step?”

Zhao Fang looked at him with a slight gaze.

Although Zhao Fang can see his own state, the Great Elder is equally shocked, but when he thinks about it, the means of change of this fellow is somewhat relieved.

“hehe, this is thanks to you, if not Azure Wood Immortal Tree recovery, I want to break through Martial God Realm, I am afraid it is also far from Ah!”

Mu Chuanfeng said with a laugh.

“Azure Wood Immortal Tree ?”

Everyone on the Star compass heard the conversation of two people, vision flickered.

And some well-informed Martial Saint is even more speculated.

“Wood clan! Rumors, Azure Wood Immortal Tree is one of the two Clan Protecting Immortal trees in Wood clan!”

“No wonder there is such a strong vitality here!”

“It’s actually Wood clan, so to speak, it’s already Wood Prefecture.”

More than three hundred Martial Saint expressions were amazed.

As one of the Five Elements Ruins World Five Great native Race, Wood clan is famous, they are naturally heard.

But how did you think that this new master, also has a relationship with Wood clan.

Moreover, Wood clan Great Elder can personally respond, and his relationship with Wood clan is obviously not ordinary.

Zhao Fang didn’t know what they thought, and when they greeted everyone, they stepped into Wood clan again with Mu Chuanfeng.

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