The VIIth chapter of the Barbarian Desert Church’s provocation!

“It’s actually Remains of Celestial Powerhouse !”

“Heavens, I am not dreaming!”

After more than ten seconds, someone reacted and screamed in a kind of extremely exaggerated tone.

Yu Xingyun sees this scene in the eyes, expression calm.


When he looked at Zhao Fang and saw Zhao Fang’s faint look, he stunned.

‘No wonder he can get to the Golden Venerable at this age, or the Venerable Grade High Grade Alchemist Master. Not to mention anything else, this is the heart, everyone in the room, including me, is better than it! ‘

Yu Xingyun sighs and admires Zhao Fang.

To know.

Even when I was at the beginning, when I heard this news, I was shocked by the seven-six-seven-six-six-six-six-six-six-six-six-six

And Zhao Fang, but it does not change color, calm and calm.

Chu Liang also noticed Zhao Fang’s ‘unlike’, he did not think to abyss, only that Yu Xingyun told Zhao Fang in advance, slightly dissatisfied, coldly snorted.

Yu Xingyun heard this voice, then look at Chu Liang, faintly understand something, can not help but smile.

of course.

He did not explain.

As an 7-Star Heavenly Venerable, he has his own pride.

Moreover, there is nothing worth explaining about this kind of thing.

“You go to the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea and you can get anything for yourself, but there is one thing. I hope that after you find it, you can contribute to the Chamber of Commerce.”

“So that is the Celestial Decree fragment.” Chu Liang looked at everyone, his eyes burning.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang blinked slightly, and secretly sighed a sigh.

For Nine Stars Trading Firm this Rank Influence, only Celestial Decree can attract them.

Once you have Celestial Decree, even the Celestial Decree’s fragment, you can create a ‘Transcended Heavenly Venerate’ level Powerhouse for the Chamber of Commerce.

At that time, the entire Northern Prefecture’s Influence pattern will undergo tremendous changes!

after all.

Northern Prefecture Seven Great Influences, strongest’s existence, but Heavenly Venerable peak nothing more.

If there is a surpass Heavenly Venerable ranked existence, you can control the entire Northern Prefecture.

“Of course, Chamber of Commerce won’t let you pay for it. If you contribute a Celestial Decree fragment, the president will personally accept him and set him as the next president of Nine Stars Trading Firm!”

Chu Liang start to talk, the sound is calm, but in an instant, create a greater solitude.

President Nine Stars Trading Firm personally accepts the apprentice?

The next president of Nine Stars Trading Firm?

No matter what, for anyone on the scene, except Zhao Fang, it is a deadly temptation!

without any exaggeration.

These two conditions.

Even larger than the temptation of the Ceestial Powerhouse’s tomb.

Celestial Powerhouse is too far away from them, and they have forgotten the terrifying of Celestial Powerhouse.

As the native Martial Artist of Northern Prefecture, the seven Great Influences main brain figures are the giants standing in the Northern Prefecture peak…

This thought is already ingrained in their mind.

and so.

When Chu Liang finished saying this, the scene was like throwing two blockbusters, and everyone was excited.

Even the “wu idiot” of Xue Baichuan is no exception!

“This president wants you to cooperate. Otherwise, if I find out that you are hiding the Celestial Decree fragment, this Sir definitely doesn’t mind, erase that person, and everyone related to that person, from this World!”


**Naked threat!

‘Big sticks and carrots, I have never seen the president of Nine Stars Trading Firm, but this move is very good. It not only inspired their fighting spirit, but also eliminated the scene after the discovery of the Celestial Decree fragment. ‘

Zhao Fang squinted his eyes and gave an extremely impressive admiration to the unmasked president of Nine Stars Trading Firm.

“ha ha, laugh at the dead, just rely on your soft-legged shrimps, and also want to snatch the Celestial Decree fragment?”

In Xue Baichuan and others, immersed in the grand vision of Chu Liang, a shrill and ridiculous voice, clearly sounded in everyone’s ears of Nine Stars Battleship.


The people immediately woke up and looked at them with anger.

Yu Xingyun and Chu Liang’s complexion are not very good looking.

Not only the humiliation in the other’s words, but also because they recognized the identity of the person who spoke.

But seeing the distance, a strong black cloud is rushing towards Nine Stars Battleship with one kind of extremely fast speed.

Not yet close.

There was a fierce wind, and it rushed to the face, causing a burst of fine wounds.

“damned! is the Netherworld Church! Activate Battleship Defense!”

Chu Liang complexion gloomy.

Five Purple Clothed Great Steward, immediately passed Chu Liang’s orders.


The Outer Circle of Nine Stars Battleship has a colorful face that shrouds the entire Nine Stars Battleship.

Nine Stars Battleship is like being wrapped in a colorful ball.

Outside, you can’t see the inside of Nine Stars Battleship.

But inside, you can clearly see the outside.

The black cloud is getting closer and closer, and beyond the Nine Stars Battleship thousand zhang, it finally reveals its lineup.

It was a huge Monster Wolf Battleship.

Battleship is all black, emits with cold Metal luster, and arrogant and violent streamlined beauty.

At the moment of seeing this thing, Zhao Fang’s eyes flashed in the eye, “Greedy Wolf Battleship?”

This Black’s Monster Wolf Battleship is similar to the Greedy Wolf Battleship that Zhao Fang once received.

So much so much.

When Zhao Fang saw this, he thought he had returned to the Desolate Domain and returned to Divine Martial Emperor Court!

But when he saw the figure standing on the Battleship, Zhao Fang was clearly headed.

Those tall and tall, such as the giant king of the king, are not the people of the Desolate Domain.

“Barbarian Desert Church ?”

Zhao Fang thinks of what Chu Liang said just now, “This seems to be one of the Seven Great Influences in Northern Prefecture.”


Xiong ba points nod, express extremely solemn, and seems to have some understanding of Barbarian Desert Church.

“The Barbarian Desert Church is not a long time. It is the younger Influence in the Seven Great Influences. However, their combat power cannot be underestimated!”

Xiong ba said solemnly.


“The Barbarian Desert Church is a body of Body Refining. The ultimate Fleshy Body powerful, for the powerful Fleshy Body, even eats Vicious Beast flesh and blood, quenched with Vicious Beast blood essence. Their Fleshy Body begins to be powerful, The temperament is because of the body’s accumulation of too much blood, there is a tendency to Beast Transformation, extreme tyrannical warfare, and other influences called ‘Vicious Beast’ with human skin.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang looked at the figure of the Barbarian Desert Church. “Don’t say, it’s a bit of Vicious Beast’s flavor.”

“In this case, you better not let them hear, they hate people saying they are Vicious Beast.”

There is an 6-Star Golden Venerable, which is a good reminder to Zhao Fang.

In a whisper, the Monster Wolf Battleship quickly came in and slammed into the Nine Stars Battleship, which turned around.

After a burst of Boom bang, the Monster Wolf Battleship was not damaged, but the Barbarian Desert Church seemed to care about it. Instead, it was hard to stabilize the Body Lock-shaped Nine Stars Battleship on Yu Xingyun Chu Liang and others. , 讥 mock said with a laugh, “Just have this guts, dare to come to Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea?”

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