Chapter 568 Judge Huo Yang Yan

Hell Branch.

For outsiders, it is the Longtan Tiger Cave.

But for the current Zhao Fang combination, it is not threatening.

Under the cover of four Hundred Tribulations Realm puppet, the Assassin of the ordinary, just appeared, was smashed by Black Kun.

Become a veritable ‘seeing death’.

Sweep all the way.


Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage Assassin also appeared.


Despite their precautions, the four-headed puppet’s joint offensive was almost killed and killed, and even the Primordial Spirit was sucked into Hell.

Later, it was later.

Assassin is getting less and less.

On the one hand, most of them were killed by Zhao Fang.

On the other hand, after Judge Huo noticed Zhao Fang and others Strength, he removed the attack and saved this unnecessary casualty!


Zhao Fang In the center of the mountain, I saw a Main Hall filled with chilly aura.

Main Hall all around, sometimes Ghost Spirit flashes, accompanied by the sound of a ghost, a wit, like a real Hell.

The door of Main Hall is open, and it can be clearly seen that the main hall in the center of the main hall is sitting on the back of the court, wearing a black robes, wearing a black robe, with a rough face and a mighty man with a red beard.

This red-bearded cultivation base, Zhao Fang just looked at it and felt the infinite flame emerged. There was a countless fire snake.

Zhao Fang complexion calm, let the fire come, and when it is about to approach Zhao Fang, Netherworld Qi will start instantly, along the Zhao Fang whole body, and shrouded forward.

Those fire snakes were not yet close to Zhao Fang, and they were drowned by the infinite Netherworld Qi.

“Judge Huo, are you still playing these tricks, are you getting out of date?”

Zhao Fang chuckles, looking at the distance, the red Hu Han sitting in the court.


Judge Huo looked at the gaze and swept Zhao Fang. To be precise, it was Netherworld Qi in front of Zhao Fang: “Good pure netherworld aura! According to this Judge, the entire Black Devil Domain can do this. The place to be pure Netherworld Qi, only Devil Spirit Mountain Range !”

Judge Huo’s gaze, like two flames, straight hooks at Zhao Fang.

“You are from Devil Spirit Mountain Range? Why are you Hell Branch?”

Zhao Fang startled.

But I immediately knew that the Judge Huo in front of me was definitely a thin figure.


Also impossible, by Netherworld Qi, it is associated with the Devil Spirit Mountain Range.

“This Emperor comes from there, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is, do you want to die, or want to live?”

“impudent !”

Judge Huo has a flame on the surface, like a fire. “With your trivial Martial Void Realm junior, I thought that with a few Silver Puppets, I could swipe my Hell Branch? Can this Judge surrender? It’s a big day. Joke! Don’t say it is you, even if you have any of the demon spirit, there is no qualification. Unless they want to fight with my Hell!”

Perhaps it is too much for slaughter, Judge Huo said this, throughout the Main Hall, suddenly Yin Wind bursts, ghosts are constantly.

The Main Hall, which originally had a bit of vitality, immediately became a ghost in the underworld.

The Assassins, who wore flaming robes on both sides of the hall, pulled out the long sword, shouted, “to commit my Hell, kill and kill!”

Main Hall inside, adding a murderous aura atmosphere.

Zhao Fang complexion is calm, he is determined and strong, and he is very capable.

Even the Earth Venerable Clone dared to kill, and there was no influence on him at all.

As for Mandala.

On the occasion of coming to the doorway of the temple, I picked up my toes and the old head of the small head seemed to have a look. There is nothing fun in the Main Hall.

As for the Death aura of Judge Huo emits, she didn’t realize it.

“If that’s the case, then you can only see the real chapter under your hand.”

Zhao Fang grinned and his expression was calm.

His calmness, let Judge Huo, who has been sitting still, frowned. “Is there a hand in this fellow’s hand that does not compete with this Judge?”

Judge Huo couldn’t see through Zhao Fang, and he couldn’t guess that he came to the purpose of Earth domain branch.


The purpose is not important. Zhao Fang has killed so many Hell Assassin. In any case, he has to kill Zhao Fang.

“Hey! This Judge is looking backwards, what qualification do you have, dare to arrogate in front of this Judge?”

Judge Huo sneered, with a big hand, a large number of yellow flames in his sleeves, these flames are extraordinarily strange, turned into a head of flame, with a look of fierce evil, killing Zhao Fang.

“call out!”

Black Kun attacked, the sword wings rolled up, and a dozen flames were instantly set aside.


The flame of the flame collapsed, but the yellow flame on it was on the Black Kun sword wing.

The defensive, sharp and unparalleled sword wings, when burned by the yellow flame, are a dozen dark holes.

Instantly broke the Black Kun Sword Wing defense.

“Optimus Prime !”

Zhao Fang blinked, and Optimus Prime lifted his arm and a large number of Yuan Force squirted, directly hitting those flames back.

Even so.

The yellow flame, also on the Black Kun sword wings, left an indelible mark.

“Purgatory True Fire, it’s not the same!”

Zhao Fang stared at the blackness of Black Kun’s wings, his eyes were slight, and his voice revealed a trace wariness.


Judge Huo was surprised. “You actually know, this Judge is the name of this flame.”

“I don’t just know the origins, I also know how to crack him.”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth sneer, Void Hand grabbed Hell Road and immediately caught a cyan fire.

Judge Huo looked at the cyan fire, “Hei Wucheng!”

“This Judge understands, Hei Wucheng, you brought them here, you are damned!” Judge Huo roared.

When cyan swayed, the faint face of Hei Wucheng emerged. He looked at Judge Huo and his voice was full of grievances: “Yang Yan, when you took my chance, you should think that there will be such a day!”

“You damned the waste, dare to betray this Judge, betray Hell, this Judge wants to put your Primordial Spirit into the 18th floor Hell, so that you can never live forever!”

Judge Huo’s eyes spurt, Half Venerable Powerhouse’s imposing manner, banging emits, a smashing killing intent, and the all the a sudden with this snoring, pervading the entire Main Hall.

“If you can do it, come on!” Hei Wucheng corner of the mouth.

“you court death !”

Judge Huo’s voice just fell, but in his hand is a cyan big ruler. At the moment, the big ruler turned into a flame giant bird, spread its wings, wrapped a lot of Purgatory True Fire, went straight to Zhao Fang, and Hei Wucheng Come.

This hit.

Seemingly random.

In fact, it is the fusion skill of Purgatory True Fire and Cyan. It is one of Judge Huo’s tricks.

One of the tricks, Hundred Tribulations Realm, few people can resist this move.

The firebirds are getting closer and closer, and the heat waves of the Purgatory True Fire emits are the pain of burning meat and body spirits.

The speed is fast, almost all of a sudden, and the Zhao Fang figure is drowned.

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