The 528th chapter of Fang Yunfei

“These, don’t say it for the time being.”

Fang Yunfei faintly shook his head. “The main purpose of this lesson today is to see and see. This is called the Golden Hill Danger Zone. The whor is terrifying like in the legendary!”

Hearing this, he was six people, the average expression was calm, but the complexion had some changes.

“Reassure, before the present, Sect, several Old Monsters are not at ease, letting the original bring this thing.”

While speaking , Fang Yunfei Void Hand grabbed a Space Crack when standing next to it, flying a Purple Treasure Sword inside.

“This is ……”

Six people look at the purple sword, and the eyes suddenly condense, “High Grade Divine Artifact, Violet Green Sword?”

“Violet Green Sword is Sect Supreme Treasure, which has always been kept by Sect Master. Today, Sect Master delivers it to Young Master Yun. In addition to letting Young Master Yun discover Heavy Meteorite Iron, there is a deeper level of meaning.”

“For example?” Fang Yunfei asked casually.

“Young Young Master Yun is not the next Sky Sword Sect Master.”

Fang Yunfei The palm of the Capricorn Violet Green Sword is obviously stiff, but immediately, he returns to normal. In the eyes flashed a trace, and he did not continue the topic. The words turned: “The lesser strength of Strength.” Into the land of Jinling, you need this sword body protection? It’s a joke!”

The six people looked at each other and laughed. “Respectfully said: “Young Master Yun is a capitalist, less than five hundred years old, and he has practiced Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage, this Rank natural talent, looking at the entire Black Devil Domain. It is also extremely rare. With the talent of Young Master Yun, his Commander, my Sky Sword Sect, will lead me to Sky Sword Sect and go to glory.”

“Going to glory?”

Fang Yunfei corner of the mouth slightly raise, the smile is more concentrated.

“Well, talk nonsense, let’s take a look at this, the so-called Golden Hill Danger Zone, what is the danger.”

Fang Yunfei was very energetic and took the lead in the Golden Hill Danger Zone.

The other six people saw that they were quickly taking out their Flying Sword, followed by it.

Half a day later.

A silhouette of a difficult situation, flying out of the Golden Hill Danger Zone, the silhouette is blood-stained, looks miserable, simply can be described as horrible.

Only the long sword in his hand is still shining purple rays of light.

“Defect, lost…”

Difficult situation silhouette On the occasion of the flight, there is a murmur in the mouth. “I Fang Yunfei, the first Core Disciple in Sky Sword Sect, and the Sky Sword Sect Protecting Treasure Violet Green Sword, can’t step into Golden. Hill Danger Zone is a thousand miles, let the sad side die… Hey!”

In the middle of the room, the difficult situation silhouette opened his mouth and spurted blood, and his appearance was even more miserable.

“Impossible! Why is this? I am Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage Powerhouse, plus Violet Green Sword, even Hundred Tribulations Realm peak, Ben also dare to battle, but why is this? Ben less willingly, not willingly Ah! !”

Difficult situation silhouette Yang Tian suddenlyly roared, such as the injured wild beast roaring.

He is not someone else, it is the first saga of the Sky Sword Sect, Fang Yunfei.


Compared with the enthusiasm when entering the Golden Hill Danger Zone, he is now a diffuse dog like a difficult situation.

“Without a thousand miles, you can’t go deep. I want this map, what is the use!”

Fang Yunfei has one piece of map in his hand, its in the eyes flashing color, Violet Green Sword rays of light flash, it will fall, the map will be broken.


It is at this time.

He is behind, there is a strong fluctuation coming.

The voice, extremely vast, ignited heaven and earth.

Fang Yunfei turned and just glanced at him, his eyes flashed with a shocking color.

“This, what damned thing is this?”

But not far from it, a huge whirlpool channel of the hundred zhang (333m) is facing where Fang Yunfei is. To be precise, it is the location of the Golden Hill Danger Zone.

In the rushing, the huge vortex channel, emits is terrifying arrogance.

It seems that it is not a whirlpool channel, but a Vicious Beast, a war-torn, open mouth, want to swallow everything in front of you!

“what damned thing is this ?”

Fang Yunfei complexion immediately changed.

He screamed, but tried to control the figure, squatting in the distance, trying to escape the envelope of the whirlpool.

But the speed of the channel is too fast, and the enthusiasm of the emits is almost instantaneous.

All of a sudden.

Fang Yunfei feels with the body vitality, like being Freeze.

He complexion big change, forcibly break free, but he can’t get rid of it.

“damned, if I was in full bloom, this power, I can get rid of it.”

Fang Yunfei roared.

Unfortunately, he is not at the height of the day.

Seriously injured, Strength is also the standard of the ordinary Hundred Tribulations Realm. If he relied on Violet Green Sword might, he smashed a lot of chills. At this moment, he was afraid that he would be wrapped up by the countless chilly silk. .

This is so.

As the vortex channel gets closer, the speed at which he moves is also slower and slower.

Later, it was later.

Even if he owns the Violet Green Sword, it is all covered by the chill of the whirlpool emits, and can’t break free.

“damned! Who is it, who is it!”

Fang Yunfei made the last voice before birth.

Followed by.

The figure was completely overwhelmed by Hell Road, and he didn’t even have the chance to resist. He was immediately killed by the Killing intent in Hell’s way, directly twisted into pieces, and died!

And his years of Sword Qi, in his death of all of a sudden, is Scatter in the whirlpool channel, adding a bit of aura to Hell.

“én? I seem to hear someone shouting?”

Behind the Hell Road, Zhao Fang’s ears moved and listened carefully, but the ones that came into the ears were only the harsh friction between the Hell and the air.

“No Ah! ”

But just he is barely fell.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Fang Yunfei ‘,obtain 40,000 Spirit Point, 4,000 Spiritual Force, 4,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Fang Yunfei ‘,obtain High Grade Divine Artifact ‘Violet Green Sword ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Fang Yunfei ‘,obtain Divine Skill ‘Imperial Sword Secret Art ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Fang Yunfei ‘,obtain ‘The appearance of Jinling’.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Task :Sky Sword Sect public enemy.”

“Task Introduction: Player gets Sky Sword Sect Clan Protecting Divine Artifact ‘Violet Green Sword ‘, and killed Sky Sword Sect’s most potential first discipline, the hatred of the Obed Sky Sword Sect camp, becomes the public enemy of Sky Sword Sect! But Sky Sword Sect Disciple, a hundred miles away, will Sense to ‘Violet Green Sword ‘aura, and launch a sharp pursuit on the Player.”

“Task Objective: escape the purchase, or destruction Sky Sword Sect.”

“Task Level : s.”

“Task Reward: According to Score Rating, the higher the Score, the richer the reward.”

After hearing this series of prompts, Zhao Fang stunned.

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