The seventh hundred 50 three chapters are a little bit bigger.

“Stupid, of course, is to do stretching exercises, first move the body.

When I heard Zhao Fang’s answer, the table was fried immediately.

“Fuck, is this brat coming to the fore, or is it funny?”

“Father believes in his evil! Also damn thought that he could really break Li Hai’s record!”

“It seems that this thought is really ridiculous!”

“This fellow is going to give up Ah!”

The remarks in the audience reappeared and the sarcasm overshadowed the previous one.

Zhao Fang did not look back.

Just in the laughter of everyone, slowly step forward two steps, raise your hand and make a fist, arbitrarily blast.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The punching power rushed in the drumhead above, and the drumming of the drums trembled, sending out an extremely thick voice.

Seven thick and thick drums quickly spread throughout the audience.

This voice, like the magic sound, made the people who were still ridiculing Zhao Fang. After hearing it, the expression was immediately sluggish and the shock was incredible. Even the voice could not be heard, like being caught in the throat. tube.

A single blow broke Yu Shiman’s record and tied Xue Baichuan!

“impossible !”

Sun Wen was shocked.

Li Hai is even more shocked!

Holding a knife, man Xue Baichuan, but his eyes are bright.

The same is true for Yu Shiman and Dong Daohai!

It is incredible to look at Zhao Fang.

Even the Purple Clothed Great Steward on the jury seat was shocked by the seven drums that sounded in succession.

Even them.

I have never seen it before. Who can do it once and even drum seven times!

Even Li Yun, who once set a brilliant record of the ’15th drum’, can’t do it!

However, after the shock.

Purple Clothed Great Steward also reacted. “It’s seven times in a row. This stretch of Brat is really strong. However, he did it too risky and even smashed!”

It’s just a slap!

In their hearts, this simply and court death is no doubt!

Seven anti-seismic forces, rushed out at the same time.

Zhao Fang is hard to resist!

Just as they secretly shook their heads, they thought that Zhao Fang would be injured by the power that he shot, even when he was injured.


Zhao Fang’s body surface, a touch of golden glow emerged.

The at the same time, which was bombarded by the power of seven anti-seismic forces, was dispelled by the golden glow swallow!

“What! What is this defense?”

Purple Clothed Great Steward They were wide-eyed and a little surprised.

“The fact that Fleshy Body alone has solved this dangerous counterattack, this fellow, powerful Fleshy Body!”

Purple Clothed Great Steward, like a Treasure, staring at Zhao Fang.

Only Shi Song is an exception.

His expression is a bit of gloomy.

“This brat, there is such a strong Fleshy Body. If you erase his mind, refining his body into puppet, it should not be weak.”

Shi Song blinked and blinked cold light inside.

“damned! How could this be!”

Li Hai is low-key, unable to believe, and Zhao Fang is so easy, it resolves the earthquake of seven forces.

“The seven drums should be his limit. He can’t beat the eighth drum.”


Then he is barely fell.

Boom! Hey… Hey!

Another three consecutive drums sounded.

Although the last sound is slightly spaced from the previous sound.

However, it was actually sent out.

Surpass the tenth drum sound of Li Hai’s ninth drum!

Li Hai’s expression is instantly stiff and nearly sluggish!

Other people are not much better.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

I dare not speak again!

Zhao Fang used action and Strength to smear the faces of those who are believe oneself infallible.

Even more shocking, still behind!

“He is not injured, isn’t the tenth drum sound, not his limit?”

Someone yelled.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The drums sounded again, densely like raindrops, and muffled pēng pēng.

Thirteen drums!

This is still not the point.


Fourteen drums!


Fifteen drums!

“Broken Li Yun’s record!”

Suddenly someone shouted.

This voice, very infectious, quickly spread throughout the audience.

Next, with each piece of Zhao Fang falling.

Everyone on the field, followed the rhythm, silently!

Sixteen drums!

Seventeen drums!

Eighteen drums!

Zhao Fang seems to enter the state, the faster the knocking, the drumhead vibration shakes off a circle of power ripples.


These power ripples are offset by the faint golden light when they touch the body of Zhao Fang.

Later, it was later.

Inextinguishable Golden Body 2nd layer activate , Zhao Fang’s golden light is getting thicker and thicker, like a Buddha with a golden body.

In the dazzling golden glow, Zhao Fang faced the anti-seismic force of the drumhead and did not move. The speed of the attack was even faster.

Turn your eyes.

Will reach the twenty drums!

The Purple Clothed Great Steward, who had a casual face, was sitting up straight, looking at the extreme solemn.

The star robe is flat and the corner of the mouth is slightly smiling.

The drums are constantly coming!

Twenty-one drums!

Twenty-two drums!

Twenty-three drums!

The drums are loud!

Zhao Fang is more like a madman, with fists as a drumstick and a crazy tap.

After the drum sound reached the 30th drum, the sound came to an abrupt end!

The drums of the Vibration finally began to slowly dissipate.

Zhao Fang stops!

World, as if it was quiet in an instant.

Everyone looked at the tall and straight silhouette, and the eye reveals were shocking.

Zhao Fang turned and suddenly looked up and banged out his arms!


Sandfield hundred barrel drums tremble, giving an extremely harsh and squeaky muffle.

Then, the countless people on the stage and the countless people were shocked, and the unrecognizable eyes of Purple Clothed Great Steward broke down.

Sandfield hundred drums, burst!

The power of terrifying is instantly vented.

The downfall of Boom was actually a force that was shaken by this force.

The terrifying tearing force, when touched by Zhao Fang, was completely suppressed by the rich golden glow of its body!

In the storm of this explosion, Zhao Fang is like a cliff meteorite, no matter how strong the wind, I am not moving!

And unscathed!


“This, how can it like this!”

“This battlefield battle, even the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, may not be broken. That Brat’s Attack Power, is the awareness of reaching the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse?”

Purple Clothed Great Steward were shocked.

Shi Song is even more open-eyed, unbelievable!

The star robe youth was also shocked, looking at the explosion, only an empty arrogance drum rack, looking at the drum rack, the silence is straight, looks even handsome and handsome silhouette, in the eyes of the appreciation Color, more and more intense!


Starbow youth hitter said with a laugh.

His voice, immersed in the shock of the Purple Clothed Great Steward, woke up.

Five people quickly looked at the stars to the youth.

“Vice-President Sir, how can the bakery drums be crushed by a Golden Venerable fuse?”

Purple Clothed Great Steward, to Yu Xingyun on the Strong Strongest, asked their most puzzled questions.

“Because his attack is very strong!”

Yu Xingyun is the color road.

Purple Clothed Great Steward are startled.

Yu Xingyun’s words are answered for them, but there is no difference between them!

At this time.

Zhao Fang At the moment, the forehead is full of sweat.

It is not a tense sweat, but a sweat from the high-speed movement of the drum.

His complexion, without the slight pale state of the state.

Instead, the red light is full of energy and the spirit is full!

“Cough, that squat, on the rise, the strength is a little bigger, I didn’t expect it to break it, you won’t mind.”

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