Chapter 501 Trading

“You trivial human, how can I have my alan of clansman? And, this aura, is still very pure?”

Daoist Gui Green Star is in the eyes, revealing a trace.

It sleeps all year round in the Northern Deep Sea, and it is rarely available unless it is a special case.

But at the moment when Zhao Fang fell into the turtle’s back.

He felt, extremely familiar, and let it bloodline resonance fluctuation.

That is the aura of the same family.

Moreover, the bloodline is extremely pure.

This is also true.

Fresh Young Master woke up, opened his eyes and scared off the Golden Tiger King.

I heard this.

Zhao Fang knows what Daoist Gui is saying.

But he did not determine what the purpose of the Daoist Gui was, but did not take the initiative to start to talk.

“human , Old Daoist I just whether to save your life?”

Daoist Gui’s eyes flashed and faint.

Zhao Fang was slightly indulged and ordered nod.

“In this case, you are busy with Old Daoist, even if you still have Old Daoist?” Daoist Gui continued.

“What busy?”

“Ten drops of blood essence.”


“From you, take ten drops of blood essence to me, and between us, it will be two clear.”

Daoist Gui’s gaze at the look at Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang sighed, and at the time of Daoist Gui start to talk, he faintly guessed the meaning of Daoist Gui.

I didn’t expect it to be the same as I thought, it was playing the idea of ​​Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline.

“Before here, senior can answer a question from junior.”

“Just ask.”

“How does senior restrain aura, even the Powerhouse like Golden Tiger King, is not aware?”

This is Zhao Fang The most amazing place.

If the old turtle in front of you is the Earth Venerable Grade Powerhouse, you can’t be surprised by the Golden Tiger King.

But he is clear to Sense that the old turtle does not have the power of Long Ven, the old Vermilion Bird and other Earth Venerable Powerhouse.

It aura although powerful, at best, is stronger than the Golden Tiger King.

In other words.

This humble old turtle is most likely the existence of Hundred Tribulations Realm Perfection.

Hundred Tribulations Realm Perfection, the perception of Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage Powerhouse, although sometimes it can be done.

But the camouflage power of the old turtle is too strong.

If it is not its own initiative to start to talk, even if two people are killed on the island, it is estimated that their Battlefield is in a turtleback above.

“This is the homekeeping skill of Old Daoist.”

Daoist Gui took a look at Zhao Fang, indifferently said.

“If you don’t say it, then forget it.”

Zhao Fang did not reveal the curiosity of Daoist Gui’s imagination.


Daoist Gui startled, immediately and dumbfounded, “Look at the shares of your bloodline homologous, telling you it anyway.”

‘damn, the ghost gives you the bloodline homolog. ‘Zhao Fang immediately screamed.

“My family bloodline is specific, when I am sleeping, I will be able to make the body resonate with heaven and earth, completely body merge heaven and earth. Not to mention the little Golden Tiger King, it is Earth Venerable Powerhouse, not careful Going to observe, I also want to find Old Daoist.”

Said here, in the voice of Daoist Gui, reveals a trace of pride.


Zhao Fang blinked. “Senior wants me to blood essence, what do you want to do?”

“brat, you have too much nonsense.” Daoist Gui frowned, while speaking, his eyes fell on Zhao Fang’s left hand.

Zhao Fang grabs one piece Spirit Talisman in his left hand, which is the Yama Spirit Talisman.

With the perception of the old turtle body merge heaven and earth, it is natural to Sense to, the powerful aura contained in this symbol.

Even if it is, for this character, it is also scary wariness.

If not, with one of its grand Northern Deep Sea Clan Ten Great Demon King, I will talk to a Martial Void Realm human and say so much nonsense.

Say no, I have been hands-on, extracting the bloodline from Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang perceives Daoist Gui’s gaze and sneers in his heart.

There is no love for no reason.

He has long known about this.

Daoist Gui will be in his own fortune, and there are other plots.

Now it seems that the truth is!

“Ten drops of blood essence, but not a small number, with the strength of today’s Strength, the ten drops of blood essence are drawn, I am afraid that the immediate impact of Origin Qi is a big injury…”

“what do you want?”

Daoist Gui also understands the turtle, naturally knows that Zhao Fang is bargaining.

“If there is a sacrifice for Earth Venerable Grade, the junior will die hard and will try to squeeze out a dozen drops of essence to the senior.”

Zhao Fang is a little clement one’s teeth, a pair of ‘this is my biggest concession’ expression.

Daoist Gui heard it, his face was green.

Fortunately, the whole head is green, and even if the face is green, there is no point. “Do you play me?”

“Nothing at all, since the senior is looking at the junior blood essence, it means that the junior blood essence must have a certain value. Otherwise, as a senior, can you look at my little bloodline?”

Daoist Gui is speechless, but I also see that Zhao Fang is not a fool.

There was a coldly snorted in the mouth, and there was a storm, rising from the North Deep Sea and sweeping four directions.

Zhao Fang ignored the almost threatening coldly snorted of Daoist Gui, just plain search at Daoist Gui.

Daoist Gui frowns, “Earth Venerable Grade other treasure, Old Daoist wants to give you, but Old Daoist does not. However, if you are willing to come up with ten drops of blood essence, this thing, then the Supreme Softness Secret Law, Old Daoist Taught to you.”

“If this is the case, then you can only get two drops of blood essence. One drop is the reward for repaying senior, one drop is Exchange special interest Supreme Softness Secret Law.”

Daoist Gui took a deep look at Zhao Fang. “Young people, people are not enough to swallow their eyes, be careful to be blinded by greed, and bring disaster to themselves!”

While speaking.

Daoist Gui spits out a green light.

Zhao Fang stepped back two steps, the body was tight and the police were extremely alert.

The green light stopped in the air and turned into a small green shield. The Vein Lines on the shield surface was slightly similar to the Vein Lines on the Daoist Gui turtle’s back.

“This is Old Daoist’s last One Tribulation of the ‘Hundred Tribulations Realm’, the tortoise shell that faded, although it may not be pleasing, it can withstand the impact of the Earth Venerable Powerhouse!”

Daoist Gui indifferently said.

Zhao Fang both eyes, “Yes, add a drop of blood essence. In addition, I have two questions. If the senior can answer, I will send the senior two drops of blood essence.”

Zhao Fang also knows that it can’t be forced too much. If Daoist Gui loses too much, it is difficult to ensure that the turtle will not be angry, or that the plot is against himself, then it will not be worth the loss.

“Just ask.”

“Please tell senior, Lord of the North, where Long Kun is.”

“You look for Long Kun Sir?” Daoist Gui stared at him.

“Junior has something to ask Long Kun Sir.”

Facing Daoist Gui’s sharp eyes, Zhao Fang is not afraid, indifferently said.

“Location, Old Daoist can tell you. However, the place is extremely dangerous, and you are now Strength, afraid that you are not close, you will die on the road.”

“This is the second requirement of junior. The senior should be one of the Darknorth Tribe Demon King. Please give the junior a body protection.”

Daoist Gui took a deep look at Zhao Fang. The first time felt that the youngster in front of him was so deep, but with some clues, he thought so much.

“Are you sure?” Daoist Gui solemnly asked.

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