The fifth hundred 50 eight chapters of the situation of Serene Palace

“Oh, what is this situation, welcome this Emperor?”

In King Yu and others, looking up at the head of the sky, emits, even when he felt the breath of the stagnation of the huge black shadow, a slightly scornful voice, slowly from the back of the black shadow.

The black shadows are gathered, revealing a gold-robed silhouette.

Next to the gold-robed silhouette, there is a 12-year-old young girl, which looks even cute, revealing the ancient flavor.

At the moment, she is looking at everything from the Serene Palace from time to time with her big black eyes.

“Big Brother, this is the Serene Palace? It looks like it doesn’t seem to be very good.”

Young girl licked his mouth.

“Who is this?”

Many people looked up and saw this strange man and woman, and could not help but frown.

“Dare to ask, is Your Excellency?”

Old man sees Puppet Beast out of the ordinary and is very friendly to Zhao Fang.

Compared with it.

That Old Court Eunuch is the other extreme.

“brat, no matter who you are, roll down the house. I dare to stand on the top of King Yu, let us look up at you, really impatient.”

This suddenly appeared a man and a woman.

It was Zhao Fang Mandala two people who came from Blood Rock Town.

For the question of Old Court Eunuch, Zhao Fang did not marry him, looking at Lord Jing next to the old man.

In Lord Jing, he felt aura similar to Scarlet Pupil.

“You are Lord Jing?”

“It’s me, who are you? What are you looking for?”

Zhao Fang has not answered yet.

“brat, actually dare to ignore this general manager Sir, ignore King Yu Your Majesty, you are in court death!”

Talking is Old Court Eunuch.

At the time of start to talk, he has taken action.

This Old Court Eunuch looks annoying, but the cultivation base is amazing and has reached the Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage peak.

He is good at a claw technique.

Exhibited, the claws whistled, emits gloomy cold light.

“Black Kun !”

Zhao Fang indifference to to talk.

Black Kun both wings spread out, welcoming Old Court Eunuch, attacking him, without the slightest dodge, directly waving his wings.

Dīng dīng !

Pū chī !

In the interlaced all of a sudden.

The attack by Old Court Eunuch did not pose a substantial threat to Black Kun. He himself was even smashed by his wings when he was waving in Black Kun, blood violently spurt.

Such as the bloody and overbearing scene, let Lord Jing be surprised.

King Yu is complexion gloomy, with a faint cold light in his eyes, Void Hand grabs the Primordial Spirit of Old Court Eunuch, stares at Zhao Fang, coldly said: “Your Excellency is too overbearing, and in a word, killed this King. It’s too much not to put this King, not to put Swallow Ancient Country in the eyes.”

“Give you three breaths, get out of this Emperor sight, otherwise, die!”

As soon as the dead words came out, the endless netherworld baleful qi pervaded and shrouded King Yu.

King Yu was shocked.

Under this aura, he smelled an extremely dangerous risk.

But if you leave like this, where is his face?

“who are you?”



Seeing that Zhao Fang did not answer, King Yu was a scruples of Black Kun. He was hesitant and coldly snorted and flew away from King Yu.

King Yu left, not that he couldn’t compete against Zhao Fang.

In his hand, there are also some cards.

However, Zhao Fang’s fierce means, as well as the overbearing style, and the puppet of the Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage, caused him some doubts.

“The puppet with Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage, this child is very human, don’t let this King identify you, otherwise you will die!”

King Yu complexion gloomy, he is also good at forbearing generations, this has to be replaced by other people, it is estimated that Zhao Fang has long been anal.

“Big Brother, you look like a pity, do you want to kill that person?”

King Yu has not gone far, and there is such a voice in his ear. The body of his tremble is shocked, but the speed is suddenly accelerating. In the blink of an eye, it disappears without a trace.

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Zhao Fang glanced at Mandala.

In fact.

He really wants to kill King Yu. After all, it is a boss.


King Yu is here.

Swallow Ancient Country Prince, he doesn’t want to provoke it now, and he doesn’t want to be with the Swallow Ancient Country.


King Yu is dying today!

Lord Jing 怔怔looks at the one who is in front of himself, triumphant, and finally, but by the youngster who is far greater than his own, the scared King Yu, the wrong expression, with a trace sarcasm.

“Lord Jing, right? My name is Zhao Fang, um, by your Elder Sister…”

“My Elder Sister?” Lord Jing looked at him and looked at Zhao Fang deeply. “What proof do you have?”

Zhao Fang takes out a crystal bracelet.

“It’s Elder Sister’s personal belongings.”

Lord Jing eyes shined, the attitude has changed immediately, “Dare to ask, how to call?”

“Zhao Fang !”

Zhao Fang walked down from the back of Black Kun and looked at Serene Palace, slightly frowned.

to be frank.

The Serene Palace at the moment, with his imaginary palace, is too big.

This place is dilapidated and there is no such thing as the royal palace.

“My Elder Sister, is it okay?”

Lord Jing has a nervous look at Zhao Fang.

“Fortunately. She is inside, worshiping a senior as a teacher, and can’t get out of it for a while. But I don’t think it will take long for her to come to you.”

I heard this.

Lord Jing’s face was bright, “So good, very good!”

At this moment, Lord Jing, no longer the previous high cold and extravagant, some just happy.

“Old Xu, telling me to go, I want to host a feast and treat Zhao Fang.”


Old man nod, sweeping the eyes of Zhao Fang, brows slightly wrinkle, seems to have something to say.

Hesitated, and finally did not open his mouth, waving his hand to tell the next person to prepare for the banquet.

At the banquet.

The guest is divided.

It’s a great talk.

“Zhao Young master, dare to ask is the inflation of the outlook talent?”

Old man start to talk

In fact.

When he heard the name of Zhao Fang, he searched for the news about the surname Zhao.

He was surprised that he didn’t find any news at all.

This was only when the banquet was in the middle of the banquet.

Zhao Fang swept the old man, plain said with a laugh: “Old Xu doesn’t have to knock sideways, this Emperor is not a Black Devil Domain person, you can’t find it.”

Old man is quite awkward.

But he was quickly concealed by him.

In my heart, I was shocked: “It wasn’t Black Devil Domain. But at this age, there is 8-Star Martial Void cultivation base, and there is a Puppet Beast of Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage. This person should not come from common. Influence. He used to call this Emperor, is it another Earth domain? What Empire Powerhouse?”

The guess of old man, and the actual situation, there is not much difference.

The only difference is.

Desolate Domain is not a special Influence, but the weakest and most common Domain in Martial World Nine Domains.


Xu surnamed old man, knowing that Zhao Fang is so born, I don’t know what to say.

“The situation of the Serene Palace seems to be a little bit too good.”

Zhao Fang put down the glass and smiled at Lord Jing.

The original and happy party, with the words of Zhao Fang, the atmosphere was quietly quiet, an unspeakable repression, filled with it.

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