Chapter 598 What do you want?

“Your Majesty !”

Old Court Eunuch Arong, already long, did not see Xiao Zhan Long have such expression, under the horror, a trace of tension and worry on his face.

Xiao Zhan Long turned a deaf ear, closed his eyes, took a deep breath.

The pale face reveals a trace of intoxication.

“It hasn’t been so refreshing for a long time!” Xiao Zhan Long murmured.

Upon hearing this, Old Court Eunuch, Aurora, Imperial Aunt, and Lord Jing were all in the heart, and the eyes looked at the Alchemist room.

Alchemist opened the door, and Zhao Fang, whose expression was as calm as usual, came out.

He has a pill bottle in his hand.

Xiao Zhan Long’s gaze, when he saw Zhao Fang’s moment, fell on the bottle bottle, and he did not move.

“fortunately did not fail one’s mission !” Zhao Fang smiled and shook the medicine bottle.

Old Court Eunuch Arong, silently appeared on the side of Zhao Fang, took the medicine bottle, took a deep look at Zhao Fang, turned and handed the bottle to Xiao Zhan Long.

“Earth Venerable Realm !”

Zhao Fang glanced at Old Court Eunuch, gaze shimmers.

Old Court Eunuch cultivation base, he is not surprised.

Being a personal supervisor of the Ancient Country Country Lord, with the Earth Venerable Realm cultivation base, is surprising, but it is not a strange thing.

The only thing that Zhao Fang cares about, Old Court Eunuch aura is like a Assassin, used to hide into the darkness. If Strength is beyond him, he will not notice the person’s existence. Latest fastest update

Dangerous fellow!

Zhao Fang raised his eyes and gave a little vigilance to Old Court Eunuch.

The aura of Old Court Eunuch is slightly stronger than Lin Su.

Probably the look of 3-Star Earth Venerable.

But this magical ability, even to reach the 7-Star Earth Venerable Meng Chong, can not be compared with it.

Xiao Zhan Long opened the pill bottle and poured out a crystal clear, Pill Medicine with no impurities.

When Pill Medicine appeared, the fragrance of the Qingling quickly spread throughout the Golden Temple.

Everyone who smells has a feeling of being refreshed.

“Grand master Zhao, this pill is…”

Xiao Zhan Long pinches Pill Medicine and looks at Zhao Fang. The expression is slightly fluctuation.

He looked at it.

This is a virtual dan.

Moreover, it is still High Grade.

Although it is not Top Grade, but the purity of High Grade virtual Dan, he still sees first time.

“This is ‘Soul Cleansing Spirit Qi Pill’, only one effect, Detoxifying Ten-Thousand Poisons.”

When I heard Zhao Fang, Imperial Aunt slightly frowned, “Is this cowhide too big? Even Venerable Grade Pill Medicine, I can’t boast such a seaport.”

Xiao Zhan Long looked at Zhao Fang deeply. “I hope that as Grand Master Zhao said…”

He took a piece of the piece and swallowed Pill Medicine.

Take a moment, Xiao Zhan Long body immediately appeared a strange purple, its face is more distorted, as if to endure great pain. Latest fastest update

Not only that.

Even the aura of Xiao Zhan Long, the circulation is very intense.


He is the same person at all times.

Xiao Zhan Long’s abrupt reaction made both Imperial Aunt and Old Court Eunuch Amazing.

“brat, what did you eat for Your Majesty!”

Old Court Eunuch Eyes ice-cold, silent, appeared in Zhao Fang behind, a black-skinned sword, stunned to Zhao Fang’s neck.

But just as the sword in the Old Court Eunuch sleeve fell, Zhao Fang’s silhouette disappeared into place, quietly, appearing in Old Court Eunuch behind.

The cold ice is not inferior to Old Court Eunuch’s tone, and it sounds at Old Court Eunuch behind. “This Great Master hates people pointing swords at my neck. If you are looking at your heart, just by your actions. This Great Master will allow you to die without a place to die.”

Old Court Eunuch complexion is a stiff, but he is afraid to move.

In the back of the heart, against a long spear of cold.

The gun was extremely strange, even his Earth Venerable Powerhouse, when he touched the spear head, his heart was a little hairy.

just like.

As long as Zhao Fang goes forward, the gun can be easily penetrated into his own Earth Venerable Fleshy Body.

This feeling, he has not experienced for a long time.

Compared to the back of the God Slayer Spear.

What is more surprising to him is Zhao Fang’s movement technique.

“this child, I can see through my movement technique, and I can slip away from my eyes…”

Old Court Eunuch was shocked.


At this time, Xiao Zhan Long, whose face was distorted, spurted the blood of the big beach.

It was the poison of a group of purple, and there was even an extremely scent of fragrance.

“Lord Jing! Dispel the fragrance!”

Zhao Fang is busy.

Lord Jing hasn’t moved yet, and there is a strong wind that blows away the fragrant smell.

It is Xiao Zhan Long take action.

“ha ha … really fired! Really can!”

Xiao Zhan Long excited, with his heart, can not endure laughed loudly up.

No one likes to die.

His Xiao Zhan Long is no exception!

“Your Majesty !” Old Court Eunuch startled.

Xiao Zhan Long After a few laughs, the mood was calm, and Zhao Fang, hands clasped together politely: “Many thanks Grand master Zhao’s life-saving grace.”

“Arong, apologize to Grand master Zhao!”

Old Court Eunuch said nothing, but a punch, but not to Zhao Fang, but to the arm with the sword in his sleeve.

Kā chā !

The entire arm was unloaded, and the Old Court Eunuch complexion was pale, but clench one’s teeth, without a pain.

“Grand master Zhao, Old Servant has an eye can’t recognize Mount Tai. I have been offended too, and I have to ask Grand master Zhao for forgiveness.”

Old Court Eunuch sounds hoarse and is slowly coming out.

Zhao Fang slightly frowned, took a deep look at Old Court Eunuch and put away God Slayer Spear.

After thinking about it, he threw a medicine bottle to Old Court Eunuch. “Now take, your arm, you can pick it up.”

Old Court Eunuch shook his head. “This arm, Old Servant is not going to pick up. This is the price of doing something wrong, Old Servant wants this arm, always alert yourself.”

“Fuck, this damn is not abused!”

Zhao Fang rolled the eyes and threw Pill Medicine to him, so he didn’t pay any attention.

“Since Grand master Zhao speaks, you will accept it.”

Xiao Zhan Long start to talk, its pale, paper-like face is already a bit more rosy.

Old Court Eunuch Slightly silent, put away the medicine bottle, and respectfully worship Zhao Fang, “Old Servant many thanks Grand master Zhao!”

“Imperial Brother, how do you feel?”

Imperial Aunt stared at Xiao Zhan Long.

Xiao Zhan Long didn’t speak, just ordered nod.

Upon seeing it, Imperial Aunt was shocked, but overjoyed, and quickly said: “congratulations Imperial Brother !”

“congratulations Your Majesty !”

“congratulations Imperial Father !”

Old Court Eunuch and Lord Jing are also busy to start to talk.

Only Zhao Fang, expression is dull, squatting there.

“hehe, everything is for the grand master Zhao!” Xiao Zhan Long smiles.


“congratulations Player, complete ‘Sky Incense Poison ‘Task.”

“obtain reward: 50 million Spirit Point, 100,000 supreme coins.”


“After the ants have arrived?”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, pullless, expressionless.

“Grand master Zhao has solved the singularity of the poison, and there is something for the Great Master to recreate, even if I have Swallow Ancient Country, I will never be jealous.” Xiao Zhan Long is in a good mood, said with a Laugh.

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