The 554th chapter is strong to the explosion of the old man

But in the distorted fog, there is a hidden silhouette.

at the very beginning.

The silhouette is still faintly discernible in the fog, and gradually goes on.

But the next moment, the silhouette suddenly appeared outside the fog.

Zhao Fang In the line of sight, a 邋遢old man appeared immediately.

The old man looks very difficult situation, it looks like it has just been beaten a pause.

However, his temperament is calm and calm, revealing an unspeakable guru charm.

Especially his eyes on the vicissitudes of life.

It seems that you have seen thousands of red dust, and you can detect the hidden secrets of people’s abyss.

Even Zhao Fang, in the all of a sudden confrontation with this gaze, actually gave birth to a feeling of clothing.

“Powerful! Stronger than Northern Sea Dragon!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes is full of solemn colors.

Although he has not seen the body of the Northern Sea Dragon, at the moment, this old man gives him a feeling that is stronger than the Clone of the Northern Sea Dragon.

It seems that in front of him, all Law, have to bow down to listen.

He is the ruler of this heaven and earth!

Zhao Fang stared at someone comes down and didn’t speak.

After the 邋遢old man appeared, his eyes fell on ‘Golden Puppet’.

Void Hand grabs it.

Zhao Fang was shocked to discover that the original ‘Golden Puppet’, which was originally owned by himself, was easily and easily taken away by this person. Latest fastest update

He forcibly impressed the Primordial Spirit on the ‘Golden Puppet’ and wanted to control the Golden Puppet.

Primordial Spirit Mud cows into the sea, quietly.

“hehe, little fellow doesn’t have to be nervous, Old Man is not malicious!”

邋遢old man laughed, but the palm of the hand had a red flame, and instantly wrapped the Golden Puppet.

Soon, flame completely drowned the Golden Puppet, and inside it was the crackling sound of firewood burning.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang was in a hurry.

For this Golden Puppet, he almost got out of his life, and finally refining success, how can it be, eyes look at at him being destroyed?

“senior !”

Zhao Fang went forward, said solemnly, “This thing is important to the junior, and please ask the senior to show mercy.”

“Reassured, Old Man said, it’s not malicious to you.”

While speaking.

Its behind, but there are a few harsh snoring.

I heard the all the a sudden of the buzz.

Zhao Fang complexion has suddenly changed.

In that snoring, he felt the extremely powerful Pressure’s Might!

“Earth Venerable Realm !”

Zhao Fang can be sure that the number of tyrannical aura that comes from this is the Earth Venerable Realm Powerhouse.

Anxiously, Zhao Fang looked at the 邋遢old man and looked at the Golden Puppet that was shrouded in flame.

邋遢old man is careless, as if he didn’t hear the snoring at all, just looking at the flame in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Roar! Roar!

The humming sound is getting closer and closer, and the earthquake’s Golden Hill Danger Zone is shaking.


The three-headed body, such as the Metal Beast of a moving mountain, appears in the sight of Zhao Fang.

The three Metal Beast eye reveals are secluded. When I saw Zhao Fang, the in the eyes were even more so, like the enemy who saw can live under the same sky.

“It’s over!”

Zhao Fang face shows despair.

He can feel that the top 3 respects the power of Metal Beast, absolutely surpassed the Scaled Tiger Clone, reaching the height of the black robe old man.

Even if he uses his cards, there is no chance of winning under the combined action of the three Earth Venerable Realm Metal Beast.

The most important thing is.

The aura of these three Metal Beasts is extremely strange.

Three forces intertwined, but it is like a three-way shackle, Zhao Fang tied in place, can not move little bit, can only look at the look at, the three Earth Venerable Realm Metal Beast, constantly approaching, open mouth, mouth, mouth For example, the nettherworld dead zone, you should swallow Zhao Fang.


Seeing the three Metal Beasts, Zhao Fang was swallowed, and the manold man, who had been watching the flames in front of him, was complexion, with a flick of sleeve.


The three-headed Metal Beast exploded in an instant.

But there is no struggling force, and it instantly turns into three extremely rare Divine Grade Metal materials.

When the three-headed Metal Beast died, the shackles that wrapped around Zhao Fang were immediately broken and Zhao Fang regained his freedom.

But in the eyes, it still flashes with horror.

“The Metal Beast of the Earth Venerable Realm, in the old man, is vanish like smoke in thin air?”

Despite guessing, the old man Strength is very strong.

But after seeing the stretch of the old man, Zhao Fang immediately consciously arrived, and he still underestimated the power of the 邋遢old man!

Zhao Fang is stirring and quietly looking at the old man.

Although, the aura of 邋遢old man is not like the four demon statues, killing and tyrannical, sweeping heaven and earth.

But he knows that the strength of the old man strength is definitely beyond the scope of Earth Venerable.

Otherwise, it is easy to impossible, and obliterate three Earth Beasts of Earth Venerable Grade.

“One day, I can reach this height too!”

Zhao Fang is like finding a new goal. In the eyes, there is no frustration, but it is a high-spirited spirit.


邋遢old man Seeing this scene, expression startled, in the eyes is like seeing the disciple, satisfied with the nod.

Zhao Fang was confused by the attitude of the old man.

However, he knows that 邋遢old man should be not malicious.

Even if there is.

With his waving three-pointed Earth Venerable Realm Metal Beast’s Strength, Zhao Fang is not his opponent.

and so.

Zhao Fang chose silence and quietly waited for the development of the situation.

This 1st Rank.

Waited for more than 20 minutes.

With System Prompt, the Luck Time of the sachet-filled end, the flame that keeps burning, suddenly shrinks.

just like.

In flame abyss, there is one piece big mouth, being swallow these flames in general.

The flame dissipated a little, and at the end, the silhouette of the Golden Puppet was revealed.

Just a glance, Zhao Fang noticed the changes in Golden Puppet.

The most obvious change is the color of the Golden Puppet.

After Zhao Fang Refining came out, the Golden Puppet was just pale gold.

Today, the Golden Puppet is golden in color and rich in the ultimate.

“All right!”

邋遢old man glanced at him and muttered: “Unfortunately, Law is incomplete here, even if it is personally manipulated by Old Man, it can only be reached to this one step.”

Zhao Fang didn’t hear the whisper of the old man, only to find that the old man looked at Golden Puppet’s eyes and seemed to be somewhat unsatisfied.

In the middle of the swing, Golden Puppet returned to Zhao Fang.

Immediately, the feeling stemming from the familiarity of bloodline, once again in the heart of Zhao Fang.

Just Sense’s all of a sudden, Zhao Fang immediately opened his eyes, in the eyes reveals an incredible color, “this, how can it be!”

“Senior, you, you…”

Zhao Fang looked at 邋遢old man, excited can’t speak, at the end, just solemn hands clasped together politely, “many thanks senior complete!”

“ha ha , Old Man is also fun to see you, hand in hand for you. After all, you can practice Martial Dao at the same time and at the same time as Alchemist, Tool Refiner, puppet, beast. The young people of taming are rare!”

邋遢old man contains said with a laugh.

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