Seventy-sixth chapter Xu Feng Nian!

Azure Leaf Town, located south of the side of the Heaven Domain.

Relative to Martial Dao’s prosperous Heaven Domain, even the Azure Leaf Town in Bentham is a martial art.

Azure Leaf Town is nominally a town.

However, it occupies nearly a million miles, and it is more than a great city.

Ruler Azure Leaf Town has Three Great Peak Influence.

Lin Family, Thunder Soul Union, Azure Wolf Castle.

In addition to this Three Great Peak Influence, there are a dozen 1st rate Influence.

And nearly a hundred 2nd rate Influence.

among them.

Xu Family is an 2nd rate Influence.


In a quiet small courtyard of Xu Family, sitting on a handsome, fair-skinned, soft-skinned face, the face can be broken and even the women watched, must be envy’s purple clothed youngster.

Youngster stunned looking at it, standing in the courtyard, like a Golden Armored War God, but in fact, there is no point in aura’s huge Metal machinery, can not help but frown.

“Oddly, since I have brought this big iron over, I have tried it slowly, I have to dismantle him and study it one by one. But as a result, the divine sword that followed me for two years will still show up in the future. Just under this big iron shovel, it turned into a pile of scrap iron.”

Speaking of this, this youngster named Xu Feng Nian, a look of depression.

But soon, depressed and dissipated, replaced by a deep curiosity.

“trivial a dead thing, there is always a way to open, my divine sword will collapse, it must be the way I opened it.”

Xu Feng Nian frowned and continued to think.

Youngster hadn’t thought of the method of cracking. There was a sudden footstep in the small courtyard. A black clothed sneaked into the courtyard. After seeing Feng Neng Nian, he quickly called: “Young Master, Xie Family Eldest Young Lady Xie Xuan is here, patriarch gives you a glimpse of the past.”

I heard the word ‘Xie Xuan’, and I was still studying how to open the golden Puppet’s youngster. The eyes are bright, not a good way to think about cracking, but purely because of this name.

Xie Family, like his Xu Family, is also the 2nd rate Influence of Azure Leaf Town.

Xie Xuan is the Xie Family Eldest Young Lady, not only the amazing Martial Dao natural talent, but also the beauty of the famous Azure Leaf Town.

Most importantly, Xie Xuan is his fiancée.

Every time Going outside, Xu Feng Nian can feel the envy of envy when some of you look at themselves.

Xu Feng Nian knows that they envy the roots of envy, not the family, but the fiancée that is even the heart of 1st rate Influence Young master.

“Xuan’er is coming, take I’ll go!”

Xu Feng Nian exclaimed with excitement, followed by the black clothed little sister and left the small courtyard.

Two people soon after leaving.

In Xu Feng Nian’s view, the mechanical Monster Beast, like the dead body, drooping the palm, suddenly moved.

Golden Puppet within the body.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes, and he stared blankly at all, and found himself in a small courtyard, could not help but be surprised.

“I remember, I chased the Northern Sea Dragon and entered the Space Black Hole. The black hole poured out a powerful force that directly covered my body and the Primordial Spirit, making me consciously fainting, but, in the vagueness, I seem to remember that I seem to wear it. After the layered Space, rushed into the barrier of the other world…”

Zhao Fang glared at some bloated heads, seriously remembering the coma before and the coma.

After smoothing out, Zhao Fang’s mind was re-appeared in the small courtyard.

“Here, is it World behind the black hole? Where is it here?”

Zhao Fang is full of curiosity.

I wanted to leave the Golden Puppet, but when he moved a little, he felt that the whole body was sore and weak, and the tears of a strand of tears were clearly introduced into his perception with his movement.

Zhao Fang frowned, only to notice the in the body.

“Forcibly activated Antiquity Slaughter Immortal’s sequelae appeared, damn, HP actually reduced to one-third, whole body heavy injury, Xin Master is alert, hiding in the Golden Puppet, otherwise, in the coma, it is estimated Some people will be black hands and kill people.”

Zhao Fang sighed.

After taking out two Healing Medicine Pill, take, Zhao Fang’s injury HP, is quickly recovering.

“Here, where is it?”

Zhao Fang slightly frowns, “I feel in a coma, I seem to have been saved by a youngster. Could it be that this is the residence of the youngster?”

Talk to himself, Zhao Fang wants to perceive the Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele.

Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele His stuff, with his Primordial Spirit imprint on it, even if it is far apart, there will be a trace contact.

Zhao Fang felt the connection in the dark.

He can be sure that Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele is in this World.

But the specific location, perhaps because of the distance is too far away, his Sense is not really true, just blur Sense to some.

“It is imperative now to recover from the injury and then find Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele. Only in this way, after facing the Northern Sea Dragon, I have a chance to make a comeback.”

Zhao Fang has a decision.

At the time of Zhao Fang’s full healing –

With for a moment, in the Xu Family living room, Xu Feng Nian finally saw his own fiancée Xie Xuan.


The smile on his face, just bursting, was affected by the surrounding and stiff and even cold atmosphere, which made him slightly wrong at the same time, could not help but look at the first Xu Family patriarch, his father, Xu Chong Shan.

Xu Chong Shan complexion gloomy, the sleeves are slightly trembled, and Xu Feng Nian, who is familiar with his own father, knows that this is a sign of father extremely angry.

“what’s going on?”

Xu Feng Nian looked dumbfounded and he couldn’t think of it. Fiancée debuted and made his father so angry.


He found some clues.

In the living room, Xu Family patriarch Xu Chong Shan, sitting in the first above.

Sitting on the lower seat, sitting four or five people.

Among them, there is a women, only 15 or 6 years old, but the face is exquisite, temperament is proud, even if Xu Feng Nian seems to be leaning against the white jade neck, proud of the swan, overlooking everyone, the eyes are sometimes flashing Disdainful color.

She is Xu Feng Nian’s fiancée, Xie Xuan!

Xie Xuan is not the first guest, but the third.

In front of her, sitting two people.

A twenty or so, handsome face, arrogant, a blue hair casually scattered behind, looks casual, but always give one kind deep and unmeasurable, can not be illusory to the youth.

The most interesting thing is that this youth’s between the eyebrows has a Thunder lightning pattern.

This pattern, even Azure Leaf Town, is not owned by a few people.

It belongs only to Thunder Soul Union in Azure Leaf Town Three Great Clans.

Moreover, only the true core of the Thunder Soul Union is also owned by the qualification.

Seeing this person, Xu Feng Nian recognized the identity of this person.

Thunder Soul Union Young Master , Lie Jun !

He can recognize the origin of this person for one reason, only for one reason.

Lie Jun was once one of Xie Xuan’s powerful pursuers.

When I saw Lie Jun, I thought of the expression of father before, and Feng Feng Nian’s heart ge-deng gave birth to a feeling of one kind.

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