Chapter 666 Mandala Woke Up

“let’s go!”

Western Clear Ancient Country Lord low roaring sound, just want to leave with the remaining Powerhouse of Western Clear Ancient Country. Latest fastest update

Slaughter Devil Great Canon, the dust has settled.

Western Clear Ancient Country lost Madam and lost.

The take action just made them face loss, no face left here.

The Northern Snow Ancient Country Lord saw it and was also a low roaring sound, ready to leave.

“I have said, let you leave?”

Zhao Fang’s dull voice, which sounded at two people behind, made the two people’s footsteps a pause at the same time, and the complexion revealed the surprised and angry color.

Western Clear Ancient Country Lord suddenly turned, coldly looking at Zhao Fang, “brat, this Country Lord advised you to spare someone to forgive people, even if you are strong, can you still compete with an Ancient Country? Really want to put this Country Lord is in a hurry, and the big deal is the same!”

The Northern Snow Ancient Country Lord expression is cold, resolute, and obviously has the same mind as the Western Clear Ancient Country Lord.

“To the same end? Ha ha ……”

Zhao Fang smiles and laughs.

The laughter was very dull, but it fell in the West Chu, Bei Liang two big Country Lord ears, but it was unusually harsh.

“Just by you? What is the qualification, and I am with you?”

Such undisguised contempt and ridicule, let the two Country Lords look cold, complexion like frost, and bottle eyes anger burning.

But the two people are in the heart, but they are worried.

The scene of the fight just now flashed in their hearts.

Two people frowning.

Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that in the face of the weird Body Lock Technique, they did not have the qualifications that belonged to them.

“What do you want to do?”

Western Clear Ancient Country Lord forced the anger in his heart, trying to keep himself calm and screaming.

“If you lose your hand, you should have the attitude that the defeated person should have.”

Zhao Fang shakes his head and Void Hand refers to the Western Clear Ancient Country Lord.

In the horrified gaze of the latter, a plain voice came out, “Lock!”

Western Clear Ancient Country Lord Just wanted to turn around and escape the figure, immediately fixed in place.


Zhao Fang Void Hand.

The owner of the grand country, Earth Venerable Late Stage Powerhouse, but like the lamb to be slaughtered, was easily captured by Zhao Fang.


The Void Ripple flashed, and a quaint little tower phantom flashed. In the snoring, a Light Gate filled with glaring eyes appeared in front of everyone.

Zhao Fang just throws the Western Clear Ancient Country Lord into the Heavenspan Tower.


Looking at the Northern Snow Ancient Country Lord, “You also need me to ‘please’ please?”

Northern Snow Ancient Country Lord complexion.

On the occasion of clench one’s teeth, it is coldly snorted, “You will regret it!”

After leaving this threat that is not salty, the Northern Snow Ancient Country Lord enters Light Gate by himself.

He also knows.

This time, I can’t escape.

Instead of being thrown into the light of a portrait, throwing it into the unknown Light Gate, it is better to go in.

Northern Snow Ancient Country Lord also saw that Zhao Fang would not kill them, but took them hostage.


He is already a corpse at the moment.

Xi Chu, Bei Liang Two ancient Country Powerhouses, see this scene in the eyes, one by one ugly expression, as if they were humiliated.

But no one dared to confront Zhao Fang.

When I think of the invincible posture of Zhao Fang just now, they have a lingering fear.

“Go back and tell the Ancient Country executives, and I want to save your Country Lord. I will come up with what I want. I don’t have a lot of things. Every Ancient Country has ten Divine Grade storage rings…”

“Ten Divine Grade storage ring ?”

Two ancient Country Powerhouse Wen Yan, immediately breathe a sigh of relief.

Divine Grade storage ring ,although is rare, but with the power of two ancient countries, let alone ten, even if you have one hundred thousand, it is not difficult.

‘What, I thought what Defying the Heavens treasure I wanted, I didn’t expect it, just ten Divine Grade storage ring! The township is the country, even if Strong is strong, it is still a mouse. ‘

The two ancient Country Powerhouses face each other, and the corner of the mouth is ridiculous.

“Then, fill up with ten Divine Grade storage rings. Whether it’s Tool Refiner material, Alchemist medicinal herb, or Vicious Beast bones, you can do it. But one thing, these materials should not be lower than Divine Grade. Otherwise, you guys I can only go back with the body of the Country Lord.”

“I will give you three days of preparation for Time. Three days later, go to the Swallow Ancient Country Serene Palace to find me, and I will not be out of date.”

Zhao Fang said these words, the two ancient Country Powerhouse, all dumbfounded.

After a long while, it only reacted.

“Fuck, not ten Divine Grade storage rings.”

“Want to use Divine Grade materials to fill all ten storage rings?”

“This is not a lot of things to ask for? Why don’t you damn us off our Western Clear Ancient Country.”

The two ancient Country Powerhouse dumbstruck, but the first time found that people can be so shameless!

of course.

They have no negotiations, not even the qualification of opposition.

You can only leave with a grievance, return to your country as soon as possible, and present this news.

As for what the Ancient Country executives will do, it is not the scope they are considering!

A dark tide, with the departure of the two ancient Country people, opened the curtain.

When the two ancient Country executives knew the conditions of Zhao Fang, they were extremely angry.

The Western Clear Ancient Country is even more screaming, sending troops and encircling Zhao Fang.


I don’t know why, but I can’t do it.

The two ancient countries calmed down, and in the dark, they opened the door to the treasury and began to prepare.

It seems to default to the conditions of Zhao Fang.

of course.

There were also winds, and the secret forces of the two ancient countries were quietly moving to Swallow Ancient Country.

In short, Outer World is in a mess.

As the protagonist of this incident, DDZhao Fang is like nothing.

After returning to the Swallow Ancient Country, he stayed at the Serene Palace for two days without appearing.

In the room.

Zhao Fang took out a vitality dim and narrowed it down to the two-foot Mandala Flower.

Looking at Mandala Flower, Zhao Fang sighed, palms over the petals of Mandala Flower, and whispered, “Mandala, wake up.”

At the beginning of its sound.

Ice Cold Tri-fire Root , flying out of the System package and hanging in the air.

The tri-color flame will follow, and the hard-boiled C-root will be wrapped and started refining!

Not a moment.

Ice Cold Tri-fire Root, completely turned into a liquid spiritual root, blended into the almost wilted Mandala Flower.


Mandala Flower snaps rays of light.

The flower path that had been withered and ruined was a touch of light green, with a magnificent vitality, which vented from the flower path.

Looking at this scene.

Zhao Fang has a heart.

‘Mandala is Heaven and Earth Rare Flower, but strictly calculated, it is still Wood Element. I don’t know, Immortal Tree Essence has helped her. ‘

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang took out an Immortal Tree Essence and integrated it into the Mandala Flower Trail.

Flower path, no change.

Zhao Fang was hesitant, but he took out ten.

With the integration of these ten lines, the color of Mandala Flower has a significant change in a trace.

In the green, the emits are out, and she has never been emits out of the fairy.

This kind of aura, Zhao Fang only felt on the two Immortal trees of Wood clan.

Zhao Fang’s eyes brightened, and once again took out nearly 100 Immortal Technique essences and directly into the Mandala Flower.

The Mandala Flower rays of light are more prosperous, but compared to the previous glare, the ray of the light at the moment is a little more soft.

Same as Time.

A sly female voice, from rays of light abyss: “Big, Big Brother?”

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