Chapter 518 God Pupil bloodline


Xia Yun startled, and immediately smile.

It’s not that she despise Zhao Fang. It’s really, Zhao Fang’s body is very convincing.


Zhao Fang also killed Cao Shuang of Martial Void Realm Late Stage, but the day’s battle, she still remembers, she is a bit confused.


Fire God Union Lord and Supreme Elder, that are Martial Void Realm Perfection, at any time be able to step into Hundred Tribulations Realm’s existence.

It is not at all comparable to the flow of Cao Shuang.

Even if Zhao Fang is strong, can the hard anal Cao Shuang this Martial Void Realm Perfection, then the 100,000 Vulcan Legion?

The original a trace that had just been born hoped that after her analysis of the smashing, it quickly became desperate.

Zhao Fang stopped talking to Xia Yun after Little Loli appeared.

Xia Yun is also looking up, looking at the cloths of a cyan floral skirt, like a flower elf, from the distant little Loli, in the eyes flashed a trace color.

Even her, she had to praise, little Loli is very beautiful, especially the temperament of the spirit of the spirit, it is hard to find in the world.

“But it’s just…”

Xia Yun looked at little Loli, showing a trace of pity.

“Go, take you around.”

Zhao Fang looked at little Loli, said with a light smile.

When walking alongside little Loli to the doorway, Zhao Fang suddenly stopped and said nothing: “Xia Hai can’t see the eyes, it’s a problem with bloodline. I can solve this problem, if he is willing Worship me as a teacher!”


Xia Yun startled, Zhao Fang has left with little Loli when he is asking.

“How did he know about Xia Hai? Is it Xia Hai telling him?”

Xia Yun didn’t have much surprise. On the contrary, he still had a lot of joy in his heart. “Master and disciple? How can I forget this? If Xia Hai worships him, even if Xia Hai is in danger, He should also not sit back and ignore it!”

Thinking of this, Xia Yun can’t help but smile. “Xia Yun, Xia Yun, Wang, you have been in charge of the Cloud Sea Pavilion for many years. How can you even think of this simple truth? Actually let him come up!”


With little Loli in the Cloud Sea Pavilion for a long time, Xia Hai is led by Xia Yun, found Zhao Fang.

“Zhao, Zhao, Master!”

Xia Hai wanted to call Zhao Fang as before, but on the way to the time, Elder Sister Xia Yun’s ear-faced life, a bitter smile, a very unnatural change.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth slightly reveals a trace smile, did not go to entangle this thing, but asked: “You are willing to come under my door.”


Everything is logical.

After Zhao Fang Hu compiled several ‘teachers’ commandments, Xia Hai worshipped under Zhao Fang and became his big discipline.


“congratulations Player, received a discipline. Distance from invincible peak, close to one step!”


“congratulations Player triggers master and disciple Task: Help Xia Hai recover.”

“Task needs: God Pupil bloodline.”

“Task Reward : master and disciple Intimacy + 70, Luck + 3, charm + 5, material Treasure Chest * 3, Level 4 Berserk Experience Full Value.”

Zhao Fang expression Calm, looking at the first apprentice in the sense of his life, the corner of the mouth reveals a trace of inexplicable smile.

“Go, help the teacher to restore your light.”

After saying this, Zhao Fang walked to his room.

Little Loli hastened to keep up.

Xia Yun, sister, is also true.


Xia Hai complexion is calm, not because of Zhao Fang, there is the slightfluctuation.

Through childhood, Elder Sister didn’t know how many well-known Alchemist Masters were invited to give him Healing eye disease, and the results were all dead.

He also faintly knew that his eyes would collapse and relate to the bloodline.

Even if Zhao Fang is so powerful, it is also possible to start from the bloodline to cure eye diseases.

This means.

This is only the strength of the Earth Venerable Grade Powerhouse with only a few cultivation bases.

Zhao Fang Although mysterious, my cultivation base, certainly does not exceed Hundred Tribulations Realm, he does not believe that Zhao Fang can solve his own problems.

But in order to show respect for Zhao Fang, he still followed.

Zhao Fang naturally also noticed the calm expression of Xia Hai.

Corner of the mouth slightly raise , don’t care, but open the System Shop.

Zhao Fang naturally does not have ‘God Pupil bloodline’.

But don’t forget.

He also has the Martial God System, something sold in the System Shop, which is even more varied.

Especially after level up to the 2.0 version, there are too many new items added, including ‘God Pupil bloodline’.

“One billion supreme coins?”

But when I saw the price of God Pupil bloodline, Zhao Fang was a bitter smile.

This bloodline, simply can be compared with Ancestor Witch bloodline, even higher than the Great Asura bloodline.

“It seems that Xia Hai is not simple, it has this kind of God Pupil bloodline.”

Although the price is extremely expensive, Zhao Fang did not hesitate to go directly to Exchange.

He also wants to see and completely inspire the Xia Hai of God Pupil bloodline.

“Sit down! Go out!”

In the room, only Zhao Fang Xia Hai two people left, Zhao Fang removed God Pupil bloodline from the System Shop.

As soon as this bloodline appeared, the original this God-colored Xia Hai, complexion changed immediately.

He felt that with the body blood whistling, in the heart, there was a more maddening voice coming out, ‘Get it, get it. ‘

He has never had this feeling, as if in this all of a sudden, the body consciousness is not in his own control.

At the moment when Xia Hai crashed into madness, a palm was pressed against his head.

The palm of the hand is not generous, but the burst of the emits in the chilly aura, but Xia Hai originally had some madness, and gradually recovered.


Xia Hai looked up, as if to see, the man standing in front of him, pressing his hand on his head and suppressing his heart.

“Tighten your mind, then, it’s the key moment.”

Zhao Fang’s voice came from the ear, and Xia Hai quickly dispelled the a trace of the mind, according to what Zhao Fang said.

Wait until the mood has returned to the ancient wells without waves.

Qi, Zhao Fang mind.


“Found someone matching ‘God Pupil bloodline’, whether Enlightenment?”


All of a sudden.

Xia Hai felt that a source of bloodline, which made him feel intimate, poured into the whole body from the heavens. At that moment, he felt that he was obsessed with a new life.

Originally due to the bloodline problem, stuck in the Martial God Realm cultivation base for many years, it appeared loose.

From 3-Star Martial God all the way up.

4-Star Martial God.

6-Star Martial God.

9-Star Martial God.

1-Star Treading Void !

3-Star Treading Void.

The cultivation base is climbing.

Until the arrival of the 9-Star Treading Void, the end of this crazy climb gradually slowed down.

It is also an easy breakthrough Martial Void.

1-Star Martial Void.

2-Star Martial Void.

3-Star Martial Void.

At the end of the day, I climbed to the 6-Star Martial Void peak and stopped.

At the same time.

Xia Hai suddenly opened his eyes, but in the eyes of the eyes, it was restored to normal, and surrounded by azure light, filled with a deep divine spirit aura.

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