The fifth hundred 50 four chapters arrest warrant

“damn, it’s really two poor, a little decent thing has not exploded, as a boss, are you both?”

Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends Xin Loss is already dead.

If you hear this, even if you are not dead, you can cough up blood.

And in the restaurant.

Everyone is stunned.

The sly look at the body of the crane and the tiger, the in the eyes is full of shocking flavor.

They are all unable to believe.

The two Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouses, in a blink of an eye, died in the hands of a Martial Void Realm brat.

What shocked them even more.

This brat, when killing their two people, is extremely relaxed.

It seems to be killed, not Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse, but two mole cricket and ants.

This matter, if it is Hundred Tribulations Powerhouse, killed Martial Void Realm, they will not have such an expression.

But the result is that Martial Void Realm reversed the killed Hundred Tribulations Powerhouse.

Not killing one, but also damn is killing a pair.

This kind of shock can be imagined!

“Hey, Big Brother, you Strong seems to be getting stronger.”

Mandala squinted with a small eye, said with a grin.

“Fortunately, killing this kind of fish is completely easy.”

If they are before, they will definitely sneer at it if they hear this.

but now.

No one doubts the truth of this statement.

after all.

The two bloody bodies on the ground have become evidence.

“Boss, why don’t you still serve?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

His voice is not big, but let the shopkeeper at the front desk scare the panic-stricken.

He just saw it, but he witnessed it all.

Naturally aware, this seemingly weak youngster within the body hides the power of Berserk.

Even the Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends died because they provoked this person. He can also be able to offend Zhao Fang.

Xiao Er quickly put on a few exquisite dishes, one by one in front of Zhao Fang.

Same as Time.

There was a store second, and the body of the Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends was removed from the restaurant.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, but there was no previous scorn and ridicule, more than a trace solemn, and revere.

In this Martial Dao Supreme World, only the absolute Strength can be respected and Revere.

Simple ate some, Zhao Fang left with Mandala.

“I didn’t expect Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends, the two scums in Blood Rock Town, who were savage, actually killed!”

“Oh, whisper. If you hear it from the cryel fellow of Hundred Beast Group, there will be big trouble.”

When I heard this prompt, the person who spoke first, quickly snorted, gratefully looked at the person beside the eyes, and finally looked at the back of Zhao Fang, and sighed: “Unfortunately, it won’t last long.”

“Yeah, Hundred Beast Group Three Captain, that’s all Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage powerful existence, even in the Blood Rock Region, it’s an extremely cruel terrifying organization.”

“Once they let them know, Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends is the one who died in the youngster. The youngster is afraid that he has not yet entered the Blood Rock Region, and he is already dead.”

Everyone shook their heads and looked sorry.

For everyone’s discussion, Zhao Fang naturally did not hear.

He is at the moment.

After leaving the restaurant with Mandala, they headed for Blood Rock Town abyss.

I don’t know how many streets to shuttle, two people seem to be coming, the street of the Rock Center in the center of the main road.

“Wow, Beastman! Big Brother, look at Beastman!”

“Big Brother, Giant, Giant…”

Walking on the central street of Blood Rock Town, the nature of the Mandala little girl, like a complete release, looks at the Beastman, and the giants, yelling at them from time to time.

Imagine it.

Mandala said this, how much hatred was invisibly pulled.

Even Zhao Fang, who is a humanoid hatred, is inferior to Mandala in this respect.


His speed is fast enough, and when those people are just angry, they will disappear without a trace of Mandala.

Not afraid of them.

But Mandala is offended by too many people.

Even Zhao Fang feels numb scalp.

“How do I find out that taking you out is a wrong decision?”

A few streets outside, Zhao Fang looks at Mandala, a big head.

“Quiet me?” Mandala looked innocent.

This expression made Zhao Fang feel sullen and slammed on the cotton.

He was embarrassed to lose his temper to Mandala, as long as he depressed his heart.

However, with the experience of before, Mandala has also converged a lot.

This made Zhao Fang secretly give a sigh of relief.

“Big Brother, have you noticed that those people, look at your eyes, weird.”

Mandala blinked all around, thinking.

Zhao Fang didn’t care, but listened to Mandala, and after careful observation, there were indeed many passers-by who looked at their own eyes and looked strange.

“What the hell? Is it what you just got provoked?” Zhao Fang frowns.

“Big Brother, I just said that Beastman, giants and the like, can be found without human, you black pot, I can not back.”

Little Loli is not a good person, grinning.

Two people continue on.

Not far away, Zhao Fang found that the eyes that fell on him were more and more.

In the eyes, it is full of surprises, stunned, and cold killing intent.


Zhao Fang is confused, but see all around, gathering more and more Martial Artists, grabbing little Loli, and heading in the other direction.

He is moving.

Suddenly, the large group of people behind the crowd, swarming.

Among these groups, there are even some Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouses.

“damn, who can tell this Emperor, is this what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang’s brows are wrinkled. “Is it just that, who is the accomplice of Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends?”

After he entered Blood Rock Town, he only provoked the two people.


He shook his head and the Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends was notoriously unaware of such a big appeal.

after all.

There are several Powerhouses in it, already reaching Hundred Tribulations Realm Initial Stage peak and even a Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage.

This Rank Powerhouse will run for Tiger-Crane Twin Fiends this Rank existence.

“Is it because I exposed Berserk in the restaurant and brought them?”

Zhao Fang gaze shimmers.

This is indeed possible.

But when Zhao Fang is about to leave this street and enter the next street.

Zhao Fang saw a piece of one piece at the junction of the two streets.

On the left side of the portrait, there are three scarlet characters.

Arrest warrant !

Next to the arrest warrant is a one piece face portrait.

A slight glance, Zhao Fang footsteps a pause, complexion is a bit weird.

“My arrest warrant?”

That face portrait, not someone else, it is Zhao Fang!

Below the portrait, there is a small line of words.

“Overnight: So if anyone has fallen, or who is catching this person, Soul Refining Dao, with an Earth Venerable Grade Cultivation Technique, two ‘Hundred Tribulations Realm ‘Divine Artifact, ten ‘Hundred Tribulations Pill’, as rewards… ”

Seeing this, Zhao Fang’s complexion is slowly sinking.

Especially see.

Those who are chasing after the crowd, surrounded the entire street, and a vow to kill themselves, Zhao Fang in the eyes more ruthless killing intent.

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