The 536th chapter is near the sea of ​​clouds

On the occasion of the diamond Metal Beast.

Zhao Fang is already away from the Golden Hill Danger Zone.

“So terrifying aura, just a Sense, makes me shudder, this aura, definitely stronger than ‘Earth Venerable Realm’!”

Zhao Fang, who has been standing in the land of Jinling for dozens of miles, turned back and looked at the floating Mountain, in the eyes with a trace of shock.

He thought that Earth Venerable Realm’s Metal Beast should be the Golden Hill Danger Zone strongest existence.

But the aura just gave him a kind of instigation on the soul.


Only that aura is willing, one finger can pinch yourself!

“The old man let me reach Earth Venerable Realm, then go to Danger Zone abyss, and now it seems that it is not aimless!”

Take a deep breath, under the pressure of the heart, finally looked at the Golden Hill Danger Zone, feel the intense heaven and earth Spiritual Qi fluctuation, Zhao Fang gaze shimmers, turned and left.

Although very curious about the newly born terrifying existence.

But there is a saying that is good.

The gods fight, the little devil suffers.

In the 邋遢old man, and the terrifying existence in the eyes of the Golden Hill Danger Zone, Zhao Fang is a little devil-like character, not worth mentioning.

I am afraid.

Not yet close, I was shocked by the two strongest existence, and even died!

“I will be back. On that day, this Emperor will step into Earth Venerable Realm and even surpass Earth Venerable!”

Zhao Fang glanced at the Golden Hill Danger Zone and turned around. The figure flashed, but it swept away where the Cloud Sea Pavilion was. Latest fastest update


Half an hour thousands of miles away from the Cloud Sea Pavilion.

It has five flowing light breaking spaces.

The rays of light dissipated, revealing five figures.

Four of them, with different costumes and different temperament, all without exception, stepped into the Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse.

Under them, or Riding birds, or foot beasts, are out of the ordinary.

Whether it is a bird or a beast, the ancient aura is fierce, but there is no vitality emits on the body, but a cold death scent.

Puppet !

These four-person beasts are all Puppet Beast.

Next to the four people, stood a middle-aged man wearing a red robe.

When middle-aged men face four people, they are extremely respectful and humble, like Sect junior, who sees their old Sect’s Old Ancestor.

“Cloud Sea Pavilion, you kill my Fire God Union, it is killing. Puppet Artifact Sect’s ‘Elder Hu Kui’, now, Puppet Artifact Sect four majors Elder come out, I Duze Wu want to see, what do you resist? Puppet Artifact Sect The four major Elder, what to use to withstand the wrath of Puppet Artifact Sect’s Thunder!”

The middle-aged man in the red robe, no one else, is the younger brother of Fire God Union Lord DuZe Wen, Duze Wu.

Also owns Martial Void Realm Late Stage cultivation base.

The day.

DuZe Wen is the power of the Alliance to attack the Cloud Sea Pavilion.

Just keep this person oversee Fire God Union.

This is also true.

At the time of Fire God Union destruction, Duze Wu escaped.

I wanted to take revenge, but the general trend has gone, I went directly to Puppet Artifact Sect, and told Puppet Artifact Sect the death of Elder Hu Kui.

Puppet Artifact Sect was furious at the top, sending out four major titles, Elder, to attack the Cloud Sea Pavilion.

Not only to revenge for Elder Hu Kui, but also to be alert to other influences, Puppet Artifact Sect’s dignity, inviolable!

“How far is it?”

The Palatial Dress beautiful women who stepped on the poultry puppet, swept Duze Wu, asked plainly.

See Palatial Dress beautiful women asking, Duze Wu didn’t dare to care.

Don’t look at Palatial Dress beautiful women is the end of the Puppet Artifact Sect Nine Great title Elder, but she studied in the Puppet Technique, the other eight people can’t catch a horse.

Its under the foot of the bird puppet, it is faintly to reach the Hundred Tribulations Realm Initial Stage peak.

“Back to ‘Elder Li Kui ‘Elder, the front is where the Cloud Sea Pavilion is.”

Duze Wu pointed to the front and said respectfully.

Palatial Dress beautiful women look into the distance, as do other three people.

Sure enough, in a stretch of mountains, they found the Cloud Sea Pavilion.

“This is where ‘Elder Hu Kui’ is buried?”

Palatial Dress beautiful women, the touching red lips, slightly picked up, seems to feel some pressure.

“Hey! Cloud Sea Pavilion is really bold, I dare to kill my Puppet Artifact Sect’s Elder. If this is the case, the Cloud Sea Pavilion will not be necessary to survive.”

Among the four, one is the red-haired man of Puppet Beast, whose voice is cold.

The remaining two people, heard this, is also silent nod, in the eyes flashing icy mans.


The Cloud Sea Pavilion killed Elder Hu Kui, which made Puppet Artifact Sect feel great humiliation.

Think about it too.

The title of Puppet Artifact Sect, one of Seven Great Sects, is Elder.

Even the same level of Seven Great Sects, can’t easily kill .Puppet Artifact Sect Elder.

They know well.

Once this is done.

It is equivalent to declaring war on the whole Puppet Artifact Sect.

Puppet Artifact Sect, although a single Strength, ranks last in Seven Great Sects.

But the overall Strength is ranked upstream of Seven Great Sects.

In the final analysis.

There are only two words.

Puppet !

In particular, the title Elder ranked existence, Primordial Spirit extremely concise, can move at the same time at the same time to manipulate dozens or even hundreds of Puppet Beast.

Elder Hu Kui is also a grievance.

He thought that with his own Strength and Black Kun’s Ability, it would be easy to clean up Zhao Fang.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fang will have War God Strike.

Kill him directly.

There is no chance for him to manipulate the rest of the puppet!

“Hey! This is the 2nd rate Influence of Cloud Sea Pavilion ?trivial?”

The red hair man expression is more chilly, and the left foot is somewhere in the fire body.

The fire screamed.

The mouth is even bigger, with a hot aura spewing, turned into a group of wellhead-sized Fireball, falling towards the Cloud Sea Pavilion.

“Ah… what is that?”

“The flame has washed down.”

“Not good, it is an enemy!”

At the Cloud Sea Pavilion large gate, there was a scream of screaming.

But the call just sounded.

Dozens of Fireballs fell, and the Cloud Sea Pavilion large gate turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the stern reminder turned into a painful scream.

It was not long before the goalkeeper discipline was wiped out.

The flame continues to burn and spreads towards the Cloud Sea Pavilion Interior Area.


It was only spread out of the 3rd and 4th, and many of the Cloud Sea Pavilions who were heard by the news collectively put out the flame.


Cloud Sea Pavilion abyss quickly rushed out of several flowing lights.

One of the first men and women is Xia Yun.

In addition to them, there are four or five faces.

These people are stunned, but everyone is filled with Martial Void Realm cultivation base, and there is a deep bloody aura, obviously not a good class.

“Who, dare to come to the Cloud Sea Pavilion impudent, live impatient?”

Among the four or five people, one was full of flesh and blood, and the big man with a big back knife was cold.


When he saw Duze Wu, his expression was slightly startled, and his face was a strange trace. “Duze Wu? It’s a paradise. You don’t have to go, Hell has no door, you come in.”

Duze Wu did not care about him, but respected the look at the four people.

His attitude, let the scoring robot man, and Xia Yun brother and sister look slightly.

“‘Elder Li Kui ‘Elder, that women is the Cloud Sea Pavilion Lord Xia Yun, the youngster beside him… eh?”

Duze Wu was amazed and apparently discovered something incredible.

“what happened?”

‘Elder Li Kui ‘frowns.

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