Chapter 649 Vermilion Bird Family does not welcome you


Mandala turned and looked at Zhao Fang.

“I heard that the monkey brain has made up, I have never eaten it.” Mandala screamed at her lips, showing a desire for expression.

“I haven’t eaten yet, or else, let’s try?”

Zhao Fang is stunned and looks like a knife. It is not like watching a Demon Race Venerable, it is more like watching a prey.

When I heard this, I felt the special gaze of Mandala when I looked at myself. The black ridge was cold and the subconscious was touching the back of the head. “If you dare to do this to me, my family Powerhouse will not let you go!”

Mandala disdains: “Do you think I will be afraid of them? If you are too big, come to a monkey brain feast.”

“you dare! ”

Blackbird, complexion 狰狞, both eyes squirting.

As a result, it is ushered in a pause.

“In this world, there is no such thing as a grandmother.”

Mandala’s black beating is 奄奄one breath, and it looks miserable. No one can see him connected to the four names of the Devil Spirit Mountain Range.

But the same.

Everyone looked at Mandala’s eyes with shock and fear.

Even the ‘Hei Mo 猿 ”, one of the four grand ones, has been bullied into this. Who is this female opponent?

Zhao Fang ignored the farce and looked at Snow Crane King, “I’ll go to your holy place.”

Snow Crane King just took a High Grade Pill Medicine, the injury recovered a lot, and the complexion was a little more rosy. At this moment, when I heard Zhao Fang, the rosy complexion was pale at the moment. “This, this… not too good, I The holy land is only opened for some Elders such as Patriarch. Sir is old with Young Master, but it is my outsider after all.”

If it is not because of Zhao Fang’s gift to Dan, Snow Crane King will not talk so much with Zhao Fang.

“I need Immemorial Demonic Fire to help Little Huang Shen wake up.” Zhao Fang said flatly.

Snow Crane King hesitated and eventually bit the clench one’s teeth. “I can take Sir with you, just, letting Sir go in, myself is not guaranteed.”

Zhao Fang nod, with Snow Crane King heading towards the Vermilion Bird sanctuary.

As for Mandala, it didn’t keep up, it still tortured Hei Mo 猿.

The Vermilion Bird Holy Land, located in the Vermilion Bird family’s mountainside, is a giant wood that does not pass through the sky, occupies several peaks and burns green flame.

Giant wood all around, densely countless lines of lines, sparkling with strange awnings.

“This is the Vermilion Bird Holy Land?”

Zhao Fang was quite amazed. He was the first time to see such a wonderful holy place.

Giant Wood Outer Circle, with Array, might extremely powerful, even Earth Venerable peak Powerhouse, do not understand Array, arbitrarily enter, not dead or hurt!


At the at the same time of Zhao Fang’s huge wood, the giant wood slowly opened a portal, which ran out of a dozen silhouettes.

These people are aura powerful, both of which are reached Earth Venerable Realm.

Of course, most of them are like the Earth Venerable Initial Stage to the Middle Stage.

Only one red-haired old man, the reach of 8-Star Earth Venerable, belongs to the most Powerhouse among the group.

Zhao Fang, next to Zhao Fang, saw the dozens of silhouettes of the giant wood, especially seeing that the red-haired old man, the expression, was not respectful.

“Heck, you are so bold, you have brought the outsiders to my Vermilion Bird holy place!”

Red hair old man coldly looking at Snow Crane King, the tone is indifferent, and the look is proud.

The Snow Crane King complexion was bitter and explained, but when I thought about it, Zhao Fang did bring it. If he had to go to the mouth, he would swallow it.

In the face of the red-haired old man’s petition, Snow Crane King did not have the prestige when it was outside, but became a junior who saw his respectful senior.

“Read your first offense, this Elder does not care about you, leave quickly, otherwise, Elder Elder is a family rule.” Red hair old man coldly snorted.

“Junior can leave, but Young Master Shen Huang heavy injury, Immemorial Demonic Fire is needed, and Boss is invited to open the door.”

Snow Crane King is sincere and puts himself down very low.

“Young Master Shen Huang?” The red-haired old man frowned. “Is that the old Saint Venerable brought the last time?”

“Yeah.” Snow Crane King is busy nod.

“He was injured? How was it injured? Azure Winged Butterfly King is not helping him to get there!”

Red hair old man in the eyes cold light flashing, straight hooked to Zhao Fang, “And, who are you? Is it that you hurt the child, coerced to come here?”

Zhao Fang looked at Idiot’s expression and looked at the red-haired old man.

The red-haired old man is furious and is about to start to talk. Snow Crane King is aware that the red-haired old man and Zhao Fang are not in charge, and they are quick to start to talk.

“Great Elder misunderstood. This is Zhao Fang Sir, Young Master Shen Huang’s…Adoptive Father.”

Hearing this title, red hair old man and others, are frowning.

Their Vermilion Bird clansman, who actually recognized a human as a father, is a huge shame in the eyes of the temperamental and old-fashioned Vermilion Bird Patriarch.

But before they start to talk, Snow Crane King continued: “Purple Lightning Peng Monarch seeks to squat and wants to hold his son Zi Shang to the Patriarch…”

Zhao Fang found that the red-haired old man heard that Purple Lightning Peng Monarch was holding Zi Shang as the king, and the complexion was as usual. It seemed that he did not care about who was Patriarch.

I heard that later, I knew that Purple Lightning Peng Monarch had suffered a series of defeats. I didn’t hesitate to work with Scaled Tiger. When I was worried about injury, the red-haired old man had a twilight. “This is not something!”

Although angry cursed, but did not ask the Vermilion Bird family today, which makes Zhao Fang quite puzzled.

“The cause and effect of this, Elder knows. Young Master Shen Huang can come in, but he, no!”

Red hair old man points to Zhao Fang, complexion indifferently said.

“Can Great Elder make an exception? It is reasonable to say that he is not an outsider. Today, he is even more arrogant and saves us from the Vermilion Bird family…”

Surprisingly, Snow Crane King actually asked Zhao Fang for love, which made Zhao Fang, quite surprised.

“Even if he saved the Vermilion Bird family, the Vermilion Bird family can use other treasures as a reward, why do you want him to enter the Holy Land. What does the Holy Land mean for me and other clansman, you won’t know?”

Even through the Array, Snow Crane King can feel the red hair of the man who is forced to aura, his forehead sweat, like a raindrop, a bitter smile, but dare not say it.

“Okay. Give Little Huang Shen to Old Man and Old Man to heal him.”

From beginning to end, the red-haired old man did not ask, what happened to the Vermilion Bird family, it seems that in its eyes, how the Vermilion Bird family has nothing to do with him, so indifferent or even cold-blooded reaction, Snow Crane King Accepted with a smile, I dare not say more.

Zhao Fang blinked slightly, looking at the red-haired old man, slightly sinking and shook his head: “I won’t give you the little Que’er, you can’t cure him!”

Red hair old man Wen Yan, but there is no how big is it change, but he is surrounded by people, one by one glaring at Zhao Fang.

“If, even the Old Man can’t be cured, then he really didn’t save it.” The red-haired old man has a dull tone and contains extremely powerful confidence.

“Don’t look at the relationship with Little Huang Shen, I want to enter the holy land of my family, and I will tell you that playing these tricks in front of Old Man is still too tender.”

“Now, right away, leaving the Vermilion Bird family, here, and the entire Vermilion Bird family, don’t welcome you!”

The red-haired old man sounds cold and under the order.

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