Chapter 611 King of Loose Devils

Ancient Demon Battlefield.

Under the dull sky, Demon Qi able to move unhindered, looking at it, there are few human silhouettes here.


Just a head of shrouded Demon Qi’s Demon Beast.

And some magic like human figures.

This is the devil head.

The weakest devils are also comparable to the Hundred Tribulations Realm cultivation base.

In the corner of Ancient Demon Battlefield, thousands of heads are gathered, and some corpse of living creatures are being smashed.

And Commander, the thousands of devils, is a whole body with only skeletons, but the emits are powerfully oppressing the aura’s big devil.

of course.

Humans who survive in Ancient Demon Battlefield prefer to call this big devil, King of Loose Devils.

On the bones carried by more than a dozen devil heads, King of Loose Devils leaned back and leaned against the bones of the tens of thousands of white bones.

King of Loose Devils both eyes closed, slightly open, with a faint green glow flashing.


King of Loose Devils’s faint eyes open, and in the calm eyes, there are endless murders of baleful qi.

He looked far away, and on the face of the skate, there was a bloodthirsty color.

The King of Loose Devils shouts, and its whistle contains the inexplicable Pressure’s Might and its meaning.



In the far distance, similar buzzing sounds were heard, and they continued to sing for ten times.

It is at this time.

King of Loose Devils Over the sky, the clouds are rolling, the wind is rolling, and a huge vortex appears in the sound of Rumble.

Among the whirlpools, there seems to be a platform faintly discernible.

At the moment of seeing the whirlpool, the secluded green glow of the King of Loose Devils in the eyes is more intense, and the whistling in the mouth is constant.

In the whirlpool, he felt aaura that was incompatible with Ancient Demon Battlefield.

Human aura!

Not only him.

The devil who is still eating, is also analogously looking up, staring at the platform phantom in the huge vortex, double eye reveals the bloodthirsty mans.


King of Loose Devils got up from the bones and made a snarling roar.

This sound is like a ripple, and it is passed into the ears of thousands of devils. The thousands of devils suddenly excited and screamed.

Red eyes, went straight to the whirlpool.

Same as for a moment.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there are dozens of black clouds that cover the sky.

In each black cloud, thousands of devils flash.


And say Zhao Fang.

At the moment when the Ice Crystal platform blended into the whirlpool, it felt that the whole consciousness was somewhat faint and seemed to enter the mud.

Nothing can be felt.

But this feeling is only counted.

After the interest rate, Zhao Fang consciousness recovered and opened his eyes.

Presented in the eye, it is a desolate Battlefield.

Battlefield above, the ruined countless, describes the fierce battles that have taken place here.

Ancient Demon Battlefield !

In the moment of seeing this place, in Zhao Fang mind, these four words are drawn.

There is no doubt that the style of the moment and the ubiquitous Demon Qi between Heaven and Earth are proof that here is his destination, Ancient Demon Battlefield.

The sky of Ancient Demon Battlefield is dark.

It is like being in the heart of a person, shrouded by a layer of shadow, so that everyone who sees the scene in front of you, his heart sinks.

“This, this is Ancient Demon Battlefield?”

More than half of the more than 30,000 contestants, first time came to Ancient Demon Battlefield. For Ancient Demon Battlefield, besides curiosity, they were still curious.

Only those who came here for the second time or even the third time.

Seeing the all of a sudden in front of the scene, I immediately watched.

They know that Crisis in the Ancient Demon Battlefield is a little bit ill, and he will be buried there.

Just a moment of skill.

More than 30,000 people, in the case of Ancient Country, are divided into three, each guarding them.


When everyone was vigilant, the sky was far away, and there was a burst of sobs.

This voice is boring, but when it comes, let all the people who hear it, the heart is upset, and the mood is restless.

Many people followed the sound, except that they saw a cloud of darkness, and others could not see anything.

“Oops, that’s Pack of Loose Devils!”

But those who came to Ancient Demon Battlefield for the second time recognized it at a glance, what is the dark cloud, but the state of Demon Qi, where thousands of devils come together, complexion big change at the same time However, it is a quick take out of life-saving things.

“Pack of Loose Devils ?”

Many newcomers are very strange to this term.


That Pack of Loose Devils speed is extremely fast, almost a moment of skill, Pack of Loose Devils is close to the platform thousand zhang range.

With my eyesight, I can already see some clues.

When I saw it, the Pack of Loose Devils looked at each other. When emits had a strong killing intent, there were a lot of people who were scared of the complexion and trembled.

They know that Ancient Demon Battlefield is extremely dangerous here, but they never thought that this was just the time to step in, and they encountered this kind of squad, Pack of Loose Devils.

“Western Clear Ancient Country owners, rushed out of the Pack of Loose Devils and rushed to the Western Clear Ancient Country.”

A strong drink came out, but when Xiang Tianhang suddenly roared, with the people of Western Clear Ancient Country, rushed in one direction.

He did not shout, but under the drink, the people of the Northern Snow Ancient Country were also rushing, but headed for the other direction.

The Three Great Ancient Country, which was originally able to attack and defend the alliance, immediately fell apart.

“Is this Xiang Tianhang brain a teasing, do not know how to command?”

Zhao Fang saw this scene and his expression was a little wrong.

In Unknown’s sinister Ancient Demon Battlefield, only by working together can you go further.

In this way, the big troubles are fleeing each other, and the final result is to be annihilated one by one.

“Go, follow I’ll go to Swallow Ancient Country!”

Ning Wudao is also screaming and will leave with the crowds of Swallow Ancient Country.

But at the moment.

Pack of Loose Devils is close by, only Swallow Ancient Country and others, only a few hundred zhangdred zhang (333m).

If you escape at this moment, you can certainly escape some of them, but most of them will become the fruit of these devils.

“Can’t retire, if we retire at the moment, we will die! This Pack of Loose Devils has only 6,000 people. We must beat them slightly, kill them, and we will have a way to live.”

A youth general, screaming.

Zhao Fang recognizes this person, he is the second person of Second Prince.

The cultivation base is not weak, like Ning Wudao, it is also 1-Star Earth Venerable.

But Zhao Fang can be sure that if the two people are against each other, they will fight for life and death.

The ultimate victory must be this youth General.

The fierce baleful qi of this person is not as strong as Ning Wudao!

His words have aroused the approval of many people.

But more people are only taking care of their own lives and want to escape.

The trend of the times.

Youth General wants to save the trend, but it is very difficult.


This person is also a person who kills and decisively.

With dozens of people, rifle swept, killing the right wing of the Pack of Loose Devils, and hundreds of devils there, directly killed in one place.

With his cultivation base, as long as you don’t encounter King of Loose Devils, it’s hard to be killed!

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