The 384th chapter of the Desolate Domain has changed! !

Desolate Domain, North Spirit Territory, Raging Flames Country. Latest fastest update

Next to a Lonely Mountain.

There is a fleet of prison cars that pass by Lonely Mountain.

In this prisoner’s team, a large number of prisoners with handcuffs and ankles were escorted.

The prisoner’s expression was stunned, pale, and there was still a trace of shock in the eyes, as if there was still no clear headed from the original incident.


The scenes experienced on that day destroyed their outlook on life and the whole belief.

Even if it is reacted, it is a look of despair and despair.

Among the prisoners, there was even a burst of crying.

It adds a bit of sadness and despair.

“damn’s, what’s wrong, court death.”

But when the cries came together, they were angered by the white soldiers who had been escorted by the prisoners. Then, it was a pause whipping.

Straight to the crying person, 奄奄one breath, seeing that life is not enough, only to be left at the roadside.

“Hey, what’s the matter. Dare to provoke father.”

The priest gave a sigh of sighs at the one breath, and the in the eyes was full of despising and irritability.

“He damn it, Old Wang II, they can all be assigned to the Tribulation Treasure library, copying the family’s errands, but the father is not lucky, was sent to escort such a group of waste.”

The white man complained: “Really damn don’t know what to think about, let these people just find a place to live a long time, and bring them into Empire, don’t feel trouble!”

“Hey! You brat talk and pay attention.”

The white man had just finished, and he was next to an old Old General, and the Burning sex gave him a look.

“In this case, you will talk about it before me. If you pass to General, you will feel good.”

White division complexion slightly changed, seems to be in the General of the Old General mouth, extremely fear, in the eyes clearly revealed a trace fearful thought, looked around and said: “General is estimated to escort Raging Flames Country’s top, fast Going back to Imperial Capital, how can it be heard from me?”

That being said.

He did not continue to curse.

“Old Du, you are always the grandfather of the second cousin of General aunt, you are well-informed, you talk about our grand Snow Territory army, why do you want to attack an inconspicuous 9th Rank Strength? This is exactly an anti-aircraft gun In addition, this Raging Flames Country is terrible, the whole country, except the Pill Treasure Pavilion is still a bit of a collection, even the royal family treasury, are empty, this garbage Small Country, Empire people, how to see Eyes?”

The old General, called the ‘Old Du’, looked at all around and lowered his voice. “Listen to my big coward who was in front of General and said that it seems that Five Elements Ruins World has a major event. The Great Emperor is very angry.”

“Five Elements Ruins World? What does it have to do with our offensive Raging Flames Country?”

“The Heavenly Secret Pavilion of the Great Emperor found Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the Heavenly Secret Pavilion owner concluded that the Five Elements Ruins World has changed, related to Raging Flames Country.”

“Heavenly Secret Pavilion? is the Heavenly Secret Pavilion that is known for knowing the astronomy, knowing the geography, and knowing everything. That is the hidden Super Influence in our Desolate Domain. The Great Emperor even invited them out. It seems that Five Elements Ruins The things of World are not small.”

The white man’s eyes turned slightly and said.

“It is said that Empire in the Five Elements Ruins World has been destroyed!”


The white man was shocked and his face was filled with incredible awns.

Immediately, said: “No wonder Great Emperor will spend so much thought in such a Small Country. It is because of this!”

“The Great Emperor caught so many people and found the culprit that led to the destruction of the country?”

“Which is so easy. However, Raging Flames Country’s top management, including Raging Flames Country circumference, all the creatures in Bai Wanli are either killed or caught. I believe that it will take a long time to find the answer you want!”

“Yeah.” White clothes nod.

During the conversation between two people, the extreme common is flat.

just like.

The dead billions of creatures, in their mouths, are just a number nothing more.

This shows that the two people are cruel and indifferent!

“In this case, then this group of people entered Imperial Capital, afraid that it will not live for a long time. With this, hēi hēi, Old Du, let’s talk about it?”

The white man was close to Old Du.

Old Du swept away the white man’s paw, and looked at the eyes of ‘I have seen you for a long time’: “When you are going out of the country, are you not ready to rape a dozen or so? Why, haven’t you played enough?”

“hēi hēi, this kind of thing, how can it be enough?”

“You’re this fellow! Forget it, just toss it, just don’t make an argument to Old Man.”

Old Du said nothing.

“hēi hēi, many thanks Old Du, after I go back, I will have a gift!” White man said with a laugh.

Talking on the occasion.

The white man looked at the prisoner’s team, his eyes fell on the graceful, but full-faced women, his face showing a trace of smirk.

He strode over.

“You, you, you, you and me, come with me!”

The white man points to four or five people.

These four or five people are all beautiful and graceful people.

When I heard the words of the white man, the four or five women were all shaken, and they naturally knew that the white soldiers called their purpose.

But none of them went forward.

White singer complexion cold, cold said with a laugh : “court death!”

When he spoke, his long whip suddenly broke the space and directly hit one of them.

But at this time –


Over the calm Lonely Mountain, a ripple ripple suddenly appeared.

The white man, Old Du, and many more people are looking up.

Under the eyes of the public.

A white silhouette, coming out of it.

Followed by Silver Saddle White Horse’s youth General, monkey face middle-aged man, and complexion calm, but in the eyes shimmering near the heart, the body is slightly stretched, seemingly extremely nervous middle-aged woman.

After that.

It is 382 with the Martial Saint aura Powerhouse.

After that, it was nearly 20,000, and it was covered in bloody baleful qi solider.

The strength of the baleful qi made all the people who saw it tremble and shake, and could not give birth to a little resistance.

When those people all came out of the Space ripple, its silhouette had already covered half of the sky.

“ha ha ~Desolate Domain ,i your father Zhao Fang is back!”

That was the first white youngster took a deep breath and laughed loudly.

Its behind people are also vision flickered, implicitly meaning.

But very soon.

They all found out that they were looking up at their prisoner team.

“én? what’s going on?” Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

Just sweeping the prisoner’s team slightly, and soon, his face was a little cold.

At the same time, the white man, the Old Du, was all cold, and there was a feeling that the average person was stared at by the beast.

“Even my people dare to catch, you are really impatient!”

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