The seventh hundred 50 seven chapters crushed the audience!

According to the words of Xue Baichuan.

“I don’t want to waste the most peak state on the weak.”

Xue Baichuan In this statement, all the people except Zhao Fang will be identified as weak.

Yu Shiman Dong Daohai’s disappointment with Xue Baichuan’s contempt, but has to admit that Xue Baichuan does have a qualification for such words.

“Of course, I also know that there is some gap between me and you, but I want to see, this gap is big is it.”

“I don’t want to waste Time.” For the battle madman Xue Baichuan, Zhao Fang is too lazy to take care of it.

after all.

Zhao Fang’s favorite fight is to kill opponents, not to sharpen opponents.

“Move a win?” Xue Baichuan blinked.

Waiting for Zhao Fang to answer, Xue Baichuan expression is awe-inspiring, holding the knife in both hands, and suddenly the Blade Qi swept out, filled with an extremely powerful power.

“This is my strongest knife, I call it ‘Hundred Streams Return to the Ocean’, be careful!”

After saying this, Xue Baichuan instantly took out a hundred knives.

Like a hundred beam long rainbow, go straight to Zhao Fang.

On the occasion of the approaching of Zhao Fang, a hundred knives, instantly condensed into a waist thickness of Blade Qi.

Blade Qi is dazzling, with an imposing manner in the sky, facing Zhao Fang.

“Powerful one!”

The judge’s seat, a Purple Clothed Great Steward, praised.

“This knife’s might, even the common 8-Star Golden Venerable, may not be able to follow. This Xue Baichuan, Worthy is ‘knife mad’, like a knife, like a knife!”

Another comment by Purple Clothed Great Steward.

“I don’t know what Zhao Fang will do.”

There is also the Purple Clothed Great Steward.

True, Xue Baichuan is a strong knife that can threaten 8-Star Golden Venerable.

But Zhao Fang just now, but a punch will be no less than 8-Star Golden Venerable’s Li Hai, playing fainting.

the most important is.

From the beginning to the end, he only used one punch.

They are looking forward to Zhao Fang once again creating a stunning and even exciting picture of this Rank.

“If this is all your strength, then I am sorry to tell you that you are going to lose!”

Blade Qi came, and Zhao Fang looked up without hesitation.


In the eyes of everyone who is puzzled, with the paparazzi, face the knife of Xue Baichuan.

“To fight against the palm of the hand? Is he crazy?”

Everyone saw the heartbeat!

Zhao Fang Is it crazy?

of course not!

Zhao Fang’s palm turned into gold, and the index finger and middle finger were easy to grasp, and Xue Baichuan was fully loaded.

“how can it be !”

Xue Baichuan eyes Miniature, unbelievable, “Your Fleshy Body is actually so strong!”

Not just Xue Baichuan.

Others are also shocked.

Although they were at the third level, they knew that Zhao Fang Fleshy Body was strong.

Otherwise, it is also impossible to withstand the thirty times of shocking force of the battle drums.


But it is not as shocking as the scene before.

In the shock of Xue Baichuan and others, Zhao Fang slowly started to talk.

“I only punched a punch. If you can take it without injury, I will give up!”

Xue Baichuan complexion greatly changed.

Without the slightest hesitation, pull out a cyan mirror.

As the mirror ‘buzz’ rotates, it turns into a size and floats in front of Xue Baichuan.

“Venerable Grade Middle Grade’s defensive treasure? This Xue Baichuan has a good chance to have this kind of Treasure.”

Purple Clothed Great Steward was a little surprised.


Zhao Fang uses the Battling Spirit Seal to punch and punch, beyond the imagination.


A fist stunned, cyan mirror seems to feel the fear of this fist, and turned wildly.

I want to remove the punching force on it.

Kā chā ~

On the mirror surface of cyan, a crack appeared.

Xue Baichuan complexion slightly changed.

Kā chā ~kā chā ~~

The sounds are one after another, just the blink of the skill, cyan mirror, there is a countless spider web-like crack.

But listening to the ‘嘭’, cyan mirror burst, turned into a countless fragment, sputtered to all around.

Some of the escaping Martial Artists were shot in the mirror fragment, and even the screams were too late to be sent out, and they were instantly cut into pieces of minced meat.

The other contestants who were shocked, complexion big change, quickly retreated.

This scene is said to be late.

Almost Zhao Fang hit a mirror, and the mirror burst, and then several people were smashed and pond fish.

As the main bearer of this boxing.

Xue Baichuan is no better than where to go.

Cyan mirrored all of a sudden, with dozens of fragments attacking him.

Even if he saw the machine early, avoiding it in advance, there are four or five roads on him.

The clothes are reddish instantly!

On the body of the mountain, there are three more horrible blood holes, bloody.

Xue Baichuan’s body is shaking, it seems that some stations are unstable and will fall down at any time.

He endured the pain of with the body, and stood up, complexion pale looking at Zhao Fang, the voice was a little bleak, “I lost!”

“But I want to know, just a punch, is your full strength?”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

Upon seeing it, Xue Baichuan squatted again and stepped back a few steps. The blood sprinkled all the way and laughed.

“It won’t be crazy?”

“However, Zhao Fang’s Strength is too terrifying. The overbearing of the punch just now is not all-powerful!”

“Yeah, this fellow is young, there is such a combat power, Where is this monster that ran out?”

Everyone in the audience was horrified.

After a few laughs, Xue Baichuan stared at Zhao Fang again. “After stepping into Heavenly Venerable, I will challenge you again!”

“With you! However, I will not be merciful.”

“So best!”

Xue Baichuan laughed loudly, his fingers screamed, and the extremely sharply sealed the hole around the blood hole, suppressing the spout of blood, then taking out Pill Medicine and taking the whole bottle.

Zhao Fang noticed.

Xue Baichuan’s Pill Medicine is Venerable Grade Middle Grade.

Although he can’t enter his eyes, this kind of Grade Pill Medicine is not what Influence who can just come out.

Xue Baichuan was extremely injured.

Not only the three blood holes on the surface, but also the internal hemorrhoids, under the influence of Zhao Fang, also suffered a heavy injury.

But what is amazing is.

Xue Baichuan was actually broken in the process of healing.

8-Star Golden Venerable !

Although his injury has not recovered, with the help of 8-Star Golden Venerable, Xue Baichuan crushed the audience.

Obtained eight points.

Equal to Li Hai, also ranked second.

Even if it is broken, there is not much happiness in Xue Baichuan’s face.

He knows deeply.

Not to mention that it is 8-Star Golden Venerable, even 9-Star Golden Venerable, and impossible is Zhao Fang opponent.

He even suspected that Zhao Fang’s actual combat power, reached Heavenly Venerable.

Although this idea is very absurd, it will not linger after it emerges!

After Xue Baichuan, it was the turn of Zhao Fang to challenge.

After witnessing the fiasco of Li Hai Xue Baichuan, they have not had a bit of rebellious thinking about Zhao Fang’s powerfulness.

Directly abstain from voting.

Zhao Fang extremely easy, and has the first of this Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly.

Xue Baichuan Li Hai ranked second.

Dong Daohai third.

Yu Shiman fourth.


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