Chapter 761 is not careful to kill


Li Hai squatted on the pillars of the Main Hall. In the cracked bones of the cockroaches, Li Hai blew a few more blood, and fell to the ground with miserable pillars. Latest fastest update

Li Hai, I was suddenly injured!

The scene was quiet.

Everyone, a damn expression, looked incredulously, and did not know that it came out from there, seemingly stupid, mad, but like Storm Bear’s man.

That’s right.

This person is Storm Bear Xiong ba.

Previously, when Zhao Fang was preparing to teach Li Hai himself, the Storm Bear wake upfluctuation was heard in Heavenspan Tower.

He squatted and went out, releasing Xiong ba from Heavenspan Tower in a no-man’s place.

Then, there is a scene now.

Seeing Xiongba so violent and angry, a heavy punch Li Hai, Zhao Fang looked at it and faintly guessed something.

“It seems that Xiongba was dead before, and it’s related to Li Hai.”

“It’s no wonder that such a powerful anger and fighting intent will break out. It turns out that the enemy meets, and the eyes are red!”

Zhao Fang squinted, the corner of the mouth smirked a smile.

He didn’t care about Li Hai’s life and death. The reason why he laughed was the Strength that Xiongba just revealed.

There is no martial skill Divine Ability, just the power of Fleshy Body, 7-Star Golden Venerable, hard-to-break Li Hai.

Actually, he was seriously injured by a punch.

There are only two words that can describe Xiongba at the moment!


Fierce general !

Humanoid Storm Bear!

For the power of Xiongba, Zhao Fang is still satisfied.

But his smile, falling on the field and other people in the eyes, became intriguing and even chilly.

It’s like seeing devil smiling at himself.


Li Hai squirted a big mouth again, and looked at Xiongba incredulously. “You, your Strength, how fast is Upgrade!”

The last time he killed Xiong ba, the other cultivation base was just 5-Star Golden Venerable.

Still just breakingthrough.

This is only one month, Xiongba not only did not die, the cultivation base also broke through to 7-Star Golden Venerable.

What makes his scalp numb is that at this moment, the power of Xiongba is completely one by one.

He couldn’t understand why he scratched his head. Why did Xiongba have the change in this Rank in this month’s Time?

“hēi hēi, all this is thanks to you!”

Xiong ba grinned, his face showed a trace of a thick smile.

It’s just this smile, how to look at it, all with the thick and thick side, obviously with a bit of cold and fierce, like Vicious Beast, seeing different enemies!

Li Hai was scared by the expression of Xiongba. After retreating, “You, what do you want? You don’t want to mess around, here is Nine Stars Trading Firm, my brother is Li Yun…”

Unfinished words, Xiongba’s big fist, with an imposing manner, headed to Li Hai.

At the same time is also wrapped in Xiongba that indifferent tone: “father who is your brother, even if you now kneel down recognize father when Grandfather, father also kill you!”

Everyone was speechless.

Which is the same Ah!


Xiong ba’s imposing manner when he was guilty, will be shocked by many people present.

So, when Li Hai was beaten by Xiongba, another 9-Star Golden Venerable, this was reflected.

He complexion big change, slightly clench one’s teeth, rushed forward to block Xiongba.

If Li Hai is killed under his own eyes, he will not say what happens to the Chamber of Commerce executives.

Li Hai’s elder brother Li Yun will never let go of himself!

So, he has to take action.

Zhao Fang quietly at the at, he did not stop, he wants to see, Xiongba today’s combat power, in the face of 9-Star Golden Venerable, how many odds.

“You want to stop father, that father will kill you!”

Such a guilty and even arrogant attitude, so that 9-Star Golden Venerable is also annoyed.

The only wariness of the entire field, only Zhao Fang.

As for the barbarian in front of him, he did not care at all. At this moment, he saw that the other party was so contemptuous of himself. Under the wrath, he also gave birth to killing intent.

“Then I have to see if you have this ability!”

The clothes gold-robed 9-Star Golden Venerable, the sound is cold.

Xiong ba didn’t answer, double fists like a dragon, and the boxing method opened up, blasting a path of powerful attack.

9-Star Golden Venerable is not to be outdone, but also blasts a path of extremely powerful attacks.

But what he did not want was.

These attacks can’t help Xiongba at all.

Falling on his body is like bombarding a hard steel stone, no effect.

“how can it be !”

The 9-Star Golden Venerable was shocked. Under the ecstasy, Xiongba’s fierce attack came again.

9-Star Golden Venerable desperately resists and displays its strongest means, but can’t help Xiong ba little bit.

He was shocked!

There is an impulse to break the mouth.

Even the defense of the other side can not be broken, this is also a wool line.

Xue Baichuan and others complexion solemn at the same time, could not help but start sympathizing with the 9-Star Golden Venerable.

“I surrender!”

9-Star Golden Venerable yells.

Xiongba can ignore it, and the boxing method is more fierce. As a wave of **, it swept over and drowned the 9-Star Golden Venerable.

Rao is the gold-robed 9-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base extremely powerful. Under the impact of this Rank power, I also feel that the arm seems to be abolished, extremely numb and painful.

“Damned!This is where the monsters come out, actually have this terrifying power!”

Gold-robed 9-Star Golden Venerable complexion greatly changed .

Xiong ba is more and more excited, and the offensive is getting more and more fierce.

The gold-robed 9-Star Golden Venerable, which was able to prevail, can be suppressed by Xiongba at any time, and it is my wind.

Then, it started to collapse!

The gold-robed 9-Star Golden Venerable suffered Li Hai’s previous encounters when it was hit by Xiongba in the chest and the pain of the sternum fracture.


His Luck is not as good as Li Hai.

Li Hai flew up and down.

He is flying backwards.

Although they all hit the pillars, Li Hai is only a guilty heavy injury, and there is still the possibility of recovery.

But the gold-robed 9-Star Golden Venerable, but the head hit the column.

Adding to the huge force that the body was shocked, when he touched the column of all the a sudden, his head exploded like a watermelon.

Killed on the spot!

Only his Primordial Spirit, turned into a sinister, with a frightened expression, fled to the outside of the temple.

Xiong ba didn’t look at it.

Or, he did not regard this person as an opponent at all.

It’s just a ‘touchstone’ nothing more to detect its own Strength.

just now.

Since you know your own Strength, you don’t need to care about the touchstone.

His gaze once again fell on Li Hai, who was licking one breath, grinning, and holding his palm like a knife, he would kneel down.


Outside the temple, there was a rush of anger and anger.


Xiong ba didn’t mean to stop at the slightest. The knife fell and squatted on Li Hai’s head. Li Hai mind had no resistance and broke open!

Blood mixed with brains, extremely glaring and bloody.

“Āiyā, the hand slipped! Don’t be careful to kill, what can I do?” Looking at the headless body in front of him, Xiongba said innocently.

Wen Yan, the people on the field want to spurt blood.

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