Chapter 530 Refining puppet

But see the Void of Zhao Fang behind, the ripples flashing, and discovering a sly claw, going straight to Zhao Fang and going.

It’s too late, it’s fast, and when Zhao Fang turns around, it’s a low-pitched voice: “War God Strike!”

Level 4 Berserk, plus the approval of War God Set, Zhao Fang already has the strength of Compartment of Martial Void Realm Perfection.

War God Set’s accompanying skills, War God Strike, is based on the Player peak Strength, instant kill high Tier-1’s existence.

In other words.

Any existence under Earth Venerable Realm can’t stop the gun.


War God Strike with a sturdy mans, instantly breaks through the protruding claws, and even breakthrough in the flashing ripples of Space.

Inside the space, there was a dull explosion.

Followed by.

A Metal Beast, which was smashed half a body and looks like ‘貂’, was thrown out in the flashing Space ripple.

“Not dead yet!”

Zhao Fang’s gaze flashed, and Void Hand grabbed the Hell Road in the distance and immediately established contact, then slammed it.

Hell said that from his behind, he made a curved trace, appeared in front of Zhao Fang, and shrouded the metal beast to the head.

This beast, in the all of a sudden near Hell Road, just wanted to break into Void.

However, Zhao Fang had been prepared for a long time, and several Netherworld Fingers came out. Although he couldn’t hurt the Metal Spirit beast, he hit the behind space and twisted the Vibration, so that it just broke into the silhouette of Space and was immediately thrown out.

next moment.

The Hell Road, which was struck by a beautiful arc, was rolled directly into the Hell Road.

Under the smashing of Netherworld Qi, the scorpion Spirit beast made a scream of screaming.

But it has been seriously injured, no matter how struggling, it is unable to rush out of the coverage of Hell Road.


The smashed Metal Beast’s crippled body smashed into a Metal material that contained the power of the Space property, floating inside the Hell Road.

“Good risk! This should be a Metal Beast of Half Venerable Rank!”

After killing the Metal Beast, Zhao Fang took a deep breath, and thought of the scene just now, could not help but secretly admire.

If you don’t have War God Strike, there is no Hell Road.

At this moment, it is estimated that it is completely buried like many Martial Artists who have sneaked into the area.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Fang regained his heart and a smile on his face.

“The Golden Hill Danger Zone, the innocent material paradise, is only a thousand miles away, and there are so many rare Divine Grade materials. However, this place is also quite dangerous.”

Zhao Fang Void Hand grabbed and took Hell Road back.

The Metal material in Hell Road is also included in the War God Ring.

Same as for a moment.

With a flick of sleeve, there was a Spiritual Force that pervaded and turned into a strong wind, retracting more than twenty Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage Metal Beast, the Metal material left behind.

He did not move on.

The danger of the Golden Hill Danger Zone, he already feels clear.

Hell couldn’t go any further, just by Hell.

He stayed where he was and chose Refining puppet.

With one hand and one hand, there are hundreds of materials around the side of Zhao Fang.

These materials, the lowest is Earth Grade, which was the treasure that Zhao Fang searched for when he was attacked by Spirit Empire and Snow Territory Empire.

Because System is not in sight, there is no Exchange, so it has been still on Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang grabs one kind of material at will, and Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire rushes out and wraps the material.

Scarlet Yang Spirit is extremely powerful, far more than other flames, just a few breathing skills that melt the material.


Before it was smelted into the material that Zhao Fang wanted, but listening to the sound of ‘嘭’, the material exploded and turned into a broken piece.


“Refining failed, Proficiency +5”

Zhao Fang expressionless, I have already adapted to this.

It is to grab another kind of material and start refining.


“Refining failed, Proficiency + 5.”


“Refining failed, Proficiency + 5.”



“Puppet Technique level up, congratulations Player, become the Desertate Level Puppet Master.”


“Puppet Technique level up, congratulations Player, becomes the Great Level Puppet Master.”


Zhao Fang is sitting for six days.

Six days later.

Zhao Fang is a spirited man, and his eyes are brighter and brighter.

With these six days of uninterrupted Refining, he controls himself on the Spiritual Force, on probes to a new height.

Other than that.

The biggest gain is the Puppet Technique grade, reached Earth Grade.

of course.

This has a lot to do with Zhao Fang body Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire.

If this fire smelting material is extremely fast, even if Zhao Fang has a lot of scattered materials, it is obviously impossible to put Puppet Technique and Upgrade to Earth Grade in such a short time.

“It’s still a little worse, you can reach Heaven Rank. Then, it’s Divine Rank…”

Zhao Fang flashed in the eyes, as if the tireless machine, the crazy Refining.

Two days later.


“Puppet Technique level up, congratulations Player, become Heaven Rank Puppet Master.”

Another seven days.


“Puppet Technique level up, congratulations Player, became Divine Grade Puppet Master.”


“Divine Grade?”

Zhao Fang raised his eyes, and the in the eyes were already bloodshot, but Zhao Fang did not care, but his heart was extremely excited.

In his behind, there are a total of ten total puppet with zero and zero.

These puppets are Zhao Fang, which has been refining for more than half a month. Most of them are Earth level, and Heaven Rank is only a few.

These puppet looks like Zhao Fang have seen Spirit beast Refining according to before. At first glance, there is also a model, but there is a little less agility.

“With my current Puppet Master rating, it would not be a problem to surrender the Lesser Silver Grade Puppet Beast.”

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fang released a giant bird Puppet Beast from Heavenspan Tower.

This beast is the trump card of Elder Hu Kui Cao Gan. Unfortunately, his life is not good, and he also summons Puppet Beast. He will see the king directly. This puppet will fall in the hands of Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang also tried to conquer, but this puppet did not give any feedback.

At that time, the situation was urgent. Zhao Fang did not care much. He took the Puppet Beast, a bird named ‘Black Kun’, to Heavenspan Tower.

Later, learning ‘Puppet Technique’, I understood some clues.

Puppet reaches Divine Grade and is divided into four grades.

Iron Puppet.

Copper Puppet.

Silver Puppet.

Golden Puppet.

Corresponding respectively, Treading Void Realm, Martial Void Realm, Hundred Tribulations Realm, Earth Venerable Realm.

Want to conquer puppet, it must be Puppet Master itself, and can not be low and the puppet level is too much.

Zhao Fang before is not a Puppet Master, so I can’t surrender this Silver Grade Puppet.

But now.

He has already set foot in the Divine Grade Puppet Master and wants to conquer ‘Black Kun’, not a difficult.


“congratulations Player accepts Lesser Silver Grade puppet ‘Black Kun ‘, Proficiency +100.”

In the all of a sudden, black Kun ‘Heart Core ‘, which was originally written by Cao Gan, it was directly erased by Zhao Fang and branded with its own Primordial Spirit imprint.

Same as for a moment.

Black Kun stopped resisting and calmed down.

Immediately, a feeling like the arm drive, passed into the heart of Zhao Fang.

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