The true face of the black robed man

“He is obviously only the Initial Entry Hundred Tribulations, but he has suffered from the Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage, and he can’t spend Heavenly Tribulation. What’s the secret of this fellow?”

Soul Refining Dao Lord blinked and stared at the air, which had already formed a three-way Seven Colored Tribulation. Latest fastest update

After the three bolts of Tribulation Lightning, the entire Devil Lotus Sword Sect is my own, and it is faintly destroyed by this Tribulation Thunder.

“Fast, fast, fast activate Protector Great Array!”


Devil Lotus Sword Sect also has a residual Hundred Tribulations Realm Elder, screaming.

All the remaining Devil Lotus Sword Sect people, all stepping into the scope of the Great Array, to fully activate the Array, to resist the arrival of this Heaven Rank.

Array is awe-inspiring, and the power of Array is filled with Devil Lotus Sword Sect all around, forming a huge demon, appearing above Devil Lotus Sword Sect.

After doing this, the fear on the faces of Hundred Tribulations Realm Elder did not dissipate, and there were still horror and worry on his face.


They found that even in the Great Array inside, the pressure from the heart and the sense of Crisis did not disappear.

Just a little weaker.

“damned! Is that fellow really who? How can it lead to such terrifying Heavenly Tribulation? I hope the Mountain Guardian Great Array can defend, otherwise my Devil Lotus Sword Sect will die!”

Devil Lotus Sword Sect’s Hundred Tribulations Realm Elders, a bitter look.


Tribulation Cloud abyss, lightning thunder, and three Seven Colored Tribulations are ready.

The majestic ruin of the earth is diffuse, some people with weak cultivation base, immediately in this imposing manner, complexion whitish, stunned.


Heavenly Tribulation has not yet fallen, but has a silhouette that has been rushed out of just now Heavenly Tribulation.

The person’s difficult situation is incomparable, the head of the emits, but the face, but there is no fear.

Looking at the eyes of Heavenly Tribulation, there is a deep fighting intent.

“It is Zhao Fang!”

Lin Su and Mandala saw the figure, and expression was happy.

“That brat!”

Soul Refining Dao Lord has a gaze.

“The comet is really not dead!”

Devil Lotus Sword Sect is a trepidation.

“Who is this person?” Nanxun Venerable gaze solemn.

this moment.

Some people’s minds in the place were touched by the golden silhouette that appeared in the crash.

“ha ha, yes, this Emperor has not felt for a long time, this life and death Crisis. If you have a skill, you will kill this Emperor, otherwise, one day, this Emperor will definitely step you on Under the foot !”

Zhao Fang is filled with golden light, like an ancient Buddha, but his words are destructive of the ancient Buddha’s dignity.

“bang bang bang !”

Seven Colored Tribulation issued a Boom bang, which seems to be responding to Zhao Fang.

Then, the three Tribulation Thunders that had already been brewed, arrived as scheduled.

It is not a drop together.

It is three ways.

The terrifying of the momentum is more powerful than the previous two.


Zhao Fang is a shouting of the sky, and the golden light is getting more and more pervasive. “Come on, let this Emperor see, the limit of this Inextinguishable Golden Body, where!”

On the occasion of Xiao Xiao, Zhao Fang’s body surface is filled with golden glow, holding the Battle Divine Spear, and the foot Treading Void is empty, such as the nine-day War God, the battle star field.

Bang bang bang !

At the moment when the three Seven Colored Tribulations fell, the entire sky was instantly lost.

In the eyes of everyone, everything is dissipated, and instead, the only bright color of the seven color glow.

Tribulation Thunder speed Extremely fast, the moment of falling, directly forming a lightning cage, drowning Zhao Fang.

Same as for a moment.

Tribulation Thunder’s energy, lingering on Devil Lotus Sword Sect’s huge lotus flower, instantly bursting the lotus flower, Devil Lotus Sword Sect’s protector Great Array, directly bursting, that is to maintain the Array of everyone, but it is this Juli backlash.

The Powerhouse was seriously injured, and the heavy body immediately shattered.

Only this one hit.

Let the Devil Lotus Sword Sect disciple lose more than half.

The rich smell of blood is filled with the entire Devil Lotus Sword Sect.

“This time, he should die completely.”

Soul Refining Dao Lord, who has long since retired for dozens of miles, blinked at the sky, the dissipating Tribulation Thunder, and the secret thought.

But it was when he thought about it.


Originally the Tribulation Thunder dropped the Void, the countless Thunder intertwined, with the body sent a fierce rumbled sound, as if someone had angered back inside, to open the blockade formed by Tribulation Thunder.


Next to the Naner Venerable, an 2-Star Earth Venerable has wide eyes. “This is not dead. What is the evildoer?”

The other three people are start to talk, but the shocked expression is also revealing this meaning.

“He and our Yong Palace have already had a feud. This person can’t let him live.” Nanxun Venerable complexion gloomy is like water, coldly said.

Wen Yan, the other three people in the eyes immediately flashing cold inking intent.

“Give me broken!”

An earth-shattering snoring came out and came out of the thunderbolt cage.


There was a crack in the lightning cage that caused the countless people to be scared.

As the voice screams stronger and stronger, the take action is getting faster and faster, and the cracks in the cage are more and more.

At the end, it is already densely packed, surrounding the entire lightning cage.


The explosion of ‘Boom’ sounded, and the thunder and lightning cage exploded.

A long hair is scattered, and the gold Armour is damaged in many places, and there is a diffuse difficult situation silhouette.

That silhouette despite the difficult situation, but the convergence of the intent, even the Soul Refining Dao Lord this Rank Powerhouse, is the eyes suddenly shrink, in the eyes there is an unprecedented color of solemn.

“ha ha ……Tribulation Thunder, just rely on this little cage, I also want to trap you Zhao Fang Grandfather, you damn did not wake up!”

Zhao Fang laughs and laughs, full of contempt and disdain for heaven and earth might.

But the wildness, the dare to fight, the full of negative silhouette, is deeply imprinted in everyone’s heart.

“Zhao Fang, you really didn’t let this Sir down!”

Black robed man Looking at Zhao Fang calmly, his voice was hoarse and he was slowly coming out.

Zhao Fang Collapsed the War God Set. After the Thunder Tribulation, the War God Set was severely damaged. Even if it was equipped, it lost the Set amplification Ability.

Replace it with a gold-robed, God Slayer Spear, which appears in the hands of Zhao Fang.

He looked at Mandala Lin Su two people, with a slight smile, Void Hand grabbed Tyrant Heavenly Tiger and then slammed it.

Tyrant Heavenly Tiger turned into a whistling of the breaking space and went straight to the black robed man.

Black robed man figure Not moving, standing still.

But Nancy Venerable, four people, is simultaneously taking action when the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger is approaching.

Magical Treasure, the martial skill blooms and is bombarded on the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger.

Tyrant Heavenly Tiger expressionless, hard to attack all attacks, unscathed.

Under the robotic arm, the two weakest 2-Star Earth Venerables were smashed by dozens of feet, and the complexion was especially pale.

Nancy Venerable and another 3-Star Earth Venerable, at the same time were shaken off, and complexion gushes out an unnatural rosy.

Within the body The force of the earthquake has made his body numb, but there is no power to block it again.

Tyrant Heavenly Tiger instantly approached the black robed man, his arms slammed and punched the black robed man’s head.

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