The seven hundred and sixty-sixth chapter was broken by Li Yun

“It is a bit strange.

“Know that in the past few days, we have been ready to stop adding materials to it.”

“It makes sense that the Spiritual Force in the Spiritual Wisdom Great Array should be absorbed.”

Purple Clothed Great Steward is puzzling.

Yu Xingyun Wen Yan, expressionless, can’t see his thoughts, just faintly said, “Let’s wait!”

This 1st Rank is over twenty days old.

Even Yu Xingyun was shocked.

Array of Spiritual Wisdom activate Time, more than a month, this is still unique.

“Where is it inside!”

With the heart of Yu Xingyun, some speculations have begun.

However, even if he guessed, he couldn’t think of it. Zhao Fang could control the Spiritual Wisdom Great Array and put the Spiritual Force of the Spiritual Wisdom Great Array on the Xiongba three people.

This is also the case, and it also delays the speed that the Spiritual Wisdom Great Array stops.

after all.

The speed of three people’s absorb is much worse than that of thirty people!

However, they are not ordinary Martial Artists after all.

The spirit of the Eight Layer Pagoda, the three people have natural talents and potentials that are unimaginable.

Forty days.

The Array of Spiritual Wisdom is running slower and this is a precursor to the Array that will stop.

Forty-fifth day.

The Array of Spiritual Wisdom is completely stopped, and the fog in the small courtyard is completely dissipated.

However, Yu Xingyun’s brow is always wrinkled. Latest fastest update

At the moment when the fog disappeared and the Array of Spiritual Wisdom stopped working, he vaguely captured the fluttuation of a trace space.

just like.

Someone broke the Space and escaped from his in the eyes.

This feeling makes him very puzzled.


When the crowd reappeared, he was the first to sweep everyone.

“no more, no less.”

Yu Xingyun’s brow wrinkled deeper when he noticed that there was no change in the number of people. “Is it wrong?”

“You can actually practice in the Array of Spiritual Wisdom for a month and a half, which is still the first in our history of Nine Stars Trading Firm.”

Looking at the Array from the stop, forced to stop practicing, slowly wake up, complexion with a bit of awesome people, there is Purple Clothed Great Steward said with a laugh.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s feelings changed immediately.


“It’s been a month and a half!”

“I said how Time has changed so long!”

The crowd exclaimed.

At this time.

There is another Purple Clothed Great Steward, said with a smile, “Come, show your aura, let us see, you have a one-and-a-half-month upgrade.”


There is a youth that motivates Yuan Force.


The strength of the tide, the extent to which 6-Star Golden Venerable is instantly reached.

“Promoted 1-Star? Reluctantly good!”

Purple Clothed Great Steward glanced at the person who was the top ten of the Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly and had the 5-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base before entering the Array of Spiritual Wisdom.

One and a half months, Upgrade 1-Star.

For the Purple Clothed Great Steward, which is familiar with the Array of Spiritual Wisdom, this score is very good.

But for that thing, it is very gratifying.

To know.

Under normal training conditions, he wants to take 5-Star Golden Venerable, promotes to 6-Star Golden Venerable, which takes half a year at the earliest.

The Array of Spiritual Wisdom’s existence has shortened him for more than four months, and he is not excited.

With the first person throwing bricks ahead.

Others have also revealed aura one by one.

Not surprisingly, the cultivation base, mostly on the basis of the original, upgraded 1-Star.

Yu Shiman, Xue Baichuan, Dong Daohai are like this!


When it was Li Yun’s turn to ‘old discipline’, the Purple Clothed Great Steward was dumbfounded.

“No Upgrade! This can be it be!”

Look at the old discipline, the same aura fluctuation as before, the Purple Clothed Great Steward is unbelievable.

Don’t tell them.

Even these old disciplines are unbelievable.

“Why is this happening? I obviously remember that I have a great acquisition of Ah in the Array of Spiritual Wisdom!”

The old disciplines are puzzling.

Yu Xingyun slightly frowned.

Did not say anything, the test continues.

The result, but the Purple Clothed Great Steward, is extremely incomprehensible.

The old discies, except Li Yun, all showed aura.

But they didn’t have a little upgrade, the cultivation base was in place.

This made Purple Clothed Great Steward frown at the same time, and also placed high hopes on Li Yun.

“Li Yun is a Half-step Heavenly Venerable, and you can break through Heavenly Venerable Realm, Array of Spiritual Wisdom, and help him the most.”

Purple Clothed Great Steward, look at Li Yun.

“Li Yun, congratulations!”

There is Purple Clothed Great Steward with a smile.

People who can treat them like this are, in general, people who have the same status as them.

It is also possible that the cultivation base is similar to them.

Li Yun, obviously not the former!

They thought that Li Yun breakthrough was in the Heavenly Venerable environment, and that they were equal to themselves and others.


Li Yun’s complexion is not as happy as they think.

Even, there are some bonfires with gloomy.

That congratulations Li Yun Purple Clothed Great Steward, I noticed something is wrong, a ge-deng in my heart, suddenly came up with an idea that is extremely unreal.

Not only him.

Other Purple Clothed Great Steward seems to have thought of it.

Between each other, expression is a bit hard to look at.

“Li Yun, what is your cultivation base? Show it!”

Shi Song said solemnly.

Li Yun hesitated and ordered nod.

As he stepped forward one step, rolling Yuan Force, he sprang from his Qi Sea.

That power is strong, crushing the audience.

Even so, the Complexion of Purple Clothed Great Steward did not have the slightest joy, but instead began to gloomy.

“Sure enough!”

A Purple Clothed Great Steward.

“There is no Upgrade half point!”

“Li Yun, what are you doing inside?”

Hearing this anger, Li Yun was also a bonfire.

‘What can I do in damn, of course, is cultivation! ‘

of course.

He did not dare to say these words.

Not to mention Yu Xingyun, even if Yu Xingyun is no longer, in his capacity, it is disrespectful to say this to Five Great Purple Clothed Great Steward.

Even if he is a Half-step Heavenly Venerable, it won’t work!

Half-step Heavenly Venerable, after all, is not Heavenly Venerable!

Compared with the real Heavenly Venerable, it is still a lot worse.

Yu Xingyun glanced at Li Yun and was also slightly frowned, “Li Yun, what’s going on?”

For Yu Xingyun’s inquiry, Li Yun did not dare to neglect, and quickly told the eccentric scene of Array of Spiritual Wisdom.

“You mean, the power inside the Array, all gathered to Zhao Fang?”

Hearing Yun Yun’s story, Yu Xingyun complexion is slightly weird.

“Yes, the discipline suspects that this person is guilty of ghosts in the Array, and we have not been able to upgrade Strength!”

Li Yun eyes gloomy’s look at Zhao Fang.

When he said this, Yu Xingyun suddenly frowned.

“Li Yun, I know that you have no Upgrade and you are in a bad mood. However, if this Rank is unfounded, if you let me hear it again, I will not confess the face of Chu Liang Vice-President and punish you.”

Hearing this, Li Yun’s grievances must cry!

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