Chapter 581 kills Miao Yin!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ demon Sect Master white lotus’,obtain 200,000 Spirit Point, 20,000 Spiritual Force Value, 20,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ 妖莲 Sect Master 白莲’,obtain ‘Demonic Lotus Illusion Sword ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ demon Sect Master white lotus’,obtain Special Item ‘storm rain lotus flower ‘.”



“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 1-Star Hundred Tribulations.”


Zhao Fang body at the same time, a stock of tyrannical aura, diffused from its with the body.

“That what’s going on? Was it scared by Dao Lord? Actually there was a tremor and shaking?”

“damn, we Soul Refining Dao Supreme Treasure, how did you choose such a bag?”

The few Soul Refining Dao Earth Venerable Powerhouses, seeing Zhao Fang at the moment, can’t help but frown, face shows despising color.

Miao Yin and others, but at the moment, there is no mood, pay attention to Zhao Fang.

Their eyes are looking to the rear, the demon Sect Master Bai Lian who was shot and killed by Golden Puppet.

In addition to her, the purple robe old man is also seriously injured.

Under the insane and mad attack of Golden Puppet, the left-right, the difficult situation is incomparable, and the eyes at the at, can’t support for too long.

“how can it like like this?”

Miao Yin unable to believe.

Two Earth Venerable Powerhouses, one of them, also damn is 2-Star Earth Venerable, was actually killed by a puppet? !

He didn’t want to understand. He only felt that an outrageous anger made him break out.

“You, damned!”

Miao Yin points to Mandala, the strings are hooked, the sound is crisp, like a knife and a sword, splashing layers of ripples, going straight to Mandala.

The sound speed is too fast, and the attack is very different, even if Mandala reacts, it is in front of the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger.

He himself was also shaken back by this sound wave. When his body fell, his mouth spewed large area of ​​blood, and his face was pale.


Zhao Fang’s eyes are red, looking at Miao Yin, who is ready to play the second string, “you court death !”

Zhao Fang rushed out instantly.

Level 4 Berserk !

War God Set.

Instantly let the strength of Zhao Fang 1-Star Hundred Tribulations reach 4-Star Hundred Tribulations.


Perhaps because of the upgrade of Zhao Fang cultivation base, the Hell Road, which was originally less than hundred zhang (333m), was turned into two huge zhang (333m) when Zhao Fang showed it.

Roll up the rich netherworld chill and go straight to Miao Yin.

“Netherworld Qi !”

Miao Yin complexion slightly changed, did not dare to resist, and quickly retreated.


Luck of Grey robe Old man is not as good as him.

He was seriously injured. At this moment, in the face of the strengthened Hell Road, he struggled only a few times and was completely inhaled.

Then the body exploded, and even the Primordial Spirit was smashed into dozens of copies by Netherworld Qi, and it was swallowed by Hei Wucheng.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed boss ‘Grey Sword’, contains 100,000 Spirit Point, 10,000 Spiritual Force Value, 10,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”


Hell went to the end, the speed was extremely amazing, and both breaths caught up with Miao Yin.

Miao Yin can’t avoid it, her eyes are cold, “sound and heaven!”

The palm of the hand plucked the strings, and the Vicious Beast with hundreds of heads appeared, roaring and rushing to Hell.

Eventually, it collapsed with Hell Road at the same time.

“Oh, but that’s it!”

Miao Yin scorned, in the eyes faint.


The icy sound rang.

Miao Yin expression changed a lot, just to have some action, there was a danger that Internal Qi locked the whole body, so that he could not move.

Miao Yin had a trace on his face for the first time. He wanted to open his mouth and call for help. In the end, even a little bit of voice didn’t come out.

“War God Strike !”

This is Miao Yin The last voice heard in this life.

A striking spear qi, constantly zoomed in front of his eyes, slammed into his body, and smashed his Fleshy Body and Primordial Spirit.



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed boss ‘Miao Yin ‘,obtain 400,000 Spirit Point, 40,000 Spiritual Force Value, 40,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed boss ‘Miao Yin ‘,obtain ‘Dragon Beard Zither ‘.”



“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 2-Star Hundred Tribulations.”



Zhao Fang sighs, not the death of Miao Yin.

“There is no one piece Special Item Card.”

The sigh is hidden and replaced, and it is endlessly cold.

All around.

All Martial Artists are stunned when they see this scene.

In the eyes, it’s incredible.

Especially in Devil Lotus Sword Sect disciple, expression, there is even more panic.

Just a short moment.

Their heads, Elder, and Miao Yin Earth Venerable, who came to help, were killed one by one.

And all of this is due to one person in front of me.


This is just the beginning.

“Ah! ”

The screams of the cracking lungs came out.

However, the purple sword was smashed by Miao Yin, and under the Divided Spirit, it was split in half by Tyrant Heavenly Tiger.

This is the end.

Devil Lotus Sword Sect Earth Venerable Powerhouse, completely annihilated.

Also catch a Miao Yin.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed boss ‘Zi Jian’, contains 100,000 Spirit Point, 10,000 Spiritual Force Value, 10,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”


The pale face of Mandala, by Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, quickly came to Zhao Fang.

At the same time, and the complexion still has the residual Lin Su.

“Are you OK.”

Zhao Fang swept his eyes on Mandala. “Next, you don’t take action and protect yourself.”

Mandala opened her mouth and just wanted to talk, but greeted Zhao Fang’s stern eyes, making her at one same heart trembled at the same time, gently nod.

“You too.”

Zhao Fang glanced at Lin Su.


Lin Su has 2-Star Earth Venerable Strength.

But just with Miao Yin battle, he was very hurt and no longer peaked.

Even at the time of peak, it is hard to compete with Soul Refining Dao Powerhouse.

Soul Refining Dao In addition to the Dao Lord is the 5-Star Earth Venerable peak, there are two 3-Star Earth Venerable peaks and two 1-Star Earth Venerable.

This Strong, completely smashed Devil Lotus Sword Sect.

Not to mention, Soul Refining Dao’s best skill is the soul.


Lin Su looks in the field, complexion with a worry.

Not waiting for Zhao Fang to open the room, Soul Refining Dao Lord’s eyes locked Zhao Fang.

His in the eyes reveals a bit of confusion and doubt.

Even he did not see clearly, this is only the brat of Martial Void Realm cultivation base, why suddenly broke out of 5-Star Hundred Tribulations Realm’s Strength.

What is even more shocking is that the 5-Star Hundred Tribulations Realm’s fellow has shot a 3-Star Earth Venerable peak Powerhouse.

This matter, how to look at it, is a bit strange.

“It seems that there are a lot of secrets on your body. These will soon belong to this Dao Lord.”

Soul Refining Dao Lord stares at Zhao Fang, after a slight indifference, in the eyes flashing hot rays of light.

“Is it yours? This Emperor thinks that you don’t have that blessing!”

Zhao Fang sneered, and the palm of his hand turned over, but it was one piece of card.

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