Chapter 763 Array of Spiritual Wisdom

In the Main Hall. Latest fastest update

Everyone else is still the first time to hear that ‘Array of Spiritual Wisdom’, for this Array, it is a look of ignorance, ignorance.

Because they are ignorant, they are very calm.


There are also some people who are agile, and there are some speculations.

‘Can let Li Yun this Nine Stars Trading Firm disciple, something so exciting, what is the existence? ‘

For a moment, everyone gaze shimmers.

鈥淎rray of Spiritual Wisdom?鈥?/p>

Zhao Fang blinks slightly, he is also the first time to hear.

But very quickly, he learned from Yu Xingyun’s mouth that this so-called Array of Spiritual Wisdom, is really useful.

鈥淎rray of Spiritual Wisdom, an ancient fantasy array that blends into the Origin Stone and the cultivating material, decomposes and melts, and fits into the Martial Artist within the body in a way that best fits the Martial Artist absorb.鈥?/p>

鈥淚n short, Array of Spiritual Wisdom, can upgrade your Strength.鈥?/p>

“If Luck is good, maybe you can cross the threshold of the Golden Venerable and step into the Heavenly Venerable level!”

Yu Xingyun鈥檚 words are all over the place.

When everyone was shocked, they finally understood why Li Yun was so excited when he heard the words ‘Array of Spiritual Wisdom’.

“Nine Stars Trading Firm Worthy is Nine Stars Trading Firm, even this kind of fantasy!”

“So, I am not very hopeful, in a month, from 5-Star Golden Venerable, breakthrough 8-Star or even 9-Star?”

The expressions of everyone are very excited, very excited, and even urgent.

I can’t wait to enter immediately, Yu Xingyun said in the Array of Spiritual Wisdom, to experience this Array of Spiritual Wisdom, whot really has the mystery that Yu Xingyun said.

Yu Xingyun sees everyone’s mind, faintly smiled, “Come with me!”

Said, turned and walked towards Main Hall abyss.

Others saw it and quickly kept up.

The same is true for Zhao Fang.

Just stepping forward, Zhao Fang’s ear, there is an extremely indifferent voice.

“Your name is Zhao Fang. Damn me my younger brother, I will make you regret coming to this world.”

Li Yun’s cold and squeaky voice echoed in Zhao Fang’s ear.

Zhao Fang glanced at Li Yun. “Do you believe it or not, I can kill you now?”

Li Yun complexion big change !

He certainly does not believe that Zhao Fang has this Ability!

However, there are more than Zhao Fang and Yu Xingyun here!

Looking at the forefront of the star robe silhouette, Li Yun silence, complexion is a bit ugly, and finally coldly snorted, no longer start to talk.

Look at Li Yun, who flies away, Xiongg ba does not know whether it is intentional or unintentional. He sighs and sighs: “It鈥檚 like a dog Ah!”

Li Yun’s forehead was violent, but he was still suppressed by his life. He didn’t return, and he quickly left.

Zhao Fang smiled and hung back and forth.

After seven turns and eight rounds, the group went to a small courtyard.

The courtyard is very quiet, planting a lot of flowers and plants.

These flowers and plants are not vulgar.

They are all medicinal herbs in a certain year, and some are in Outer World, and they are basically extinct.

After someone recognized it, the shock at the same time, could not help but be curious about this seemingly ordinary, actually small show of the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, there are five people, waiting for a long time here.

All five are in a purple clothed.

It is Five Great Purple Clothed Great Steward.

Shi Song After the appearance of Zhao Fang, his eyes have been locked in Zhao Fang, gloomy’s gaze, revealing the coldness of the cold.

For this look, Zhao Fang does not care.

But being stared at him like this, he is still very upset.

“Boss, have you done anything that hurts the world?”

Xiong ba suddenly got in front of Zhao Fang and whispered.

Zhao Fang didn’t react at the moment. “Why do you say that?”

“That old brat can’t live under the same sky’s look at you, to be honest, are you on his wife?”

When I heard this, Zhao Fang almost spurted blood.

“I have such a heavy mouth?”

Xiong ba carefully looked at Zhao Fang. “Not his wife, is he daughter?”

“You can’t be pure?”


Xiong ba’s gaze, on Zhao Fang and Shi Song, swam back and forth, suddenly thought of one kind of possibility, exclaimed, “No!”

“What will not?”

“Boss, that old brat wouldn’t like to engage in a man, look at you, you don’t want to be jealous, he is hated by love, so…”

Facing all around the eccentric gaze of the crowd, Zhao Fang really wants to find a hole to drill in.


He rushed to Xiongba’s fart. The stock was completely defeated by Xiongba’s dirty smuggling.

Xiong ba Fleshy Body extremely powerful, Zhao Fang is not really angry.

Therefore, after he fell to the ground, he immediately got up and took a shot of the fart. The dust on the stock, a smug smile in the truth.

I saw this smile.

Not only Zhao Fang, but Shi Song over there, I can鈥檛 wait to come and kill him.

“Don’t smirk, it’s very cumbersome.”

Zhao Fang reminded.

Xiong ba is not moving.

“You will not find a girlfriend like this.” Zhao Fang changed the way to remind.

Xiong ba immediately smiles, a cold overbearing gesture, coupled with his sturdy body, not to mention, it really has a master charm.

After Li Yun came in, he walked into Shi Song and whispered a few words in his ear.

Shi Song complexion suddenly gloomy.


He also knew that Li Hai was killed.

Yu Xingyun expression Sweeping Shi Song’s five-person look, a glance of a gown, a quiet little courtyard, a few white mist appeared.

At the time of shrouded, the entire small courtyard was covered in an instant.

Make the small courtyard instantly become a fairyland on earth.

“In situ, Array of Spiritual Wisdom, you want to activate!”

Yu Xingyun said.

When I heard this, I was still curious to look at the small courtyard all around, and from time to time, I made a few people who were amazed. The expression was silenced, and I quickly sat down and sighed.

Zhao Fang and Xiongba, too!


The rich white mist completely shrouds the entire small courtyard, and the things in the small courtyard are already invisible.

Among the white mist, Zhao Fang felt the fluctuation of the formation, knowing that the Array of Spiritual Wisdom is about to start.

Same as Time.

Shi Song, who stood outside the Array, took out a storage ring. After pinching, the objects inside it were crushed by five people and turned into pure heaven and earth Yuan Force, which was integrated into the Array.

Array spiritual intelligence has increased significantly.

At this moment, even Xiongba felt that he had just promoted the cultivation base and there were signs of rising again.

The thick face reveals a trace of savvy that is inconsistent with its face.

Zhao Fang expression As usual.

Although, after the Great Array activate, he also received the notification sound added by Spirit Point.

But compared to killing Peak Golden Venerable, this Point of Spirit, simply is insignificant.

Zhao Fang knows.

This is mainly because there are too many people and they are being divided. Therefore, the only thing that falls on him is this.

For these, he did not care too much.

Instead, the Great Array officially launched, everyone else was excited and excited refining Yuan Force into the body, Upgrade Strength, quietly opened a crack in Heavenspan Tower, will practice in the Xu Feng Nian, and Chu Renlong I grabbed it.

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