Chapter 547 Sword Soul, Tianjianzi


In the Sky Sword Sect, the peak of Ruler, the six-segment Peak Master by the countless Sky Sword Sect disciple revere, and the Supreme Elder with little take action but deep and unmeasurable, just like this, the whole army is gone?

Sky Sword Sect disciple stunned.

With the six Peak Master and the public Supreme Elder dead.

All their beliefs, beliefs, and confidence are condensed, and at the height of Sky Sword Sect’s high-level destruction, they are also falling apart.

“Magic, devil! You are the devil!”

The only remaining purple man, looking at Zhao Fang, in the eyes, rushed out of unprecedented fear.

He wants to escape.

Optimus Prime’s cold eyes made his heart tremble, his legs were like lead, and he couldn’t move the little bit.

“Give you a chance! Surrender! Or… die!”

Zhao Fang Indifference at the purple robe old man.

Purple robe old man pale face, change indefinite, seems to hesitate.


Zhao Fang coldly snorted.

This sound does not contain special power, it is simply issued with Spiritual Force.

But it was passed to the ear of the old man in purple robe, but it made his body tremble. In the eyes, there was no fear of disguise. “I, I am willing to surrender!”

He is far away from Zhao Fang.

“kneel down !”

Zhao Fang This drink, such as Heaven’s Might, the purple man who is shocked, the heart of the tremor at the same time, the legs are soft, directly in the air. Latest fastest update

“You still need this Emperor to teach you how to do it?”

The cold voice is already a little bit intolerant.

Purple robe old man smiled, but did not hesitate, patted the eyebrows, squeezed a drop of Soul Blood, flew to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang has a heart and mind, Primordial Spirit re- refining the old man Soul Blood with ‘Soul Controlling Secret Art ‘Secret Art.

This purple robe old man is interesting and has no resistance.

In fact, it is not that he cannot resist, but he does not dare.

When Zhao Fang first appeared, he noticed that the Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit was different, with the ultimate burning aura.

He does not dare to gamble.

Can only be obediently being refining.

After a while, Zhao Fang’s eyes returned to calm, and the corner of the mouth revealed a trace smile.

He can feel it.

As long as your Heart Thought moves, you can let the old man, Soul Destroyed!

“From now on, you are Sword Slave!”

The purple robe old man did not dare to refute, and quickly rushed to the road: “Sword Slave obey!”

Zhao Fang left the purple robe old man, there is his intention.

His impossible is always left in Outer Seas, Zhao Fang’s goal is the entire Black Devil Domain, Heaven Domain, and even Martial World.

But once he leaves, losing the Cloud Sea Pavilion of Powerhouse oversee will surely become the revenge of the Fire God Union, the Puppet Artifact Sect, and even the Sky Sword Sect.

Before leaving, Zhao Fang needs to leave some secret hand to deal with the revenge of these disabled parties.

Koi is one.

The purple robe old man, which is now Sword Slave, is one of them.

“With I’ll go Sky Sword Sect Treasure-House !”

Zhao Fang indifferently spoke.

Purple robe old man Where to dare to resist, and quickly respectfully said yes.

A group of people, quickly swept to the Sky Sword Sects Hidden Treasure House.

Unlike Puppet Artifact Sect.

Sky Sword Sects Hidden Treasure House, Restriction, and a few Sword Array filled with them, different crackers, want to be hard, in addition to self-seeking dead end, but there is no other way.

But these.

For Zhao Fang, it is not a problem.

Sword Slave just surrendered, in order to aggravate the weight in Zhao Fang’s heart, but also to save his life, some secret secrets to Sky Sword Sect, but all know nothing.

Even Hidden Treasure House, Sword Slave is all cracked, let Zhao Fang and others, unimpeded, Sky Sword Sects Hidden Treasure House abyss.

“This, this is Sky Sword Sects Hidden Treasure House?”

Xia Yun sister, dumbstruck’s looks at the scene, the heart shakes.

In front of you, there is only one pile of Treasure Mountain.

There are hundreds of Heaven and Earth Essence aura pervasive.

It is clear.

Those aura are from the front of ‘Treasure Mountain’.

“It seems to be a little more than the treasure of Puppet Artifact Sect.”

Zhao Fang Divine Sense sweeps away everything in Treasure-House, and he perceives it clearly.


Suddenly, he was stunned and the figure moved, but he was heading towards the northwest corner of Treasure-House.

Sword Slave saw it, slightly startled, and immediately thought of something, complexion changed.

Come to the northwest corner.

Zhao Fang found a sinister, even ugly black sword.

But this is the black sword. On the occasion of the Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit, Zhao Fang’s Divine Sense swallow.

‘This sword out of the ordinary ! ‘

Zhao Fang picked up the sword at the same time, a cold chill of the bone marrow, from the black sword emits.

Same as for a moment.

Zhao Fang feels that the body is cold, and he will be completely freeze.


Black sword light flashed, but there is a sword light, turned into lightning, directly into the Zhao Fang palm.

“Master be careful !”

Sword Slave See Zhao Fang picking up the black sword, just to remind, but it is still late.

The lightning bolt, after drilling into the all of a sudden of the Zhao Fang body, went straight to its between the eyebrows.

Its goal.

It is the Primordial Spirit of Zhao Fang.

Judging from the overbearing momentum of this sword light emits, he clearly wants to capture the Zhao Fang body and wants to occupy the nest.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth sneer, figure does not move, wait for the Primordial Spirit to arrive.

The sword light Primordial Spirit rushed to the Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit, but with the slightest hesitation, surrounded by the Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit, a pair of ready to refining.

At the same time, there is a laughter that suppresses 1000-year, echoing in Zhao Fang mind: “ha ha … Old Man Day Sword, finally to see the sky again!”

The Principal Spirit of Tianjianzi, wrapped in Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit, is at the time of throughput, and is obliterate Zhao Fang Divine Sense. Suddenly, the Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Sword makes a scream.

“How can it be! This, This is Vermilion Bird Fire?”

Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Sword reveals an unspeakable shock.

After discovering this, he immediately understood that he was waiting for 1000-year, and finally found a suitable Cauldron, which is obviously not suitable for him to win.

after all.

His current Primordial Spirit dissipates too much and is no longer full, and it does not take advantage of this Vermilion Bird Fire mutated Primordial Spirit.


It is very likely that they will be swallowed by each other.

Read this.

Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Sword, but with the slightest hesitation, is about to retire.

“If you want to come, you want to go and leave, it is too much to put this Emperor Master in your eyes.”

A cold voice came out, all of a sudden, the Vermilion Bird Fire Primordial Spirit, suddenly filled with hot power, will also be able to retreat all the Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Sword, all wrapped.

“you you……”

Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Sword was shocked, but did not expect that the other party reacted so fast, and the other party’s body was not eroded by the black sword’s chill.

Zhao Fang did not talk nonsense with him. Under the Vermilion Bird Fire package, he directly activated the refining.

“Fellow Daoist spare the life, Old Man was confused, False Daoist body, and Fellow Daoist Primordial Spirit. Please Fellow Daoist let go of Old Man, Old Man, the sword must be reported!”

Primordial Spirit of the Heavenly Sword hastened for mercy.

Under the muted Vermilion Bird Fire Primordial Spirit, he felt the thick Death aura.

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