The 664th chapter of the benefits of eating goods

Even in the Domain, Distant Heaven Pill is an extremely rare and sought-after Pill Medicine.

Not to mention Three Venerable Realms, even some Celestial Realm Powerhouses, there is very little inventory of this pill.

This pill is rare and can be seen in general.

But now.

An inferior small world, an inconspicuous little man who has Distant Heaven Pill residue, may even have taken Distant Heaven Pill depending on the time left by the residue.

This kind of everything.

The impact on Ni Chang is no less than a night of talk!

“Where did you get it?”

Zhao Fang is curious.

Such a precious Distant Heaven Pill, even Ni Chang is tempted, Tian Peng is dependent on the edge of the opportunity, it is bound to be very difficult.

“I am embarrassed.” Tian Peng was a little embarrassed and scratched his head.


Zhao Fang seems to be unable to believe in his own ears.

Ni Chang is also a rare big-eyed star, staring at Tian Peng.

“Cough… It’s really my fault. On that day, I was going to come to a wild barbecue, and I went to find a piece of pristine ancient forest…”

See Tian Peng for a long time, ready to talk about the three days and three nights of the situation, Zhao Fang immediately headed, quickly waved his hands, “point to focus!”

“It was later that when I slaughtered a Vicious Beast, I didn’t intend to in it the body obtain. That Pill Medicine extremely strange, aroma, I didn’t hold back, I just took it.”

I heard this.

Zhao Fang I don’t know why, there is a feeling of heartbreak.

Ni Chang although is also very calm, but her face flashed a trace of distress.

“You are not afraid of poisoning?” Zhao Fang is almost a clench one’s teeth. For the fat man Defying the Heavens Luck, simply envy envy hates it.

‘damn, i your father killed so many strange, how have you never seen it, bursting out such a high quality Pill Medicine? Is this Is the unique benefit of eating goods? ‘

At this moment, Zhao Fang had great doubts about his character.

“I don’t do it, I don’t get sick!”

Tian Peng laughs.

Zhao Fang has been unable to tell, this fellow is sincere, or pretend to be like this.

“What do you feel after you take it?” Ni Chang did not hold back his high cold goddess Fan and asked quietly.

“Feeling…” Tian Peng touched his head and looked awkward.

Zhao Fang Ni Chang looked at him and was waiting for him to say.

That knows, Tian Peng snorted. “Eat too fast, no attention. If there is a second one, I must be good.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang has an impulse to cough up blood.

Ni Chang although better, but looking at Tian Peng’s eyes, it is full of regrets of wasting natural resources recklessly.

Two people look at each other, and in the mind, an idiom flashes.

Cow chews peony!

But now, the cow didn’t appear, but there is a pig that chews Distant Heaven Pill.

“damn, you eat one, it’s already the dog of Defying the Heavens. You are lucky, but still want the second one, you don’t fly, shoulder to shoulder with the sun?”

Zhao Fang really didn’t hold back, yelling, and his heart was extremely depressed.

“How do you know that it is Distant Heaven Pill?”

Ni Chang expression calmed down and asked softly.

“I don’t know, just feel that after taking Distant Heaven Pill, like a reclamation, there are a lot of pictures in mind, among them, there is something about Distant Heaven Pill…”

Tian Peng said to himself, and expression began to pick up again.

Zhao Fang frowns, voiced Ni Chang, “Is this cargo loaded?”

Ni Chang has been indulging for a moment. “It’s not like. If he said that after taking Distant Heaven Pill, this person was not strangled by the power of Law filled with Distant Heaven Pill. It really does have some skill.”

Having said that, Ni Chang seems to think of something, and he wants to stop.

“Do you think that he is possible, is it a reincarnation?” Zhao Fang asked, blinking.

“There is this possibility! His real annual ring is not much different from you. But he can master the power of the extremely secretive space. Even if there is a famous teacher pointing, he is also possible at such age, and the power of Space, insights to this point. .”

Ni Chang’s voice.

Zhao Fang meditated and swept Tian Peng. First time, the felt in front of him, in addition to the looks of the pig’s head, perhaps, there are many hidden attributes that he did not find.

“I don’t have the luck of you, Distant Heaven Pill can pick it up at will. But even without Distant Heaven Pill, I am sure, let Heavenly Demon Clone, in the five years inside, become the real Heavenly Demon!”

Zhao Fang swept her eyes on Heavenly Demon Clone, Heart Thought, Heavenly Demon Clone nod, body turned into a magic fog, slowly sinking into Earth’s Core, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“Five years…” Tian Peng murmured, an urgent look, a trace of disappointment.

“To deal with Chu Yanxi, you can’t use him.” Zhao Fang seems to see through Tian Peng, indifferently said.

“Oh.” Tian Peng subconscious came back, but when it came to the reaction, he immediately exclaimed, “What do you say? Don’t use Heavenly Demon Clone? What do you fight with her?”

Zhao Fang raised the fist, raised the lips gently, and the voice was dull and confident: “Use it!”

Tian Peng is dumbfounded!


The ancient city of Three Great, after this battle.

Only West Chu City, keep it.

But the entire city is up and down, full of sores left by the war.

The population has shrunk directly to two-fifths.

Among them, the vast majority, have chosen to go with the devil.

Xichu City, immersed in the atmosphere of sadness and heavy.

The person who survived, there is not much luck in the rest of his life.


Just stunned, and desperate for the darkness of the future!

The death of the two Great City Lords made their only hope broken.

There are no more people in the city who can get through the barriers of the two borders and run through the Space Channel to return them to their real place.

Until, the appearance of Zhao Fang three people.

This sadness and despair are suddenly broken!

Especially heard.

Zhao Fang wants to open the Space barrier. Throughout the two boundaries, in the West Chu City, all the surviving people are staring at Zhao Fang, in the eyes full of hope and desire!

“Tian Peng, up!”

Zhao Fang pushed a handful, Tian Peng, who was in a daze, and pushed him directly to everyone.

Tian Peng was unexpected, and everyone looked at him vividly. He still kept a dull expression, as if he didn’t figure out the status quo.

When he was shouldering the hope of all the living people here from other populations, Tian Peng was even more savvy, knowing that he was being rushed to the shelves.

“Boss, are you too high to see me? These two barriers, only Earth Venerable Realm Great Perfection Powerhouse, have qualifications open, with my little 6-Star Earth Venerable…”

Tian Peng laughed, but this is a shirking.

Zhao Fang doesn’t care too much, just indifferently said: “Get through the barriers, I will take you to revenge!”

Tian Peng’s eyes are condensed.

Slightly silent, no more words, stepping into the sky, flying in the sky, hands and seals constantly changing.

Formed a channel-like entrance, and then, in the sharp eyes of Tian Peng, blasted into the Void in front of him.


The portal inside Void, like the power of this collection of Law of Space, is shocked and emits.

When this glaring mantle shrouded the earth, it shrouded everyone in the West Chu City and shrouded Zhao Fang’s all of a sudden.


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