Chapter 529, Lord Jing in a situation

“Oh it’s you!”

Martial Artist memory is generally not bad.

After the middle-aged Han Han reminded that Lord Jing was still in the circle, but Lin Su remembered the other side, expression was a little surprised.

Lin Su whispered a few words around Lord Jing, and Lord Jing’s face was dissipated and distracted, looking at the middle-aged Han Han’s gaze, a little more cordial.

“It turned out to be Xiaoshan General. Sorry, this King hasn’t returned for a long time. I can’t remember the old man. I still hope that General will not blame.”

“Lord Jing is heavy.”

Middle-aged Han Han quickly said with a laugh: “I have seen Lin Steward, Xu Steward. For many years, the two styles are not reduced.”

After the chill, the middle-aged Han Han respectfully waved and personally sent Lord Jing and others to Yandu.

“In these few days, if Xiao General has leisure time, he can come to Serene Palace to retell the old, this King, must sweep the couch to welcome!”

Leaving this sentence, Optimus Prime ran away.

Only the expression is complex, slightly excited Xiaoshan, standing in place, has not moved for a long time.

But the two people had previous conversations.

It is a discussion of the pedestrians around:

“Lord Jing?”

“We Swallow Ancient Country, is there such a Prince? How have you never heard of it!”

“Country Lord seems to have only 18 Princes, there is no such thing as Lord Jing.”

Most people have no impression of Lord Jing.

“Lord Jing is Nineteenth Prince.” Suddenly someone said.

“Don’t you forget, ten years ago, the court’s tragedy?”

These words have made many people look at each other.

“The tragedy shocked the entire Swallow Ancient Country, and the number of civil and military ministers implicated, no less than 100 people, and even implicated in several Princes, including Lord Jing.”

When this statement came out, everyone looked at the direction of the disappearance of Optimus Prime, with a few comprehend and understand.

“After that tragedy, Lord Jing was crushed by the Royal Family. Many people don’t know their life and death. So, there is not much impression on Prince, who rarely appears in the public eye.”

“But… that year, although it has been for many years, this matter has not completely subsided. Lord Jing is returning at the moment, but it is a bit weird.”

“Don’t say anything else, I was responsible for the ‘Wang Wangfu’ at the moment, the university’s Ji Jifeng and others, I am afraid that I will not let go of this so-called Lord Jing.”

“Lord Jing this time, I am afraid that I will enter the fingers/tiger mouth.”

Everyone sighed and shook his head and left.

Discussion about behind.

Lord Jing is not aware of it.

At this moment, he looked at the familiar and unfamiliar country, and fell into a long silence.

Lin Su sees Lord Jing. The mood is not very good, consoled: “Lord Jing, the things of the year, all the past has passed. You should not be worried. This time, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side with Lao Xu. .”

Old Xu ordered nod.

Looking at the two people who have followed for many years and are loyal, Lord Jing has a little comfort, and the expression has recovered a lot.

Zhao Fang saw this scene and thought of all kinds of things along the way.

There is a speculation in my heart, “This is the rhythm of the big Task.”

“I am entrusted by your Elder Sister, if you need me to help, even though start to talk.” Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

Lord Jing took a deep look at Zhao Fang and gently nodded, saying: “Thank you.”

“Go to Serene Palace.”

Lord Jing takes a deep breath , expression resumes as usual.

Along the way, Optimus Prime’s strange shape is still the focus of countless people, and the rate of return is definitely 200%.

Of course, the average person is just watching the fun.

Only some powerful people can see some doorways.

“aura, some similar to puppet. Just like this…what the hell.”

That being said.

Optimus Prime has attracted a lot of Powerhouse Divine Sense exploration after a round of national competition.

But the Optimus Prime itself, with shielding, all Divine Sense, which is lower than the Earth Venerable Realm, is bounced back after touching the Optimus Prime.

The more so.

The more curious those people are.

Later, their Divine Sense simply followed Optimus Prime and wanted to see where Optimus Prime was going.

Around a large circle, Optimus Prime came to the North District of the capital, a place of remote.

Eventually stopped in one place, it looks extremely atmospheric, but it stops before the eyeless Mansion.

Mansion has no plaque.

It seems that it is a masterless thing.

But Lord Jing Old Xu Lin Su three people, when they saw this house, the expressions were extremely complicated.

There are memories to remember.

The atmosphere is very heavy.

After a few moments, Lord Jing pressed his mind and glared at Zhao Fang to reveal a ugly expression than crying: “Let Brother Zhao laugh.”

Zhao Fang shakes his head, thinks about things, and his ups and downs, he can understand.

After getting off the bus.

Zhao Fang Collapsed Optimus Prime, four people walked, stepped into the house that had never been visited for a long time.

There are weeds in the courtyard, and there are two people coming high.

At least some of the years have come.

Lord Jing saw the weeds in the courtyard, and the complexion complex had a bit more bleak feeling.

Old Xu Lin Su two people See, do not wait for Lord Jing to command, waved, Yuan Force whistling, turned into dozens of sword shadow, the full weeds in the courtyard.

“Lord Jing, Inn is arranged there. After the end of the Slaughter Devil Great Canon, we will come here again!”

Old Xu looks at Lord Jing ,expression.

Lord Jing was silent, nod for a moment, and Zhao Fang smiled bitterly and turned away from the desolate Mansion.

When Zhao Fang and his party returned to Inn.

The news of Lord Jing’s return quickly spread through the upper circles of the Swallow Ancient Country.

Grand Prince House.

“Is nineteen back?”

“Hey, when he was lucky enough to let him escape, this time he sent it to the door, no wonder this Prince.”

When Grand heard the news, it was startled, but soon, there was a sneer on his face.

Seventh Imperial Prince.

“Lord Jing is back? So high-profile return, what exactly does he want to do?”

The Seventh Imperial Prince is hard to understand.

“However, this is not the headache of this Prince. This Prince and him, there is no feud, even if there is, with his current Influence, want to confuse wind and rain in this swallow, but it is not enough qualification.”

“But he is Your Majesty Prince after all. Although Your Majesty didn’t mention him in these years, this Prince knows that Your Majesty is very concerned about him, and he is poisoned by the old things. When he arrives, he will certainly be In the early 19th, I checked the events of the year.”

“This Prince did not participate in this matter, but in that case, after all, played a disgraceful role. However, if it is really pursued, Boss and Old Third are the real culprit.”

Seventh Imperial Prince corner of the mouth is slightly cold, with a bit of ridicule, looking to somewhere.

Third Prince.

Warm and jade, the temperament of Third Prince, is drinking tea in the Mansion pavilion.

Even if he heard the news of Lord Jing’s return, his expression did not change much: “It is expected that Lord Jing will grow up sooner or later, and that thing should be done.”


The king looked at the person next to him. “Lord Jing is back here. Is there really only four people?”

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