The fifty-sixth chapter of the chicken

The terrifying aura, which did not last long, returned to calm.

Even if some of them are closer to the Powerhouse, they are coming quickly and want to have a glimpse.

It is also nothing.

on site.

In addition to the deep pit left by Old Huang and Optimus Prime.

There are no other traces.

However, the Half Venerable aura in the deep pit, but many of the Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse, complexion greatly changed, but shocked, but did not dare to sneak deep, the clumps left.


Several hundreds of miles away.

Zhao Fang is on the foot of Star Compass.

Beside him, Mandala sat quietly, looking at Zhao Fang with a small eye, occasionally revealing a trace of confusion.

“The ‘Earth Devil Thunder’ turned out to have Tu Sen’s aura. Did Tu Sen come to the Black Devil Domain and collude with Third Prince? Or, the Earth Devil Thunder, but Old Huang is not intentionally?”

Zhao Fang did not expect to find Tu Sen’s trace in the Black Devil Domain.

What is more unexpected than he expected.

Tu Sen aura in Earth Devil Thunder is not very strong, only a very weak a trace.

But this is a trace.

But let Zhao Fang have a sense of heart and soul.

“How strong is this fellow?”

Zhao Fang eye reveals solemn : “I thought that with my current cultivation base and then Tu Sen, even if it is not, the gap will not be too big. But…”

After seeing Earth Devil Thunder, his thoughts, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He is making progress.

Tu Sen is also making progress.

And the progress is even greater.

With his current Strength, even if he doesn’t restore peak, he is afraid that he will not be able to go anywhere.

The joy of the originally killed boss, because of Tu Sen’s sake, cast a shadow on Zhao Fang’s heart.

“Tu Sen , Bei Luo !”

Zhao Fang looks into the distance, as if looking through the layers of Space, falling in the endless.

There, there seem to be two huge demon statues, emits blazing the flames of the sky.

“This Emperor will definitely kill you, sure!”

Zhao Fang takes a deep breath, puts this thought away, doesn’t go back, and goes straight to Hundred Beast Mountain Range.

“Big Brother, the golden armor, can you play for me?”

“Can you play well?”

Zhao Fang has no special meaning.

after all.

Activate Golden Puppet , Divine Sense consumed, not common.

He just just activated for a moment and felt that Divine Sense couldn’t afford it. Until now, complexion is still pale.

Mandala although is a secret, but after all, it is just a child.

“Try it!”

Mandala’s eyes flashed a trace crafty, glaring at Zhao Fang’s sleeves, and you won’t give me a pair, I won’t let go of your expression.

Zhao Fang frowned.

However, the Golden Puppet Tyrant Heavenly Tiger is called out.


When Tyrant Heavenly Tiger came out, his aura spread compared to the Earth Venerable Powerhouse, it would scare all around Vicious Beast.

Mandala’s eyes immediately turned into a heart shape, three steps and two steps to the front of Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, surrounded by him, like a quiet toy, a look of joy.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang just looked at the moment and ignored it.

Close your eyes to adjust the recovery of Divine Sense.

Star compass speed is extremely fast.

Not a moment, after nearly a thousand miles of illness.

Zhao Fang came to a mountain range.


The night is dark, Starlight Radiance, and the mountains are filled with cold and strange aura.

Zhao Fang Yi Gao was daring and swept his eyes on the foot mountain. After confirming that it was the Hundred Beast Mountain Range, he walked straight in.

Shortly after entering the Beast Mountain, Zhao Fang took the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger to prevent the beat the grass to scare the snake, but attracted Mandala’s disappointment.

She also only complained a few words, attention, and quickly all around the dark jungle, occasionally emits out of the fascinating attraction.

That glory is not something else.

It is a head of Vicious Beast.

Under the shock of the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, these Vicious Beast did not dare to approach.

But when Zhao Fang took it away, he lost the source of shock. This Vicious Beast completely incarnates Assassin in the dark, approaching Zhao Fang two people.

“A group of garbage!”

Zhao Fang Slightly Sense, the corner of the mouth reveals a sneer, and the figure flashes, but it disappears in place.

Followed by.

A path of screaming screams, the Vicious Beasts with fierce eyes, fell in a pool of blood.

Just a moment.

All around The nearly hundred Vicious Beast, all solved by Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang grabs Mandala and two people figure flashes and goes straight to Hundred Beast Mountain Range abyss.

The day is bright.

Zhao Fang came to the edge of the Hundred Beast Mountain Range.

Across the distance, he felt the fifteen or six powerful aura of the emits in the Hundred Beast Mountain Range center.

These aura, both emits out Hundred Tribulations Realm fluctuation.

among them.

There are three people, reaching the Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage, and only one step away from Perfection.


Zhao Fang blinked.


Zhao Fang just appeared, the mountain abyss, immediately a roar.

Powerful Hundred Tribulations Realm aura, swept away, but there are several shouting break space, rolling up the terrifying sound, turned into five people, not far from Zhao Fang.

These five people.

It seems that there is no difference with the normal Human Race.

But the temperament gesture is no doubt with Vicious Beast.

In short, it’s like a five-headed Vicious Beast with human skin.

“brat, who are you, actually licking our Hundred Beast Mountain Range.”

Among the five, a middle-aged thief’s eyebrows and a middle-aged fat man with a big belly, when he saw Zhao Fang, his eyes were slightly stunned, and a small light was revealed in the small eyelids.


When the cold light saw Mandala, it quickly turned into greed and blazing.

“Top Grade, Top Grade Ah! He damn it, there is such a Top Grade, a few brothers, this little girl, grandfather wants, as for the brat, you are free.”

The fat man of the thief’s eyebrows, staring at Mandala, almost all of the saliva is flowing out, full of pig brothers.

The other four people, Wen Yan, looked at Zhao Fang carefully.

“Some are thin.”

“I can barely play a Time.”

“Oh, all of them are blaming the two idiots of the tiger and the tiger. They are dead, and we are also banned by Boss.”

The four said, the color of hate.

“Boss is also for our safety. Everyone knows that the Swallow Ancient Country’s battle for storage has reached a stage of arduousness. Prince has increased his bargaining power for the reserve. It is a trick. We are the Prince of Third, naturally Other Prince’s in the eyes are stabbed in the flesh.”

“He damn it, it’s too wrong. When can I go to work?”

The four said, they didn’t care to shake this secret out.

just like.

Zhao Fang Mandala, already two dead people, will not take them secretly.

“Mandala, we seem to be underestimated.”

Zhao Fang swept his eyes on Mandala, said with a light smile.

“Hey, a bunch of chickens and dogs are nothing more.”

The Mandala is small, but the tone is not small. When this is said, theudlyly provokes the five people to be cold and full of killing intent.

Just as Zhao Fang thought, Mandala finally revealed the big move.

I heard the other person say a word, and almost let him plant a fight.

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