The 369th chapter crushes the Tianhe

“My servant’s life and death, it’s up to you!”

A light but mixed with absolute overbearing sound, in the moment of Zhuo Yihang’s sword, slowly rang in Zhuo Yihang’s ear.

next moment.

An Orange sword light, such as Yaoyang, rises from the sky and crashes into the sword light of Zhuo Yihang.


But I heard a loud noise.

Followed by.

Throughout the sky, it is filled with the sound of endless swords.

Then Sword Intent seems to tear the entire Void.


The silhouette of Zhuo Yihang and Ape Mountain is covered by this rich and extreme Sword Qi.

“Lordship took the lead in one step, but letting Lordship save the fire will only show me that Soaring Dragon Legion is incompetent.”

Zhou Lingwang looked at the sky of the explosion, and then coldly swept away behind the generals, said solemnly, “Are you unwilling?”

“Not willing! Unwilling!”

Soaring Dragon Legion The generals are simultaneously raised guns issuedly roared.

“If this is the case, then take out all of your strengths, follow me, kill the thief!”

“Stop the thief, kill the thief!”

Soaring Dragon Legion’s killing intent is even more majestic, the Battle Array Spirit, and emits out of terrifying aura.

For a little activity, the eyes of Battle Array Spirit looked at six people, including Tianquan. Latest fastest update

At the time of grin hiding, the Battle Array Spirit rushed to six people with a killing intent.

Six people complex slightly changed, rushing to the array Array.


In the midst of the two tyrannical Sword Qi interlaces, there is a silhouette of a blood-filled silhouette.

The silhouette of the silhouette, with six swords!

It is Zhuo Yihang.

Zhuo Yihang coughed up blood, in the eyes full of horror, the damage on his body is also more sturdy and terrifying, as if it will crack at any time, revealing its inner bones.

“How can it be! How can the fellow’s Strength be so powerful?”

Zhuo Yihang is unbelievable.

call out!

In Sword Qi, there is another silhouette plucking out.

It was Zhao Fang who dragged Ape Mountain and retired.

Zhao Fang’s upper body is also red and bare, but the difference is that he does not have Sword Array Vein Lines, and some are just a path of Vein Lines filled with violent beauty.

It is the power of the Divine Mark after the Zhao Fang Level 2 Berserk.

After the appearance, Zhao Fang did not look at Zhuo Yihang, reached out and took out a green glow, and entered Ape Mountain within the body.

“It’s not too late, Immortal Tree Essence nourishes, you just need to stay for a few months, the broken arm will grow again.”

After that, I stopped paying attention to Ape Mountain and raised my hand. I had an invisible force to shake Ape Mountain to Greedy Wolf Battleship.

As soon as he approached, he was caught by Old Shun.

Zhao Fang Then I looked at Zhuo Yihang and suddenly faintly said: “Your Time is probably not much!”

Zhuo Yihang complexion slightly changed, but immediately sneer: “Your cultivation base suddenly upgrade 3-Star, should also use some Secret Art? Compared with me, you can support the Time, it will not be too long!”

“Try it, see who will die first!”

The all of a sudden, the silhouette of Zhao Fang, has disappeared in place.

Zhuo Yihang looked alertly at all around and did not find Zhao Fang.


His mind moved and suddenly looked up.

In the eyes, Sword Qi, who was filled with seven color glow, fell, and Sword Qi, Zhuo Yihang, all the waybacks, Zhuo Yihang sneered, but with the slightest hesitation, bursting out all the fighting power, rushing to the Ten Sword Qi.


A more terrifying than the former, Sword Qi, from the position of the two people, madly spread.

Against this Sword Qi swallow, even the screams are still coming out, the body is cut into countless blocks.

The ultimate terrifying, filled the majority of Heavenly River School.

Wait until the powerful Sword Qi is getting calmer.

Everyone’s eyes are on the source of Sword Qi, in curious.

Everyone at Heavenly River School has a trace of hope on his face.


A figure emerged from the thick Sword Qi.

In the hands of that person, there are six swords!

Both are from Tianhe Seven Swords.

The person holding the sword is not Zhuo Yihang.

“What? How could it be him!”

“What’s wrong with Sect Master!”


Heavenly River School Old Ancestor and the heavenly and others, are complexion ugly.

Compared to the despair of Heavenly River School and others, Zhao Zhengfeng of Greedy Wolf Battleship is a big sigh of relief.

“This little bastard!” Zhao Zhengfeng laughs cursed.


“Sect Master, should be damned!”

Tian An Old Ancestor said faintly, there was a sorrow and despair in the turbid eyes.

Can be pulled out of the six swords, Zhuo Yihang is not dead, but also abolished.

This also means that the last cuddling of Heavenly River School has also been offset.

“This time, finally got Seven Swords!”

Zhao Fang looked at the slightest stun, but once again took a sword from the storage ring.

“Heaven’s Weight Sword!” Tianhe Old Ancestor was shocked.

“This sword disappeared with the Tianjun Junior Brother, killed in Five Elements Ruins World, how can it be in your hands?”

Tianquan stared at Zhao Fang and suddenly reacted. “It’s you, you killed Tianheng Junior Brother!”

“Why are you killing him, he has no innocence with you!”

“And my Heavenly River School, Heavenly River School has never offended you, Your Excellency is so bullying, not Powerhouse!”

Tianhe Seven Swords have been exported.

“Nothing is innocent? Is it bullying?”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang smiled. “Don’t talk about these laughable words. You are intimidating Raging Flames Country. Is it not bullying when you are slaughtering Zhao Clan? The situation is just wrong for you.” Karma is nothing more. Say I am bullying? Hehe, even if there is no Raging Flames Country, I will destroy you Heavenly River School, you can help me!”

“You can help me again – DD!”

This voice, like a thunder, echoed in the eyes of all Heavenly River School disciple Elder.

The madness of the voice is even more so that they have the idea of ​​not being willing to be enemies.

Tianhe Old Ancestor complexion gloomy, but a deep breath, hands clasped together politely said: “This thing is my Heavenly River School is wrong. Old Man represents Heavenly River School, like Your Excellency. At the same time Open the clan Treasure- House, please choose Your Excellency, even if I take it all away, I have no resentment, I only hope that Your Excellency will leave my town’s Treasure Sword!”

“Leave these seven swords?”

“Yes. If you have any requirements for Your Excellency, please let me know if my Heavenly River School can do it, even if it is the Mountain Gate, it will not evade.”

The words of Tianhe Old Ancestor, let the heavenly rights and others complexion slightly changed, but they did not start to talk, just staring at Zhao Fang.

“You, it seems that you haven’t figured out the situation yet.” Zhao Fang laughed.

“én? What do you mean?” Tianhe Old Ancestor brows slightly wrinkle.

At this moment, Zhao Fang called a name that was unexpected to everyone:

“black ink !”


The low voice sounded in the old Ancestor and others behind.

Before they turned around, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. In the blink of an eye, the chest of five people, such as Tianhe Old Ancestor, was penetrated by a sword at the same time!

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