Chapter 546, Leveling Sky Sword Sect

Bang bang bang !

Optimus Prime battles zero puppet – python.

This is in the eyes of many people, it should be the battle of the python.

But in the three minutes after the start of the battle, the python lost!

“Impossible! Even if you have a puppet, you also have the power of Hundred Tribulations Realm Perfection. If you fight, it will be at most half a catty. How can there be such a big gap?”

Behind the python’s head, the Grey hair Elder, who had a half-body, at this moment, the upper body was mostly immersed in the python with the body, leaving only one head, which looked even more strange.

“Hey, you are still a Puppet Master. You can’t even see how you can lose. I see you really practiced on the dog! Can’t you see that this Emperor’s puppet, whether it’s toughness, Defense Power, or attack variability? Are they far beyond what you call the zero number – python?”

Zhao Fang sneered.

The Refining material of Optimus Prime, which is the Metal Beast transformed into Hundred Tribulations Realm.

This material, even in the entire Black Devil Domain, is extremely rare.

The ‘zero’ python held by Grey hair Elder, the extreme is also extremely rare, but compared with the Optimus Prime, it is obviously not a grade.

“Old Man is not willing, Old Man is studying the hundred years of puppet, and can’t compare with you this little devil? Old Man is Soul Destroyed, you have to kill you!”

Grey hair Elder is cold and has an endless killing intent.


His only remaining head is the self-integrating python within the body.

As Grey Hair Elder is completely integrated with the python, the python puppet whole body bursts with black light, ‘嘭’, the python collapses and turns into an endless Black Mist.

Oh la la!

Black Mist swept through, wherever people, or Artifact, turned into poisonous water.

“Vastly poison!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes flashed, Heart Thought moved, Black Kun spread his wings, and the ‘sword wind’ whistling, the poisonous fog rewinded.

The poisonous fog that originally hit Zhao Fang was turned in the direction and went straight to the Puppet Artifact Sect.

For a moment, screaming again and again.

Anyone who swallows the poisonous mist, the body rots in an instant, then melts, and eventually, turns into a pool of blood.

Grey hair Elder smashed a blow, not only did not cause a little damage to Zhao Fang.

Instead, it ruined a large number of Puppet Artifact Sect disciple.

That number is more than Zhao Fang killed.

in case.

Grey hair Elder knows this result, even if he is alive, he can live alive and die!

“Unfortunately, it was a self-destruct!”

Zhao Fang’s regret, unable to kill the python, made him very upset.

“Master, I know the Puppet Artifact Sect material storage area.”

The original Puppet Artifact Sect nine Elder Li Kui ‘Koi’ of Great Elder, one step forward, soft.

“Take this Emperor!”

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation said.

Several people took Black Kun and went quickly. Soon, they came to the Puppet Artifact Sect.

After seeing the materials in the treasury, Zhao Fang’s eyes were light, and he did not expect that the storage of Puppet Artifact Sect was so rich.

“With these materials, I can at least refining three Hundred Tribulations Realm Puppets.”

Zhao Fang’s heart is shaking, quite a surprise.

Bring all the materials to the War God Ring, Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, sneer a sneer, “Go to Sky Sword Sect!”

Seeing this smile, Xia Yun’s younger brother and koi were both subconscious and chilled.

After hearing Zhao Fang’s words, Koi even began to have some sympathy for Sky Sword Sect.

Whoever offends is not good, but he is offended by this comet.


Sky Sword Sect.

Located in the Central Region of Black Devil Domain Outer Seas.

Sitting on the grounds of Outer Seas Spiritual Qi.

When Zhao Fang and others arrived.

Just a glance, they are the color of the eyes.

Overlooking the sky, the seven huge mountains, like the seven Giant Dragons, crouch in the wild, ready to break free.

More mysteriously, the seven peaks are connected to each other, faintly forming an Array of extreme mystery.


Zhao Fang blinked, but he did not hesitate to step into the scope of Sky Sword Sect.

As Zhao Fang just stepped into the Sky Sword Sect Influence range, there were two tyrannical Divine Sense sweeps.

Through Divine Sense, Zhao Fang perceives that it is the Martial Artist of two Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stages.

Unlike Jin Fengzi, the Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage peak, they are just Initial Entry Hundred Tribulations Realm nothing more.

“Who? Dare me to Sky Sword Sect Mountain Gate?puppet? Is it Puppet Artifact Sect?”

The Divine Sense voice suddenly sounded in Zhao Fang mind. If Zhao Fang Divine Sense is far superior to ordinary people and contains the power of Sacred Fire, it is this sound that can shake his Divine Sense.

after all.

The method of this voice is very rude.

Moreover, Strength is extremely powerful!


Zhao Fang complexion gloomy, when I first entered the Sky Sword Sect Territory, I almost ate such a big loss. With his temper, how can he swallow this breath.

“No, this is Violet Green Sword’s aura, and Fang Yunfei’s resentment! You killed Fang Yunfei?”

When the second Divine Sense sounded, it was a trace of horror and anger.


Zhao Fang coldly snorted, Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame in the Primordial Spirit, suddenly spread.

The two Divine Senses were out of reach and were burned by the Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame.


Sky Sword Sect One of the Seven Peaks of the Purple Jianfeng.

In the purple Jianfeng secret room, there is a purple robe middle-aged man sitting cross-legged.


The purple robe middle-aged man opened his eyes openly, the complexion was pale in a moment, and the throat was sweet, but it was a blood-splitting, directly squirting.

“This, what exactly is this flame? Actually, put this Peak Master’s Divine Sense burn?”

Zi Jian Fengzhu expression Shocked, immediately, the face has a thicker color of grievances, “The damned junior, actually hurt the Peak Master’s Divine Sense, this Peak Master will not let him go!”

Divine Sense’s injury is more difficult to heal than the Fleshy Body injury.


There are too few treasures to fix Divine Sense.

Then again, Divine Sense is something that touches soul, after all, for a lifetime, for soul insights, it is only superficial knowledge.

It can be said.

In the minds of many Martial Artists, prefer Fleshy Body heavy injury, and do not want Divine Sense to suffer a little bit of damage.

And now.

Zi Jian Fengzhu’s Divine Sense was burned, and the flame was extremely strange. Even though he used Divine Sense for all suppression, it still didn’t go out, which made Zi Jian Fengzhu extremely uneasy.

At the same time.

For the youngster that made him suffer this kind of danger, it is also full of bitter killing intent.

It is not far from the Purple Sword Peak.

There is also a green robed man complexion whitish, apparently with the same Divine Sense injury with Zi Jian Fengzhu.

“Damned junior, I dare to hurt me with Divine Sense, even if you are a Puppet Artifact Sect, this Peak Master will take your life!”

In this split second, Lu Jian Fengzhu and Zi Jian Fengzhu, it can be said that hate Zhao Fang, two people are in the same for a moment, out of the secret room, rushed out of their respective spirit peak, appeared in the air.

At the moment when two people left.

The Peak Master in other spirit peaks also felt that when they looked up, they disappeared into their rooms.

When it reappears.

It was in a moment, appearing in six directions over Sky Sword Sect.

Except for Sky Sword Sect Master Jian Fengzi, which was killed by Zhao Fang, the other six peak Peak Masters have appeared!

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