Chapter 547 kills Puppet Artifact Sect


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Jian Fengzi ‘,obtain 70,000 Spirit Point, 7,000 Spiritual Force Value, 7,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Jian Fengzi ‘,obtain High Grade Divine Artifact ‘Purple Firmament Great Sword ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Jian Fengzi ‘,obtain Thunder Technique ‘Five Heavenly Thunder Core Secret Art ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Jian Fengzi ‘,obtain package ‘Jian Fengzi’s gift’.”



“congratulations Player level up , current cultivation base 6-Star Martial Void .”


All around a quiet.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fang with incredulous look.

Especially Long Kuizi.

He has a close personal relationship with the sword scorpion, and naturally knows how strong his own friend is.

Even if you are with the Flood Dragon Silver Puppet, it is not necessarily your opponent.

It is the Black Devil Domain Outer Seas, the famous Number One Powerhouse.

But now…

But it was one of the eyes, the famous name of the junior, shot and killed? !

Long Kuizi unable to believe Everything in front of me, I only think that This is Heaven is a joke.


The sharp snoring sounded in the ear, pulling Long Kuizi back from the shocked mood.

Not waiting for him to respond, a fist that seems to be able to blast the Planet, quietly approaching, the fists whistling, suddenly slammed in Long Kuizi body above.


Long Kuizi’s body exploded immediately.

On the occasion of the collapse of the Blood Mist, Long Kuizi’s Primordial Spirit flashed in horror and fled directly to the distance.

The mech giant’s complexion was indifferent, and when it was raised, the glaring lightning shot went straight to Long Kuizi Primordial Spirit.


Long Kuizi was sublimated directly under the infinite tears and turned into part of the heaven and earth nutrients.

all of these.

It seems to be slow, but from Long Kuizi to Zhao Fang, Long Kuizi was killed by Optimus Prime, but a short-term skill.


When the vast majority of the people were still there, Jin Fengzi and Long Kuizi were the two Powerhouses, and they were at the same time!

“Fuck! Jian Fengzi is dead?!”

After more than 20 seconds, the underground exclaimed a breath of breath.

“The so-called Black Devil Domain Outer Seas Number One Powerhouse, is that dead?”

“ha ha! Happy! Cloud Sea Pavilion vs. Divine Might!”

I don’t know who shouted War God, in an instant, countless people were suddenly roared, “War God, War God!”

Born like a wave, hit the sky!

Zhao Fang expression Calm.

Optimus Prime stands in its behind, as for Black Kun, still killing.


There is still one person who is not dead!

Elder Li Kui.

Zhao Fang didn’t take action, and looked indifferently to Elder Li Kui. “Do you want to die?”

Elder Li Kui charming face is full of bitterness, after thinking a little, a handful of waves, the hundreds of puppet siege Black Kun, but it is simply retreat.

“Koi, greetings, Master!”

Elder Li Kui move towards Zhao Fang respectfully said.

Zhao Fang looked deep into Elder Li Kui: “You are very interesting and smart! But it is also dangerous!”

Elder Li Kui was silent, thinking a little, but it was a between the eyebrows, and a drop of crystal blood flew out and went straight to Zhao Fang.

In this all of a sudden, the Elder Li Kui complexion is whitish, extremely ugly!

“Soul Blood?”

Zhao Fang blinked, in the eyes surprised.

Unlike blood essence, what blood essence can control, all that can be affected is Martial Artist’s Fleshy Body.

Soul Blood, which is forced from the Primordial Spirit, is a big blow to the Primordial Spirit.

the more important thing is.

Controlling Soul Blood is equivalent to controlling the other party’s Primordial Spirit.

Zhao Fang grabbed Soul Blood, with the slightest hesitation into the between the eyebrows Primordial Spirit, and he was not afraid of the other side.

If Elder Li Kui is not interested, Zhao Fang doesn’t mind telling her the truth.

Zhao Fang’s move was quite unexpected by Elder Li Kui. She looked at Zhao Fang deeply and immediately bowed her head.

With the surrender of Elder Li Kui.

All the wars on the field have subsided.

But the result is beyond everyone’s expectations.

“Can you take all these puppets away?”

Zhao Fang glanced at the eyes, only two thousand puppet left, and asked Elder Li Kui.

Elder Li Kui slowly nod.

She looked up into the distance, Divine Sense suddenly spread, and soon, the two thousand puppet were shrouded.

That’s it.

Elder Li Kui storage ring flashes, and there is a powerful suction in it, sucking all the puppet.

“I can only take it away for a while, and I can’t summon them all out to fight.”

After doing this, Elder Li Kui said, “Unless I can step into 6-Star Martial Void Realm.”

“You will be able to step into this one step soon, as long as you are interested.”

Leaving this sentence, Zhao Fang ignored her and looked at the flow light that was plucking him. The corner of the mouth showed a thin smile.


Elder Li Kui looks at the back of Zhao Fang, in the eyes reveals a trace complex expression of difficult b.

After talking with Xia Yun simple, Zhao Fang complexion, but completely gloomy down.

“Puppet Artifact Sect ,court death !”

He is coldly at all around, looks at the devastated, full of corpses of the Cloud Sea Pavilion, takes a deep breath, in the eyes flashing cold inking intent.

Puppet Artifact Sect’s move actually irritated him.

“Go! Go to Puppet Artifact Sect!”

Zhao Fang pedaled Black Kun, carrying Xia Yun’s sister and Byakuya, and swept Elder Li Kui, indifferently.

Elder Li Kui smiles.

Zhao Fang This murderous aura expression, as long as it is not a fool, knows that he is ready to do.

“Puppet Artifact Sect, there is a puppet that is no less than it.”

Slightly hesitant, Elder Li Kui said, while speaking, I pointed to Optimus Prime.

However, what surprised her was that Zhao Fang complexion was as usual, just plainly asked: “finished?”

In this voice, Elder Li Kui felt a deep intolerance.

It’s like anger has been suppressed for a long time, almost like a broken body.

She is busy nod.

“That leads the way.”

Zhao Fang The sound is cold, listening to Elder Li Kui in the heart of a cold, bitter laugh, is about to summon puppet travel.

But the body was caught by a pair of big hands, and then fell on the back of Zhao Kun where Zhao Fang was.


Look at Zhao Fang, take a deep breath, point to a position!

“set off!”

Zhao Fang expression Calm, in the all of a sudden, the black Kun fanned his wings, turned into a black light, and went straight to Puppet Artifact Sect.

This time.

He wants Puppet Artifact Sect rivers of blood.

This time.

He wants to completely remove the Puppet Artifact Sect!

This time.

He wants to let Outer Seas all the influences, remember Zhao Fang this person, remember the Cloud Sea Pavilion this Influence!


Puppet Artifact Sect.

It is located in a piece of Spirit Mountain Big River.

Inside the Puppet Artifact Sect Great Array, suddenly, there is a discipline looking up, seeing the sky far away, there is a black ray of light, the positive speed approaching Puppet Artifact Sect.

Then, in their horror, and incredible gaze, the black mans smashed into the Great Array of Puppet Artifact Sect.

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