Chapter 569 mysterious black robed man

After the Grey robe Old man was spotted, the brows slightly wrinkle.

The gray sword was empty, but went straight to Zhao Fang.

He also saw that Zhao Fang was the key to this battle.

Solve the danger of Zhao Fang, those Hundred Tribulations Realm Elder, not to break.

However, just in the gray sword condensed by the hundred zhang (333m) sword, crossed the Optimus Prime, is about to approach Zhao Fang’s all of a sudden.

Shrink The Ground To An Inch.

Zhao Fang instantly merged into Void and disappeared.

Grey robe Old man expression A condensate, some horror looks at all around.

Even if he was, he could not detect where Zhao Fang went.

However, he can be sure that Zhao Fang is still here in Battlefield.


The attack of puppet such as Optimus Prime continues.


Grey robe Old man blinked, but he no longer cares about Zhao Fang, but concentrates on Optimus Prime, wanting to explode it in the short term.

Sword Qi whistling, with a crushing Hundred Tribulations Realm’s imposing manner, blasting toward Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime didn’t escape, even if it fled, its speed was faster than the attack speed of Grey robe Old man.

In the big room, Optimus Prime is more silvery, but it is not flashing, and it is hard to resist.

At the cost of being torn apart, Optimus Prime rushed closer to the Grey robe Old man and launched a close combat of puppet.

Grey robe Old man expressionless, gray sword emptied, extreme sharpness, each sword falling, can leave a sword wound on Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime is getting more and more serious. Similarly, the Grey robe Old man has been attacked and it is also very expensive.

after all.

He is not a full-fledged, but a serious injury.

“This damned brat, I want to use this puppet to consume this Venerable Yuan Force? The abacus is quite loud, but you have some overestimation of this puppet.”

Grey robe Old man corner of the mouth.

“Is it? This Emperor feels that your old nephew is overestimating yourself.”

Laughter, passed into the eyes of Grey robe Old man.


Grey robe Old man is in Space all around, immediately filled with a hot, high temperature, red orange yellow flame, at the same time sweeping, filled with Grey robe Old man all around.

Especially the yellow flame, even the Grey robe Old man, feels like a heartbeat when you feel it.

The tri-color flame changed into a three-headed flame. The dragon screamed, but went straight to the Grey robe Old man.

Grey robe Old man A sword bounces off the Optimus Prime and turns to meet the three Fire Dragons. The gray sword is under the cross, and the first red dragon is approaching, and he is seriously injured in the moment, and half of his head is removed.

Even the second orange dragon was slightly injured.

Only the third head, Huang Long, is unscathed!

Just as he was preparing to take out the second sword, the three-color Fire Dragon was already approaching.


Three-color flame, drowning the Grey robe Old man in an instant.

But listening to the flame, Sword Qi able to move unhindered, but there are also screams.

“Get out!”

Grey robe Old man angry roar, a Sword Qi instantly rushed out of the sea of ​​fire and turned into a difficult situation silhouette.

It is the Grey robe Old man.

In just a moment, Grey robe Old man is no longer a calm, old-fashioned, slightly shocked.

His robe, burned in many places, emits burnt aura, even the beard hair, was burned off most of the time, at this moment more difficult situation, there are more difficult situation.

more importantly.

Even if he escaped from the sea of ​​fire, there was a faint yellow fire on the Grey robe Old man.

It is Purgatory True Fire!

This fire, from Hell Judge Huo Yang Yan, is the fire of his fame.

This fire is strong, even if it is some Earth Venerable Realm Middle Stage Powerhouse, do not dare to slap it.

Zhao Fang Strength is too weak, just Martial Void Realm, can’t play the real power of this fire.

If it is a Yang Yan take action, I am afraid that it is a flame, you can be seriously injured or killed Grey robe Old man.

Even so.

In the case of Behind by Purgatory True Fire, Grey robe Old man also paid a lot of money.

His body’s Sword Qi slammed into a moment, and the flame collapsed on his Fleshy Body, causing his entire painful face to distort.

In the end, relying on the powerful strength of Earth Venerable Realm, these flames were barely suppressed.

But the horror on his face, but it has not been scattered for a long time.

“This, what is this fire? This Venerable has never heard of it.”

“You haven’t heard of anything that you have ever seen. I really thought that after I reached Earth Venerable, I could do everything, I know everything?”

Zhao Fang sneered.

Grey robe Old man gaze at Zhao Fang, in the eyes flashing cold inking intent, “small bastard, this Venerable admits, just a little bit of you. But now, you must die!”

Grand Earth Venerable Powerhouse, played by a Martial Void Realm junior, made him faceless and inspired his determination to kill Zhao Fang.

‘damn, there are so many HPs left. ‘

Zhao Fang glanced at the top of the Grey robe Old man, the complexion remained the same, and the heart was a mother.

The time between the two sides is not long, but it is particularly dangerous.

Under the double attack of Optimus Prime and Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, Grey robe Old man was only lost, the original one-third of 10% HP.

This makes Zhao Fang’s headache at the same time, but also to see clearly, want to use these conventional means to kill an Earth Venerable Powerhouse, how unrealistic.

Just as Grey robe Old man is about to be killed again.


Devil Lotus Sword Sect The number of thousand zhang outside the sky, suddenly there are rolling clouds coming from the clouds, there are also mixed with sorrowful mourning.

The sound was not loud, but it was directly transmitted to the Primordial Spirit, so that all those who heard the sound, Primordial Spirit Vibration, had to stop.

“That is……”

Miao Yin Earth Venerable looks at the dark clouds, looking at the dark clouds hidden behind the clouds, complexion big change, “Soul Refining Dao !”

As a result, everyone is complexion big change.

Soul Refining Dao, the fierce name in the Black Devil Domain, is the best of Six Great Influences.

It is the always arrogant Devil Lotus Sword Sect, which is not easy to provoke in front of Soul Refining Dao.

Because Soul Refining Dao does not repair the martial skill Divine Ability, only the Primordial Spirit, only Soul Refining.

Soul Refining Dao, each has a soul.

When the soul comes out, Ten Thousand Ghost comes out, not to mention the same level of existence. Even if it is a little stronger than one or two, it is not willing to provoke such a person.

Therefore, there is such a saying in the Black Devil Domain.

Ning Jao ​​(King of Hell), Mozhao Soul Refining crazy.

The people of Soul Refining Dao, each one, are extremely crazy, once wrapped up, it is absolutely irreconcilable until death.

Moreover, once killed, it will become the soul of this person, and never live forever.

In this way, Soul Refining Dao was created, and the name of the Black Devil Domain was so fierce.

of course.

Miao Yin Earth Venerable is the only reason for the color change.

It is a secret news.

Third Prince In the same year, he also sent people to Soul Refining Dao.

But the man is gone forever.

It is said that it was Soul Refining Dao Lord, killed, stripped Soul, and sealed on his soul.

And that person’s cultivation base is stronger than today’s Miao Yin Earth Venerable, 4-Star Earth Venerable Powerhouse.

What is even more amazing is that the Third Bear, who has been overbearing, seems to have forgotten this matter and has not pursued it.

But Miao Yin knows that Third Prince is not forgotten, but wariness, wariness, Soul Refining Dao, which makes the countless Black Devil Domain Cultivator unremarkable.

“He’s here!”

Just as Miao Yin Earth Venerable’s mood turned, a screaming voice came from the fast-moving black cloud.

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