Seven hundred and forty-sixth chapter Longmen four levels

The next month.

Zhao Fang Most of the Time is immersed in Alchemist, Tool Refiner, puppet, Array research.

Time flies, and rushes away.

Soon, I arrived at the Nine Stars Trading Firm, the day of the Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly.

Zhao Fang, who was bored in the foot of Inn, opened his eyes in the ‘dumb’ knocking on the door.

At the moment when his eyes were open, it was not a dimly lit room, suddenly flashing a bright mans.

Like a dark nightingale, a bright moon suddenly appeared.

“hehe, Worthy is ‘Soul Raising Pill’, and after integrating it all into my Primordial Spirit, my current Primordial Spirit strength, at least Heavenly Venerable, shows ‘Divine Destruction Drill’, completely killing Heavenly Venerable Existence under.”

“Unfortunately, Divine Destruction Drill consumes Primordial Spirit’s Power too much, even with my current strength, it can only be used up to seven times at a time. After seven times, my Primordial Spirit will dry up.”

Zhao Fang This one month’s Time, in addition to the Alchemist Tool Refiner, will also be the original Soul Raising Pill, all refining, in its own Primordial Spirit.

In terms of the intensity of the Primordial Spirit, in the Golden Venerable Powerhouse, Zhao Fang is invincible!

Coupled with the power of Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame, common Heavenly Venerable, who wants to hurt him with Divine Soul Skill, is also extremely difficult.

“However, the Divine Destruction Drill is played seven times in a row, it is Heavenly Venerable, and it can’t be eaten! It is enough for me to protect myself.”

Zhao Fang smiled and grew up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door, the attitude is respectful, and the bald head you are shining from time to time.

It is Lai San!

“Lai San has seen Young Master!”

Lai San took a look at Zhao Fang, heart trembled.

Although the Zhao Fang expression is dull, even the corner of the mouth is a smile, it looks good.

But Lai San always feels that Zhao Fang at the moment seems more terrifying than one month ago!

Of course, his feelings have no basis, but he simply feels nothing more.

But think of it.

Zhao Fang at the Nine Stars Trading Firm, waved the handed black Clothed Steward, and then left to leave, deep in the picture of the name and the name, Lai San that annihilated the heart of revere for many years, came to life, seemingly casual and peaceful Zhao Fang, more Revere up.

“What?” Zhao Fang asked faintly.

“Back to Young Master, today is the day of Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly. Many contestants, already went to the northern suburbs. You see, we are also going to start. If it is later, I am afraid I will miss it!”

Lai San Road.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang slaps the brain, “I’ll go, today is Dragon Gate Leap, I have forgotten it!”

Lai San corner of the mouth, pumping at Zhao Fang, calm and calm attitude, not secretly sighed, Young Master Worthy is Young Master, Dragon Gate Leap This kind of major event, Young Master are not in mind!

Who can compare this kind of chest?

“Since it is today, let’s go!” Zhao Fang walked out of Inn.

Lai San quickly kept up, not far away, Lai San suspiciously looked at behind, could not help but be surprised.

“what happened?”

Zhao Fang See Lai San, where he asked.

Lai San reacted, and quickly ran trot to keep up, hesitated, and whispered, “Young Master, what about other people?”

Zhao Fang knows that he is talking about Xu Feng Nian and his son, and he ignores him.

Lai San See Zhao Fang did not say, but also did not ask again.

Out of Inn, Lai San took Zhao Fang on a car that was driven by a ‘unicorn’. On the occasion of the waffle, the one-horned horse was long and the hoof went to Nine Stars Trading Firm.

On the road.

Lai San began to tell Zhao Fang about some of the people who participated in the comparison and about the Dragon Gate Leap.

“According to the gossip, the number of people who participated in the Dragon Gate Leap was about 10,000.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang was shocked.

Dragon Gate Leap is not limited to anyone.

But if you want to participate, there are still prerequisites.

First, no more than 50 years old.

Second, the cultivation base must not be lower than the Earth Venerable.

After the screening of these two conditions, the number of participants is actually 10,000!

It is conceivable that the prosperity of the Northern Territory Martial Dao has already surpassed the Black Devil Domain.

“In these people, Young Master only needs to pay more attention to four people. Li Hai, Yu Shiman, Xue Baichuan, Dong Daohai.”

“The four cultivation bases have reached the level of the Golden Venerable Late Stage, and the body bloodline is the winner of the Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly.”

Zhao Fang casually nod.

The Golden Venerable Late Stage Powerhouse, which is less than 50, is strong, but it is still inferior to his Zhao Fang.


With Zhao Fang, today’s Strength, among the peers, there are few rivals!

Therefore, he has such a proud qualification and cost.

“Right, there are several levels of Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly, have you heard about it?” Zhao Fang asked.

“I heard some. It is said that there will be four levels, but the specific four levels, it is not known…”

As Lai San tells Zhao Fang about the Dragon Gate Leap, the carriage has come to Nine Stars Trading Firm not far away.

The carriage stopped.

Lai San opened the curtain and glanced at it. Suddenly picked it up. “He damn it, so many people came.”

Then, respectfully said to Zhao Fang, “Young Master, let’s go down a long way.”

Zhao Fang just saw the outside scene through the curtain, knowing that the front was completely blocked, and the carriage wanted to go in, there was no way to go.

Knocked down the carriage.

Although it is known from the noisy voice, there are quite a few people who come to watch the game.

I did not expect that there will be so many, densely packed, almost surrounded by Nine Stars Trading Firm!

Right in front of Nine Stars Trading Firm is a large square.

At the moment, it was confiscated and became the venue for the Dragon Gate Leap.

Square above, set up a platform, all around laid a Restriction Array, so that the battle after the battle of the people in the ring, will not spread to the surroundings of the store, let them bear the shackles of the pool.

Zhao Fang When he arrived here, Dabby was ready and ready to start.

“Young Master, over there!”

Lai San points to the left side of the ring.

There, a piece of black pressure is a moving head!

These people have a very obvious feature, either youth or middle age, and the cultivation base is more than Earth Venerable.

Obviously, they are all contestants.

Zhao Fang passed the Golden Clothed Steward of the self-nuclear Body Lock and confirmed his identity name, then went to the left side of the ring.

Feel free to stand in one place, and look at the right side of the ring.

On the right side, sitting six people.

among them.

Five people were wearing purple robes and dignity.

Even if Golden Clothed Steward sees these five people, respect the salute.

At the top of the five people, there is still a person sitting.

A youth wearing an embroidered star pattern.

The youth’s micro-closed eyes seem to be a sacred image, and all the noises of all around are turned a blind eye.

despite this.

The five old men wearing purple robes, when looking at the star robes you, the expression extremely respectful.

Soon, Golden Clothed Steward stepped forward and respected the six people: “The contestants are all there.”

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