The 319th chapter begins and ends!

“Ying’er !”

Old Shun murmured, in the eyes sparkling tenderness and remembrance.

“舜哥.” Mu Chunying is also true.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang was very interested, picked up Nan Gongling, and then glanced at Zhao Wanyue, who was very interesting to follow.

Suddenly, city gate Upstairs such a large piece of land, was shrouded in a madman.

“many thanks Patriarch is another life-saving grace.”

City gate Downstairs, Zhao Wanyue bowed to Zhao Fang.

“Get up. Take I’ll go to see Grandfather.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Zhao Wanyue ordered nod, stood up, only occasionally looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, with a bit of resentment and embarrassment.

It is far apart.

Zhao Fang saw that there were dozens of non-adult figures in the abandoned corner.

Especially seeing one of the bloody old man, Zhao Fang, the whole person, expression gloomy, bursting out of the baleful qi!

This baleful qi is thick, so that Zhao Wanyue, who is closest to him, trembles, and if he is struck by lightning, he looks at Zhao Fang’s gaze, and at the same time, it is more revere.

Even Nan Gongling, who was originally hanging on Zhao Fang and sleeping sweetly, was awakened by the baleful qi of this day, and looked up at Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang apologizes.

Nan Gongling looked at all around and immediately understood the roots of Zhao Fang’s anger. He didn’t speak, just the charming face was red, and he came down from Zhao Fang.

after all.

In the face of so many familiar Elder Generation, she is not good enough to hang on Zhao Fang.

“Nothing!” Zhao Fang took Nan Gongling’s hand and lighted with a light smile.

At the arrival of Zhao Fang, Zhao Zhengfeng and others were noted at the same time.

One stood up and looked at the youngster who was familiar and strange, but was in constant proximity.

“Zhao Fang?”

“It’s me, Grandfather, you suffer!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are slightly sour, and he is in front of Zhao Zhengfeng, his heart is full of embarrassment.

However, I did not expect that what happened to Five Elements Ruins World would be even more involved in the Desolate Domain Zhao family, and even the entire Raging Flames Country.

“It’s all gone. It’s great to see you!”

In comparison, Grandfather is a rare open-minded.

“Get up. Let me see, you have changed in the past six months.”

Zhao Zhengfeng pulled up Zhao Fang, and the pair was full of tired eyes. When looking at Zhao Fang, it was filled with pride and joy.

‘This is the grandson of my Zhao Zhengfeng! ‘

At this time –

Zhao Zhengfeng’s two people, at the same time, stumbled over Zhao Fang.

“Zhao Changfeng, Zhao Zhuo, I have seen Patriarch!”

It is Great Elder Third Elder is Zhao Fang salute.

“You have suffered too, get up soon.”

“Than Patriarch!”

The two people stood up and were all excited.

Zhao Fang glanced at them and then saw Chu Cang, “Chu patriarch!”

Chu Cang 皓 saw that Zhao Fang was killing the scene of snow leopard upstairs in the city gate. For this fellow who is only his grandson, there is no contempt, but extreme importance.

“Zhao Clan is long!” He slightly hands clasped together politely, expression, rare to reveal a trace respectful.

Zhao Fang saw it, but he smiled a little, not to say much.

“Dare to ask these people, what is the relationship with Zhao Clan?”

Slightly hesitate, Chu Cang 皓clench one’s teeth asked.

As for the ‘these people’ in his mouth, it refers to Zhao Yun and Soaring Dragon Legion.

“My subordinate!”

Although I already guessed it in my heart, when I actually spoke from Zhao Fang, his expression was shocked and shocked with a trace.

Just the strength of Zhao Yun and Soaring Dragon Legion, he can see clearly, that scene, simply can be called terrifying like this!

Even the snow leopard Legion, one of the Empire Four Great Legions, was crushed in front of them. It is conceivable that the team’s combat power is terrifying.

I am afraid.

Even the true ace of the Snow Territory Empire can’t be compared.

Zhao Fang, but a brat from Branch Clan, has a low status. Although he climbed up to Zhao Clan Patriarch by means of it, Chu Cang was not too concerned.

But at the moment, Zhao Fang’s ‘my subordinate’ has subverted his view of Zhao Fang.

He knows Zhao Fang and sees Zhao Fang, but at this moment he understands that he has such an idea, how naive and ridiculous!

Not only Chu Cang, but also others.

It’s all about one kind of incredible look at Zhao Fang, like watching another monster.

‘Need to be so exaggerated? ‘

Rao is Zhao Fang. He is too embarrassed to look at it. He feels embarrassed at the moment and touches his nose. “Talk to me about what happened at Raging Flames Country.”

Wen Yan, everyone is silent, and the face is full of hatred and pain.

“I am still talking about it.”

Great Elder Zhao Changfeng volunteered.

No one is fighting with him.

To be honest, every time retelling, it is equal to re-experiencing the destruction of Raging Flames Country, re-experiencing the country’s broken family, wife and ion scattered, this kind of pain, just by words, it is difficult to describe.

“Things, start from five months ago…”

Zhao Changfeng said that it is similar to Zhao Fang’s understanding from Du Haisong.


Still a little different.

“You mean, before the Snow Territory Empire sent troops to Raging Flames Country, Mo Clan, and Heavenly River School, it’s already pressing Raging Flames Country each clans?”

Zhao Fang eyes on ice-cold, these two families with him, can be regarded as the old family.

Among them, for Mo Clan, he is even more memorable.

“It’s not just a verbal persecution. In the fourth month, I even sent a sword, Elder, to destroy my Raging Flames Country. If it weren’t for my Raging Flames Country each clans, I would die together, if not the Divine Artifact Pavilion, don’t hesitate to At the cost of Life, with Soul Blood, I’m afraid that we’ve been wiped out in that battle.”

“Later, Elder Elder was seriously injured and left. But it never appeared again. However, each clans knows that they are not such a kind-hearted person, they quietly pass each clans sharply and send out Raging Flames Country overnight. But on the second day… …”

Said here, Zhao Changfeng eye reveals, “Their bodies are all sent back. The skull disappears, with the body blood is drained, on each of their backs, there is a Ancient Demon pattern, after Old Shun Pavilion Lord confirmed that we only know that it is the exclusive means of 8th Rank Influence Mo Clan!”

“On that day, the entire Raging Flames Country was in desperation! Not long after, the Snow Territory Empire army came to Raging Flames Country…”

After listening to Great Elder’s statement, Zhao Fang’s eyes were chilly. He did not expect that these two Great Influences were so shameless, relying on strong and weak, and also cutting off the elite of each clans. This means is tantamount to copying the family.

To know.

Those elites are the hopes of the future of each clans, but they are all derogated. Even if they are not dead, they want to reproduce the grand scene of the year, but they are also awkward.

“That’s great, Heavenly River School, Mo Clan, i your father hasn’t bothered you, you just came up and died.”

Zhao Fang looks at the distance, at this moment, the heart of the killing intent is almost tearing!

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