Chapter 769 fire spirit, Immemorial Demonic Fire

Thousand years ago.

In the Devil Spirit Mountain Range, an unnamed flame came from the sky, and the flame burned the mountain and turned into an endless fire.

At the time of the fall, the mountains in the circumference, or the beasts in the mountains, were burned into slag in an instant.


A flame-colored phoenix with a true phoenix bloodline was seriously injured and fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Not to die, but to reborn, not only killed the opponent, but also gathered a lot of birds, claiming to be Vermilion Bird.

This is the origin of the Vermilion Bird family.

The flame phoenix is ​​the first Patriarch of the Vermilion Bird family.

And call the nameless fire that circulates the circle, called Immemorial Demonic Fire.

It is also with this fire that the flames of the phoenix will soon rise in the Devil Spirit Mountain Range, claiming to be the emperor, and even surrendering the entire Devil Spirit Mountain Range until sitting.

Even if it fell, hostile to Influence, because of wariness Immemorial Demonic Fire, did not invade the Vermilion Bird family.

For the then weak Vermilion Bird family, there was a lot of time and opportunity.

When the Vermilion Bird family grew up, the Immemorial Demonic Fire enveloped the Vermilion Bird sage and became the Vermilion Bird sanctuary.

It is rumored that anyone who can get the approval of Immemorial Demonic Fire will become the king of fire and become the Overlord of Devil Spirit Mountain Range Supreme.

But a few 1000-year down, in addition to the first generation of flame phoenix, other Vermilion Bird Patriarch, and even some powerful Vermilion Bird Clan Elder, only get the Immemorial Demonic Fire forging, did not get its approval, become the new fire King of the king.

Even so, the Vermilion Bird has gradually gained a foothold in the Devil Spirit Mountain Range and has become one of the four Great Clans of the Devil Spirit Mountain Range, with a splendid history.

Zhao Fang came to the center of the Holy Land and saw at a glance that it was in front of itself, the endless flame ocean.

And, in the ocean, it seems like the flame Divine Beast phantom lying in the air.

Zhao Fang, who saw this picture for the first time, was directly shocked.

But soon, he reacted.

Both eyes staring at the flame Divine Beast lying in the angry roar in the sea of ​​fire, but unscathed.

“This is Immemorial Demonic Fire?”

The red-haired old man standing far away, quickly respectful voice should say: “Go back to Master, it is indeed Immemorial Demonic Fire, you see it now, is in the flame Great Array, if there is no Power of Great Array Blocking, its emits flame, can make most Earth Venerable Powerhouse seriously injured, even if I don’t dare to approach, every time to use Immemorial Demonic Fire forging, you need Array nameplate.”

The red-haired old man adds: “With the Array nameplate, it is equivalent to getting the Array’s shelter, practicing in the Array, and using the Immemorial Demonic Fire forging, not being flooded by the flames that are all around.”

“Master, This is my Array nameplate, you will hold it first!”

Say, red hair old man from the storage ring, take out an emits with a nameplate of faint water blue fluctuation.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at it and walked straight into the sea of ​​fire.

“Master!” Red-haired old man was shocked and quickly stepped forward.


The flame was like a wave, and the red-haired old man quickly retreated. The subconscious put the Array nameplate in front of him.

When you are about to touch the flames of the flames, the Array nameplate emits is turned into a water blue light cover, and the red hair old man is protected.

The flame wave came, and when it was close to the red-haired old man, it was avoiding and rushing toward both sides.

When I saw the scene before, the red-haired old man smiled.

‘This is to give the Array nameplate to Master, conversely used on himself. ‘

‘Without the Array nameplate, common people, can’t get close to Immemorial Demonic Fire, Master is too anxious! ‘

Red hair old man sighs.

Just when he thought that Zhao Fang was about to return without success, an unexpected scene appeared.

Hundreds of flames flocked to Zhao Fang, and when they saw it swallow, Zhao Fang’s body surface also burst out flame.

The flame is red, orange and yellow, and it surrounds the whole body. However, if the flame is approaching, it will be dispelled by the three-color flame and cannot be close to Zhao Fang.

“This is actually able to compete with the flame of the Immemorial Demonic Fire. The tricolor flame on the Master is not inferior to the flame of the Immemorial Demonic Fire? How can it be!”

Red hair old man eyes tight, exclaimed.

Zhao Fang one step Step towards flame Divine Beast.

Five thousandd zhang!

Three thousandd zhang!

A thousandan zhang!

As he approached, Zhao Fang became more and more aware that every step forward, the resistance was as strong as a mountain.


When he practiced Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, he was used to this feeling, but he didn’t care much.

But his clothes, though unconsciously, were soaked in sweat and stuck on his body.

Nine hundred zhang (333m)!

Seven hundred zhang (333m)!

Five hundred zhang (333m)!

Looking at the Immemorial Demonic Fire, which is closer to himself, Zhao Fang smiles at the lips.

But just as Zhao Fang stepped into the Immenmorial Demonic Fire three-hundred zhang (333m) range, the sleeping Immemorial Demonic Fire seemed to be aware of the intruder and slowly woke up.

After seeing Zhao Fang, it is a glimpse.

Then, it was full of flame aura’s eyes, shooting two amazing anger, roaring, and directly grab Zhao Fang.

It seems to be saying, ‘You are a mole cricket and ants, actually dare to disturb this Sir’s dormancy, really damned! ‘

Immemorial Demonic Fire is not near, Zhao Fang feels that an extremely powerful oppressive aura is coming, that aura, far more than Earth Venerable, is the peak of Golden Venerable.

Even so.

Zhao Fang is also fearless.

Instead, close your eyes and look at the picture.


Just as Immemorial Demonic Fire was near Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang’s three-color flame outside the body, like a rival, the fire rose, turned into a three-color Fire Dragon, went straight to Immemorial Demonic Fire.

Same as for a moment.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes and his eyes were cold and calm. The Battling Spirit Seal slammed and grabbed the Immemorial Demonic Fire directly.

The Immemorial Demonic Fire scatters the three-color Fire Dragon, and in the future, it will be captured by the Battling Spirit Seal, and it will be caught directly.

In the scene of the sudden rise, suddenly became a glimpse of Immemorial Demonic Fire.

Immediately, Immemorial Demonic Fire is furious, its grand fire spirit, even in the Vermilion Bird family, is as respectable as Old Ancestor, when was it treated like this?

Fire spirit roaring, circumference, the sea of ​​fire, instantly rioted.

If there is no Array suppression, I am afraid that in an instant, the Mountain Outer Circle will be submerged by flame and become history.

Zhao Fang expression does not move, indifferently said: “Do not struggle, can be selected by this Emperor, is your way!”

While speaking.

Zhao Fang directly activates Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art 4th layer and starts refining Immemorial Demonic Fire.

Immemorial Demonic Fire is also aware of the crisis, struggling more intensely, and is about to break free from the Battling Spirit Seal.

It is at this time.

Three-color flame is turned into three chains to lock Immemorial Demonic Fire, at the same time, Zhao Fang even beats several Battling Spirit Seal, although it can not suppress the Immemorial Demonic Fire Primordial Spirit, but let it be crazy, instantly tend to calm.

Zhao Fang naturally does not waste this opportunity. With a wave of hands, in the System Shop, more than a dozen medicinal herbs fly out. Under the flame refining of Immemorial Demonic Fire, it is directly refined into the most pure liquid, and it is integrated into Zhao Fang within the Body.

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