Chapter 524 activates Puppet Technique!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Cow Gan’, 20,000 20,000 Spirit Point, two thousand Spiritual Force, two thousand Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Cao Gan ‘, ‘obtained Silver Puppet ‘Black Kun ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Cao Gan ‘,obtain Divine Grade material ‘crystal silver ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Cao Gan ‘,obtain skill ‘Puppet Technique ‘,Do you wish to learn ?”


“Puppet Technique ?Fuck, this can also be activated!”

Zhao Fang simply was shocked!

“Learning, learning!”

Of course, there are skills to learn.

As the saying goes, the technology does not press!


“congratulations Player activation skill ‘Puppet Technique’.”

Zhao Fang opened the System column and swept his eyes and found a new Puppet Master next to Alchemist Master, Refining Master and Beast Master.

“Unfortunately, it’s just Desolate Level. Damn, I have to brush Proficiency again.”

Zhao Fang sighs, and the mind returns to reality from the System.

All around a quiet.


All the sights on the field, like the previous look at how Elder Hu Kui broke the Cloud Sea Pavilion Pavilion Guardian Great Array, also looked at Zhao Fang.


Different from previous expectations.


They looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, filled with shock and incredible.

Even Xia Yun’s younger brother, who was shocked by Zhang Dazui. Ba, was incredible.

“Zhao Fang, killed Elder Hu Kui ?Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse ?”

Xia Yun murmured and seemed unable to accept this reality.

Compared to her, Xia Hai is much calmer.

His bloodline problem, that is, the Earth Venerable Powerhouse, is not necessarily a problem that can be overcome, isn’t it taken by Zhao Fang?

I want to come here.

Zhao Fang killed Huo Gan, there is nothing unexpected.

But DuZe Wen doesn’t think so.

He stared at his round eyes, his eyes revealing a trace of unspeakable shock, and deep sorrow.

“Then, what exactly is Divine Skill, even, even Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse, no resistance?!”

A chill, from the soles of the feet, to the top of the head.

He did not expect that the shocking action of the original very easy, but it was so shocking.

Not only him.

Fire God Union Other Elder, looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes, is also extremely deep fear.

Even the 100,000 Vulcan army that was boiled, at this moment, was completely quiet and looked at Zhao Fang with horror.

this moment.

Zhao Fang became the focus of the audience.

“I was able to resist the attack of ‘Hell Road’ and barely had the qualification that was left behind.”

Zhao Fang blinked and the Heavenspan Tower flashed out, directly smashing the giant bird Mechanical Beast.

After doing this, Zhao Fang slammed his face and looked at the bloodthirsty color: “Who else!”

This sound. Latest fastest update

Not loud.

But it was clearly passed through the audience and passed into everyone’s ears.

The people who were originally quiet in the shock brought by Zhao Fang were completely awakened.

DuZe Wen and others expression gloomy , in the eyes is full of wariness.

Xia Yun’s younger brother is amazed, but his face is full of surprises.

“ha ha … won, won!”

In the Cloud Sea Pavilion, the remaining disciples, seeing this scene, are excited to yell.

Their cheers, with the quietness of the 100,000 Vulcan Legion, present an extreme contrast.



DuZe Wen knew that this time it completely failed.

Even Cao Gan of Hundred Tribulations Realm was killed by the people in front of him, and who is his opponent!

Fire God Union Elder and others, no objection.

They were already shocked by the Fearful Might revealed by Zhao Fang just now.

I can’t wait to leave here early.

Because of the youngster War God’s existence, they feel that breathing here has become a little anxious.

“Want to go? When did the Young Master say that you have let go of you?”

At the time of DuZe Wen’s retreat, Zhao Fang noticed that the sound was cold.


DuZe Wen is just a small boss of Martial Void Realm Perfection, but the ant legs are small and also a piece of meat.

With Zhao Fang’s temperament, how can it be, let the fat of the mouth, slip away?

“Vulcan Legion, stop me!”

DuZe Wen rushed to escape, but issued a command to the Vulcan Legion.

“Kill! Kill!”

This Vulcan Legion is a Personal Army created by DuZe Wen. It is extremely loyal to him, even if he is dead, he will not hesitate. At the moment, Wen Yan, led by Legion Commander of a Martial Void Realm Middle Stage, toward Zhao Fang casts an airfoil impact.

Zhao Fang expression Calm, but the smile of the corner of the mouth is getting colder.

“Byakuya, come out!”

Under the rotation of Heavenspan Tower, the silhouette of Byakuya Kuchiki flashed from it.


Byakuya speed is extremely fast, and the blink of an eye rushes into the vicinity of the 100,000 Vulcan Legion.

“Scatter, Senbonzakura!”

On the occasion of the fall of the cherry blossom blade, every piece of cherry blossoms takes away a life.

For a moment.

The screams are endless.

Even the Legion Commander of the Martial Void Realm Middle Stage did not expect that Byakuya’s killing move was so terrifying.

“court death!”

The Legion Commander in the eyes burst into the light and screamed, but it was killed by Byakuya.

But before he was close, he was crossed by a Netherworld Finger and screamed. The body burst out of the Large Moid Blood Mist and died directly.

“They, give it to you!”

Leaving this sentence, Zhao Fang pedaled Shrink The Ground To An Inch and broke into the 100,000 Vulcan Legion, as if no one was Realm.

Life and endless blood, opened up a bright red blood!

Zhao Fang took the blood and chased DuZe Wen and the red man.

He just got Sense, the strength of the two people is the existence of strongest except Elder Hu Kui Cao Gan.

“how can it be !”

When DuZe Wen fled, he saw that Zhao Fang had shot and killed thousands of fire gods, and when the blood splashed, he went straight to himself.

That speed, simply is coming to the extreme!

DuZe Wen was born with a sorrow, and he did not dare to hesitate. He bit his tongue and squirted a blood essence, wrapped his body, like a meteor, and quickly fled to the distance.

“It’s useless.”

The icy sound suddenly sounded on top of DuZe Wen’s head.

DuZe Wen fled the body, suddenly became a stiff,

He can clearly Sense, at this moment, the body and mind is filled with an ice-cold baleful qi.

When I looked up, I saw Zhao Fang’s invincible figure.

“I beg you, let me go, I will…”

Just exported, a Netherworld Qi, mixed with a fierce breaking space, quickly zoomed in on DuZe Wen’s eyes.


DuZe Wen has long been scared, and there is no resistance at all. He was strangled by one finger.

“There are fourteen.”

As DuZe Wen body dropped in the air, a dull voice spread slowly in the sky.

the other side.

Already escaped from the red mangkin old man dozens of miles away, and saw the scene of DuZe Wen’s death, he was scared of the liver and gallbladder, and did not dare to stay.

In order to escape, the Inscription Talisman paper, which has been kept for many years, is taken out and attached to the legs.

The old man speed of red robes is soaring, like lightning.

But it is at this time.

A fierce spurt, breaking space comes.

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