Chapter 513 holds me tight and takes you to kill!

This statement came out.

Cao Shuang expression is ugly.

If you don’t care about Zhao Fang’s background, he can kill Zhao Fang with this sentence.

“This thing seems to have nothing to do with Your Excellency. Advise Your Excellency, don’t let it go, so as not to be mistaken!”

Cao Shuang said solemnly.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth slightly raise, the smile is quite splendid, it seems that I did not hear the threat in Cao Shuang’s words.

Just starting to talk.

“This little brother, can you please do me a favor? Take my younger brother and leave here, leave Outer Seas, Xia Yun, thank you!”

Xia Yun looked at Zhao Fang, expression solemnly said.

Zhao Fang also looks at Xia Yun, he sees the other person’s decisiveness in the eyes, and sadness, shaking his head slightly.

Xia Yun charming face immediately showed disappointment.

“Do you think that even if you take Xia Hai away, you will die and Xia Hai will live in the world?”

Zhao Fang has already seen that the relationship between these two sisters is very deep.

He also learned some from Xia Hai, knowing that two people have been dependent on each other, and Xia Yun is nominally Elder Sister, but for Xia Hai, she is also a sister.

“As long as he can be safe, I have no regrets!”

Xia Yun said solemnly.


Du Xuefeng, who had been left out for a long time, suddenly seemed like a mad wild beast, suddenly roared.

“Heymen, do you think you have a choice? Today, you have to follow, you can’t get it!”

While speaking, its cold and faint eye is also sweeping toward Zhao Fang: “brat, there is nothing about you here, hurry, otherwise, stay here forever!”

Cao Shuang slightly frowned, Du Xuefeng’s arrogant remarks, the attitude is too arrogant, but it is exactly what he wants to say. Latest fastest update

After hitting the wall several times in a row, he lost patience with Zhao Fang and asked him if he was a Great Influences person. As long as he was fast enough and clean enough, who could detect it?

Thinking of this, Cao Shuang both eyes swayed between the stuns, and the cockroaches shot the cold killing intent.

According to Zhao Fang’s perception, Cao Shuang’s reaction is naturally beyond him.

He is expressionless, but his heart is sneer.

“Little brother, quickly go, Xia Hai will come to you. I will stop them!”

When Xia Yun’s voice came, his people rushed to Du Xuefeng.

Du Xuefeng complexion slightly changed, although he is comparable to Xia Yun cultivation base, but his career has long been hollowed out.

Don’t talk about an experienced, very ruthless 6-Star Void Peak.

Even if it is the 6-Star Martial Void of the ordinary, he can’t eat it.


Just two rounds, Du Xuefeng was completely suppressed by Xia Yun. Seeing the third round, he had a serious injury.

Du Xuefeng was shocked, under Crisis, he was yelling, “Elder Cao save me!”

On the occasion of its voice falling, aura belonging to 8-Star Martial Void instantly filled the audience, even Xia Yun, in this aura, the blow to Du Xuefeng also became slow.

The silhouette of Cao Shuang instantly appears in the sky above Xia Yun, and it is like a flick.


Xia Yun body, immediately injured injury, the mouth is violently spurt.

“8-Star Martial Void ……powerful!” Xia Yun in the fly, sweeping Cao Shuang, expression is wilting, but it adds a bit of despair!

This scene.

Can be described as lightning flint.

Take the first action from Xia Yun, and the heavy injury by Cao Shuang.

“Elder Sister!”

Xia Hai shouted, and his voice was filled with anger.

He wants to catch Xia Yun, but Xia Yun is losing too fast, he can’t catch it.

“Zhao Fang, save me Elder Sister! Please!”

Xia Hai looked at Zhao Fang with an anxious face.

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang only left this simple word, and the figure disappeared out of thin air. When it reappeared, it was behind the back of Xia Yun, hugged it and disappeared again.

Wait until it appears.

Zhao Fang has appeared beside Xia Hai.

“Fast speed!”

Cao Shuang saw this scene and his eyes were condensed.

When Zhao Fang caught Xia Hai just now, he noticed that he didn’t see the clue.

This time.

After careful observation, he was surprised at the same time, more curious about Zhao Fang’s movement technique!

“What is this movement technique, let the speed of an 5-Star Martial Void, so fast that even my 8-Star Martial Void can’t really see it… If I can practice this movement technique, isn’t it…”

Cao Shuang in the eyes burst into the light, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, not like the previous wariness, but a little more greedy color.

“brat, don’t blame me! The husband is not guilty and guilty of sin. With your Strength, there is no qualification at all to have this movement technique.”

In the blink of an eye, Cao Shuang looks at Zhao Fang. “Let Xia Yun down. This Elder can also let you leave on your own, otherwise…”

Cao Shuang said that Xia Yun had long been regarded as Du Xuefeng, and eyes looked at Zhao Fang and took away Xia Yun. The gas was almost spurting, and the anger was stunned, so that he directly rushed to Zhao Fang: “Let it down. Xia Yun !”

Cao Shuang was surprised and quickly called: “Young Master be careful.”

But it is still late!

When Du Xuefeng was close to Zhao Fang hundred zhang (333m), a sharp Sword Qi came out from his fingertips.

Its speed is extremely fast, Du Xuefeng has no time to resist, directly in the move.


Sword Qi passed through her chest and Du Xuefeng made a pig-like scream in her mouth, and she fell to the ground.

“Young Master!”

Cao Shuang was shocked and quickly rushed to Du Xuefeng’s front. He looked at it slightly and his heart was slightly loose. “It’s okay!”

That being said, the sword was too fierce and almost destroyed Du Xuefeng within the body meridians. Even if Du Xuefeng survived, it would only be a waste!

“brat, hello ruthless heart!”

Cao Shuang looks at Zhao Fang, in the eyes, and the killing intent.

Du Xuefeng was scrapped under his eyelids. For Cao Shuang, it was worthy of a loud slap in the face.

more importantly.

Fire God Union Lord is a close friend of this jealous son.

If you know Du Xuefeng’s appearance now, even if he is a Fire God Union Three Great Elder, when he thinks of the fierce means of the Fire God Union Lord, he can’t help but feel cold.

“Dare to abolish my Fire God Union Young Master, even if you have a great identity, you can’t keep you!”

At the time of Cao Shuang low roaring sound, the figure turned into lightning and went straight to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang Birds don’t have birds, look at the beautiful face of the city, feel the warmth of the palms, and haven’t touched the Noble Young Master Zhao for a long time, the evil fires rushed, and even looked at Xia Yun’s eyes. It has also become hot.

Xia Yun, as a woman, naturally understands the chill of this gaze.

It is a sinking heart.

But in the future, I felt that Cao Shuang emits a compelling manner, and the charming face suddenly changed.

Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow, complexion slightly gloomy.

This expression made Xia Yun mistakenly believe that Zhao Fang was afraid of Cao Shuang.

In fact, Zhao Fang is annoyed with Cao Shuang’s ignorance, ‘damn, this Emperor is hard to hold, can’t you let me hold it for a while? ‘

That being said.

He did not let down the meaning of Xia Yun, but indifferently said: “Hold me! I will take you to kill!”

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