The fifth hundred 50 chapter beauty dedication


“congratulations Player ,obtain Level SSS Score.”

“Please choose reward!”

Zhao Fang mind, there are six Cards.


Compared with completing the Five Elements Ruins World Dungeon three times.

Zhao Fang This time, only once.

Although only once, the quality of reward is far more than the Zhao Fang Current Level.

One piece Hundred Tribulations Realm Character Summoning Card.

One piece Hundred Tribulations Realm morph card.

A High Grade Divine Artifact.

Crystal of Earth Venerable.

A set of Cultural Technique.

And Divine Soul Skill !

This is the treasure that is included in the six Cards.

Zhao Fang blinked. “In the past three months, I have been lucky to refining two Silver Puppets, plus two before, there are already four Silver Puppets, one Golden Puppet, and one piece Player Experience Card. In terms of Cultural Technique, I have Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art and I don’t need to practice other things…”

“In this way, the first five are repetitive treasures for me. Divine Soul Skill… Is it the skill of practicing the Primordial Spirit?”

“Okay, it’s it!”

After some elimination, Zhao Fang found his favorite goal.

However, the result of the selection made him slightly disappointed.


“congratulations Player, extracted to ‘Crystal of Earth Venerable’.”

Crystal of Earth Venerable is also an extremely rare treasure.

Zhao Fang had a piece when killing ‘Scaled Tiger Clone’.

Let Divine Beast swallow have a chance to reach Earth Venerable Realm level in the short term.

But this short term is relative to Divine Beast.

For Zhao Fang, this may be half a year or a few years.

at least.

The Nine-Headed Lion, which was swallowed away from the Crystal of Earth Venerable, has not yet shown signs of awakening.

“White once.”

Zhao Fang is quite sorry in her heart.

He took out the Crystal of Earth Venerable and thought about it and eventually gave it to Fog Beast.

Zhao Fang Currently, there are two divine pets.

Swallow the Crystal of Earth Venerable and fall into the sleepy Nine-Headed Lion.

And, Golden Scaled Fire Python.

Further down is Tier-8 Perfection’s Butterfly Emperor, Tier-8 Late Stage’s Fog Beast, and Tier-8 Late Stage’s Devouring Blood Ant King.

Golden Scaled Fire Python is just an ordinary Divine Beast, and the limits of this life will not exceed Hundred Tribulations Realm.

There is no value for training.

In Tier-8, whether it is Butterfly Emperor, Fog Beast, or Devouring Blood Ant King, it is a muted Spirit beast.

Once Evolution becomes a God, there will be earth-shaking changes.

Especially Fog Beast is even better at group battles.

Of course, the Devouring Blood Ant group is also good at group battles.

But Ant Colony’s overall strength is still weak, and even if Devouring Blood Ant King is upgraded to Earth Venerable Realm, it won’t do much.

Fog Beast appeared and saw the ‘Crystal of Earth Venerable’ in the hands of Zhao Fang. It was originally to be sprinkled and sold. The eyes were immediately attracted by the Crystal of Earth Venerable, and they could no longer be removed. In the eyes, it was thicker. Intense heat and longing. Latest fastest update


It also feels that out of the ordinary of this Crystal of Earth Venerable.

“Do not disappoint me!”

Zhao Fang threw the Crystal of Earth Venerable to Fog Beast.

Fog Beast caught the mouth and made a bang, as if to say, ‘Master assured, I will do my best. ‘

Zhao Fang will swallow off the Fog Beast of the Crystal of Earth Venerable.

“Just that was Fog Cloud Immortal Beast?”

Little Loli has been looking at, suddenly start to talk, the sound is slightly uncertain.

As for Sword Slave.

His focus is entirely on the Crystal of Earth Venerable.

Seeing the Crystal of Earth Venerable, swallowed by Fog Beast, his eyes blood-red, as if to see the killing of the enemy.

But Zhao Fang was in front, he didn’t dare to act rashly, but his heart was bleeding, ‘Crystal of Earth Venerable, if I can get it, I have great confidence, breakthrough Earth Venerable Realm! But he actually gave this Rank great treasure to a beast! ‘

“Immortal Beast?” Zhao Fang shook his head.

“Maybe I admit it. However, Fog Cloud Immortal Beast, that is a very rare existence, even today’s World, is already on the verge of extinction.”

While speaking, little Loli stares at Zhao Fang storage ring, “Big Brother, can you give it to me.”

“If Fog Beast wakes up and is willing to follow you, I won’t stop it.”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

“Really?” Mandala’s eyes re-formed into crescents.


Five Great Sects is called Baishan.

In fact, it is to spy on the Cloud Sea Pavilion.


The person who worships the mountain will not be the Vice Sect Master ranked character.

When Zhao Fang, with Sword Slave on the scene.

Immediately, the group of Five Great Sects will be completely stunned.


After seeing Black Kun, it was a lot of Vice Sect Master complexion big change. Later, the attitude towards Xia Yun’s younger brother was also respected from the previous casual.

“A group of goods that are missing.”

In this regard, Zhao Fang is not unexpected, coldly snorted.

After the people of Five Great Sects left.

Zhao Fang and Xia Yun’s sister told me what to leave.

Despite knowing.

Outer Seas couldn’t keep Zhao Fang for too long, but I didn’t expect Zhao Fang to be so anxious to leave.

Before leaving, Zhao Fang left a new Refining Hundred Tribulations Realm puppet.

Secret Art was taught by Zhao Fang, enabling Xia Yun to control the Hundred Tribulations Realm puppet.


The night is as cool as water.

Zhao Fang outside the door.

Dōng dōng !

A little bit of a tight knock on the door, passed into Zhao Fang’s ear.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes and revealed a trace in the eyes. “So late, what is she doing here?”

With Zhao Fang’s Divine Sense, I saw the people standing outside the door.

Get up and open the door.

Zhao Fang eyes suldenly a stagnation.

Moonlight is clean and tidy.

A green shirt with a purple dress, the skin is like snow, the eyebrows are picturesque, and Xia Yun, who is obviously dressed up, appears in front of the Zhao Fang room.

Her expression is flattering, especially in the moonlight, adding a bit of temptation beauty.

Even Zhao Fang.

At the time of the see, in the eyes is also revealing the color of mesmerizing.

“Cough… you are?” Zhao Fang couldn’t figure out the intention of Xia Yun.

“I have something to look for. You just let me, are you ready to talk outside?”

Xia Yun licks his lips and poses as a weak little sheep.

After Xia Yun entered the room, Zhao Fang immediately noticed something was wrong.

This midnight, lonely and widowed, and Xia Yun is also so tempting as clothes, this is more than something, obviously playing with fire.

“Xia Yun, if you have something, please say it.”

See Xia Yun for the delay to start to talk, Zhao Fang can only ask for it.

“This time many thanks you!”

Xia Yun deeply looks at Zhao Fang, a sincere face, “If it weren’t for you, my Cloud Sea Pavilion will not only be completely destroyed, but with Little Hai, it is bound to escape this robbery, helpless, no report!”

While speaking.

The green shirt purple skirt that was covered in Xia Yun was quietly slipping.

Waiting to see the scene, Zhao Fang complexion is calm, but the eyes are suddenly magnified, “Fuck, not!”

Looking at the front, this can make the countless man crazy, and Zhao Fang said that he is not tempted, it is not fake.


Such a dangerous situation seems to be not a gentleman.

Just thinking about it, Xia Yun walked lightly, and the money came, even Zhao Fang did not notice how she came to her.

Then, directly push Zhao Fang down.

When the warm fragrant jade is mixed with a touch of fragrant fragrance, Zhao Fang mind has only one thought, “Fuck, brother is reversed!”

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