Chapter VII Chu Liang

Zhao Fang smiled!

I am very happy to laugh.

“It’s really a double happiness. Not only does Storm Bear return, but also unlocks ‘Three Mysteries Array’.”

For ‘Three Mysteries Array’, Zhao Fang has already viewed its properties.

This is the Combined Attack Array that can only be applied by the Spirit of the Eight Layer Pagoda.

“Three people show three Mysteries Array, which can make the overall combat power soar x2 in the short term.”

Zhao Fang’s eyes brightened and he began to look forward to the three people’s ‘Three Mysteries Array’.

“Get up!”

Zhao Fang laughed and pulled Xiong ba up. “From now on, you are my brother. As long as I don’t die, I promise, no one can kill you!”

“hēi hēi ……”

Xiong ba habitual sneer.

“this is for you!”

Zhao Fang takes out a thing, it is a palm-sized mountain that looks extremely ordinary.

But when you look closely, it is not difficult to find that this mountain seems to be divided into nine layers.

Xiong ba took over and the complexion changed dramatically. “Good sink!”

Rao is his Innate Divine Strength. When he touched the mountain, he accidentally fell out of a flaw.

“I’ll go, Boss, what the hell is this.”

Xiong ba clenched the mountain peak and looked at Zhao Fang with surprise.

His current strength, even if it is a real hill, can be lifted at will, as an ordinary stone to swear.


However, the risk was calculated by the slap of the big mountain peak, and almost ugly, how can he not be surprised?

“This is Ninth Heaven Heavy Prison Peak, and later, your weapon!”

“Hey? Just this, when is my weapon?”

Xiong ba blinks, some are unacceptable.

“Ninth Heaven Heavy Prison Peak, it’s not as simple as it looks, you can study it later.”

Listening to Zhao Fang’s words, Xiongba immediately put Ninth Heaven Heavy Prison Peak, seriously look at Zhao Fang, “Boss, what is it, what kind of mysterious!”

“Nine Stars Trading Firm is of course mysterious. After all, where they are going, is the tomb of a Celestial Powerhouse.”


Zhao Fang The light wind and light words, but the Xiongba immediately sizzled and jumped directly.

“Celestial Powerhouse’s Tomb? Boss Are you sure?”

Xiong ba eyes contracted, looking at Zhao Fang incredibly, it seems that some do not believe.

“Otherwise, do you think that Nine Stars Trading Firm will spend so much time resources, but what Dragon Gate Leap Great Assembly is doing, what is Spiritual Wisdom Great Array? Really they are stupid?”

“So, Nine Stars Trading Firm has long been calculating. Just want us to be selected to enter the Tomb of Celestial Powerhouse? But since it is the Tomb of Celestial Powerhouse, what can we have in this level? Why doesn’t Chamber of Commerce send Heavenly Venerable peak Powerhouse?”

Xiong ba gradually calmed down and asked.

“When are you not wanting?”

“What do you mean? Is that Tomb of Celestial Powerhouse restricting the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse?”

“That’s not the case. The latest and fastest update Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea Outer Circle, there is an array of complex mysterious, which excludes people older than 50.”

“I’ll go, I suddenly found myself in danger…”

Xiong ba patted her chest, an extremely cheerful kiss.

“Foremost, what is Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea?”

“It’s the place where we will go to the Celestial Powerhouse tomb.”

“Celestial Powerhouse !” Xiongba squints his eyes, in the eyes reveals an extremely intense and exciting rays of light, “ha ha, I didn’t expect that my Xiongba actually had a day into the Celestial Powerhouse grave. If you can get something from it I don’t want to send it!”

At the moment, Xiong ba, obviously extremely excited.

Zhao Fang saw it and shook his head slightly. “Don’t be too happy, it’s not a person to enter the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea.”

“That’s awkward, we two people join hands, even if Li Yun, I can take him down!”

Xiong ba raised his fist and confidently filled his way.

He didn’t brag, with Xiong ba Innate Divine Strength, and the powerful body, with the peak Golden Venerable cultivation base, and Li Yun, there is no chance of winning.

“Your eyes are so narrow?”

Zhao Fang squinted at Xiong ba.

“Amount… Boss, what do you mean? You know that this person, my head is not good, there is a swear word, you say it.”

“This time I went to the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, not just the Nine Stars Trading Firm. If I didn’t guess wrong, the rest of the Northern Great Influences in Northern Prefecture would not sit down and watch this Great Destiny.”

“Other Six Great Influences?”

Xiong ba glimpsed, and immediately understood, “In this way, the seven Great Influences of Northern Prefecture will all gather at the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea?”

“It’s possible! But we have to do the worst!”

Hearing this, Xiongba smiled and curated this lady.

“He damn it, the Ceestial Powerhouse’s grave, it’s not so easy to find, and there are Six Great Influences’s youth Powerhouse to compete with us.”

Xiong ba although confident and full with Li Yun battle.

But he knows that his Strength, in other Six Great Influences, doesn’t look too much.

after all.

Northern Prefecture Seven Great Influences, the strength of the youth, Nine Stars Trading Firm is recognized as the weakest.

“We are not without a chance!”

See Xiongba for some sorrow, Zhao Fang indifferently said, “As long as we don’t meet Heavenly Venerable Middle Stage Powerhouse, our chances are still great!”

Wen Yan, Xiong ba eyes shined, “Yeah, how can I forget those two people!”

“There are them, we are four, absolutely invincible under Heavenly Venerable!”

As for Zhao Fang, if he didn’t encounter Heavenly Venerable Middle Stage, he was ignored by Xiongba.

He has some confidence in Zhao Fang, but he does not think that he can fight this level Powerhouse.

“Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, hēi hēi, my old bear’s chance came…”

One night has nothing to say.

The second day.

Zhao Fang took Xiongba and came to Nine Stars Trading Firm early.

When he arrived, other people had already gathered for a long time.


For the late arrival of Zhao Fang two people, there was not much dissatisfaction on the faces of the people.

Whether it is Zhao Fang or Xiong ba.

They are already standing at the peak of Golden Venerable, and they are not at all arguable.

Powerhouse, no matter where it is, can be respected!

Of course.

On the surface, they will not have any dissatisfaction. As for what they think, only their talents know.

When Zhao Fang came, he saw Li Yun at a glance and his brow was slightly picked.

Corner of the mouth is like laughing and laughing.

Zhao Fang’s weird reaction, Li Yun’s brow wrinkled. “Don’t he see my change?”

At this time.

Yu Xingyun took the Five Great Purple Clothed Great Steward and walked over to everyone.

In addition to Yu Xingyun, there is also a middle-aged man 虬髯man, alongside Yu Xingyun.

Compared with Yu Xingyun’s plain and easy-going, the middle-aged man is not angry, giving a kind of strong pressure.

Seeing it, the middle-aged man is an extremely overbearing character.

“Is it wrong…”

When I saw the middle-aged man, Zhao Fang had a guess in his heart. “At Nine Stars Trading Firm, there is such a status and cultivation base. Except for another Vice-President I have never seen before, there is only a president. It is.”

But it is obvious that the middle-aged man is not the president.

Then his identity will be revealed!

Nine Stars Trading Firm Vice-President.

Chu Liang !

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