Chapter 680 Immortal Gold

“What should be the constraints!”

“What will it be?”

Zhao Fang’s thoughts are flashing, stripping and twitching, looking for the weakness of the diamond Vicious Beast. Latest fastest update


Diamond Vicious Beast does not give Zhao Fang the time to think.

One hit missed.

Let it scream in anger, but it is once again grabbing the weapon mountain of behind, and directly to Zhao Fang.

“I am flashing!”

“I flash again!”

“I am still flashing!”


After ten consecutive times, Zhao Fang sadly found that the murderous weapon on the sky.

And in his area, it is the area of ​​the ‘Arrow Net’ that has been made up of thousands of arrows. No matter how he hides, he can’t escape this blow.

“you are vicious!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes flashed and the Body Lock Technique condensed.

It is at this time.

Mandala, who has been pulled by Zhao Fang, is away from Zhao Fang and rushes directly toward the less ‘arrow’.


Zhao Fang complexion greatly changed, rushed to the rescue.

But it is at this time.

Mandala floated into the air, and his body was filled with a crystal green glow.

A green leaf appeared quietly on its side.

Then, two, three, four…

Just blinking, the green leaves cover the sky, and the whole sky is covered.

As the green rushes, more vines rush out and hold the green leaves, which seems to form a long vine shield.

Appears in all attacks before.


The general attack of the mountain, followed by the bombardment in the vine giant shield above.

But the result.

It is beyond the expectations of Zhao Fang.

The seemingly soft and fragile vine giant shield not only blocked these continuous attacks, but also bounced back these attacks.

Even if the defense is like the diamond Vicious Beast, in the face of such an overwhelming attack, the scalp is numb, and sometimes a burst of anger and anger.

Zhao Fang is looking dumbfounded.

“I’ll go, what is this big move, too fierce!”

Mandala expressionless, pointing to the diamond Vicious Beast.

“call out!”

“call out!”

The vines are like snakes, and they are entangled in an instant.

Just a moment.

On the diamond Vicious Beast, hundreds of vines appeared, like bundles of scorpions, and they were wrapped tightly and could not be moved at all.

“Dry beautiful!”

Zhao Fang laughed, “I don’t believe it, in this state, I can’t solve you!”

Just as Zhao Fang stepped forward, an extremely dangerous feeling instantly caught his heart.

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation, the complexion, and the Mandala drink, “fast retreat !”

Mandala seems to be aware of it too.

At the same time reminded by Zhao Fang, the figure retreats, and the number of thousand zhang is retired.

Same as for a moment.


The vines on the diamond Vicious Beast are smashed directly.

The billions of small diamonds on the diamond Vicious Beast are directly out of their bodies, turned into hundreds of millions of individuals, and like a billion-dollar sword, with one kind extremely magnificent picture, went straight to Zhao Fang Mandala.

When Mandala stepped back, his mouth whispered, his palms swayed, and he squatted in front of Void, immediately turning into a seventh green screen in front of him.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

Countless diamond crystal hits the green curtain above.

The 1st layer green screen crashes in a moment.

The 2nd layer green screen has not been supported for too long.

Immediately after the 3rd layer and 4th layer pointed to the collapse of the 6th layer green screen, the crystal stone that came in was completely dissipated.

However, the forced use of this technique has had a great impact on Mandala. Her always-famous face has a very rare paleness. When she retreats, she issues two groans.

“Big Brother! It’s up to you!”

Mandala looks in one place.

In that Void, all the diamond crystals are placed in place.

Zhao Fang took advantage of this gap and quickly approached the diamond Vicious Beast, which had taken off the crystal.

“I’ll go , what the hell is this ?”

What surprised Zhao Fang was that he lost hundreds of millions of diamonds and appeared in front of Zhao Fang. He turned out to be a white warrior.

If it is a normal white warrior, Zhao Fang will not be so surprised.

The key is that the white armored warrior has a lower body and a body of Vicious Beast.


Zhao Fang has seen Werebeast and always feels that this strange scene is not like Werebeast.

See Zhao Fang rushing, the white armor samurai whispered, the bolt eyes rainbow flashing, bursting out of the killing intent and baleful qi.

That is the authentic sand field balyful qi.

Zhao Fang Void Hand Grab a piece of stone directly, “Give me the suppression!”

The stone monument is the Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele.

At the time of great war Tu Sen, it was also relying on this monument that Zhao Fang had the power to turn things around.

Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele The white armored warrior who leaped to the ground and threw himself into the ground from midair.

Same as Time.

Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele has skyrocketed and instantly turned into a hundred zhang (333m) size. The white armored warrior was completely suppressed, and he was unable to rush out of the suppression.


“Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele has been cracked down for ten minutes.”


When System Prompt rang, Zhao Fang had already launched a fierce bombing against Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele.

Without diamond defense, the white armor is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Under the joint attack of Zhao Fang and Mandala, it only lasted for nine minutes. In a screaming and unsatisfied scream, the figure burst and blew away.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Diamond Vicious Beast ‘,obtain 9 million Spirit Point, 900,000 Spiritual Force Value, 900,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Diamond Vicious Beast ‘,obtain special material ‘Immortal Gold ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Diamond Vicious Beast ‘,obtain ‘Lesser Thousand Sword Array ‘.”


“Immortal Gold ?”

Zhao Fang looks at the package in the package, the mass of the glittering Metal material, “Is it true, what the martyrs said, is this thing?”

Immortal Gold, in short, is the Metal material of the Refinery.

This kind of thing should not have appeared in the Black Devil Domain.

Not to mention the Black Devil Domain, even in the Domain, Immortal Gold is an extremely rare precious treasure.

“I really didn’t expect to receive the goods to this level of Tool Refiner treasure.”

Can get Immortal Gold, Zhao Fang is also extremely happy.

Although, with his current Strength, I can’t refining this thing.

But with System in hand, wanting to turn this into a weapon is just a matter of Time.

“In addition to this, I even gave me a Sword Array attack.”

Array : Lesser Thousand Sword Array

Rating: Super Divine Skill

Introduction: Set its thousands of divine swords, use Array’s power to activate, thousands of swords out, if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas.

“The activation condition is not enough!”

When Zhao Fang chose to use it, he got such a prompt.

“The power of Array! Thousands of divine sword! This simply is burning money Ah! However, I am missing anything now, that is, there is no shortage of Tool Refiner material.”

Zhao Fang smiles, looks back, the shop is on the ground, densely packed, and the Tool Refiner material can not be seen at the end.

“It seems that in this before, you need to activate the Array Master.”

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