Seven hundred and eighty-one chapter five contempt for Great Influences!

Chu Liang heard the people talking, expressionless, but the heart is a bitter smile.

His move, of course, is not just a simple gratitude to Zhao Fang.

Most importantly, Gemini Heavenly Venerable gave the order.

“This Venerable needs to be rested, everything in the meeting, you deal with the nebula…Zhao Fang is the benefactor of this Venerable, you see him, be as respectful as seeing this Venerable!”

It is because of this that there is a scene in front of us.

“He saved the president? What time?” Chu Liang was very curious about this, and he secretly guessed.

“I have seen Grand master Zhao!”

Even the two Vice-Presidents are all salute, and the remaining four Purple Clothed Great Steward, where they dare to neglect, quickly come over, and are simply a slap in the face.

Zhao Fang turned and looked.

The disciples who found this war remain, such as Xue Baichuan, such as Yu Shiman, such as Dong Daohai, look at their own eyes, are extremely complex.

They are not sure what’s going on, but as Nine Stars Trading Firm disciple, even their honorable Vice-President and Purple Clothed Great Steward, they respectfully respect the existence, and they dare to have a little pride.

“I have seen Zhao…Great master!”

On Battleship, all the remaining fragments, except for Li Yun’s slow response, others are all salute.

Li Yun didn’t react slowly, just didn’t want to kill Zhao Fang, the enemy of the enemy.

If it wasn’t for Chu Liang’s gaze, he wouldn’t care about Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang looked at Li Yun, and I remembered that among his enemies, it seems that there is this person.

He is eye reveals cold light, and with a smile, he is going to Li Yun.

Li Yun complexion big change .

When Chu Liang saw it, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Fang. He asked, “Grand master Zhao, is it that my inferior is not open-minded, where did you offend you?”

He doesn’t know about Li Hai.

Li Yun has never told him.

However, he saw that Zhao Fang had a killing intent for Li Yun, and he knew that the two people must have a holiday.

“I killed his younger brother, he wants revenge, I wanted to kill me!”

Zhao Fang gaze shimmers, looking at Chu Liang, said with a chuckle, he would like to see what Chu Liang will do!

Chu Liang Wen Yan, expressionless, heart sigh really.

He is familiar with the disposition of his disciples, knowing that if this is not the sake of this Rank, Li Yun will not be this look.

But for now, let’s not say that Li Yun doesn’t have the revenge of Strong, even if there is, he can’t let it do it.

“The gangster, not kneel down, please sin for Grand master Zhao!”

Chu Liang yelled at Li Yun.

Li Yun is a little worried, she has not done anything wrong, why should she plead guilty and say with a hard head, “Disciple is not wrong, why should you plead guilty to him?”

“impudent !”

Chu Liang was furious and kicked Li Yun with one foot and kneels in front of Zhao Fang.

With Time, he took a shot and hit Li Yun Qi Sea.

Li Yun body The tremors, an unspeakable pain and panic, pervaded and disappeared in the World with the astounding Origin Qi in Qi Sea.

“Master, you, have you abolished my cultivation base?”

Li Yun looked at Li Yun incredulously.

Chu Liang didn’t go to see Li Yun, but turned to look at Zhao Fang. “Do not teach, the father has passed, the teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy. I also have responsibility for this matter. If Grand master Zhao continues to pursue, take me. Ask sin.”

Zhao Fang raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not expect that Chu Liang was so decisive that Li Yun Qi Sea was abolished.

Li Yun has become a waste, and there is no threat to himself.

The most important thing is that killing him has no benefit to himself, and there is no experience value at all.

Zhao Fang took a deep look at Chu Liang, including said with a laugh: “褚Vice-President high wind festival, admire! This time I will give Chu Liang Vice-President a face, although he has become a waste, but I know that Nine Stars Trading Firm’s financial resources, it is not difficult to restore him.”

Chu Liang in ones heart trembled, I did not expect Zhao Fang to see through his own thoughts, for a moment, some dare not look directly at Zhao Fang’s compelling gaze.

“I can tolerate him. But if he dares to retaliate and threaten me, then don’t blame me for not giving you the face of Vice-President.”

Zhao Fang smiles at Chu Liang.

Chu Liang expression Awesome, on behalf of Li Yun Thanks to Zhao Fang.

Looking at the back of Zhao Fang, Chu Liang said nothing, grabbed Li Yun and walked to his room.

Yu Xingyun looked at the scene and shook his head slightly, no longer paying attention.


Nine Stars Battleship starts again and heads towards the destination, Misty Cloud Mountain Range.

Zhao Fang didn’t drive Heavenly Wolf Battleship alone, which was too swaying. Once the other five Great Influences were told about it, Nine Stars Trading Firm had no benefit for himself.

So, Zhao Fang puts aside the Heavenly Wolf Battleship and stays with Niong ba in Nine Stars Battleship.


Misty Cloud Mountain Range.

Shrouded with a thick fog all year round, like a veil, all the mountains are covered, faintly discernible, revealing the beauty of the scorpion, and the sense of mysterious.


Over the Misty Cloud Mountain Range, there are four existences similar to Battleship.

The size of every Battleship is not inferior to Nine Stars Battleship and Heavenly Wolf Battleship.

These Masters of Battleship are all Ruler of the Seven Great Influences in Northern Prefecture.

In addition to the four Great Battleships, there is one thing on the field that is particularly attractive to everyone.

It is a suspended mountain. At first glance, there is no area with the mountain of the ordinary.

But its Movement Speed, as well as the Array symbol that appears on the surface of the mountain, is clearly telling others that this is not the mountain of the ordinary.

Some people on the top of the mountain, a white robe plain face, carrying a simple long sword, the clothes fluttering, like the Immortal out of the painting.

This person is the Floating Mountain Master, Jin Shanshan, one of the seven Great Influences.

The name is very special, and it has a very serious disagreement with myself!

Behind Jin Shanshan, about ten people stood.

They are all Floating Mountain Elder ranked characters. In their behind, they are standing on the Floating Mountain disciple. Their number is about 50.

Among them, the leader is a beautiful face, complexion condensed, and you are eager to see.

This person is Feng Wudao.

Feng Wudao stands in the first place of 50 multi-disciple, and expression looks far away and seems to be looking forward to something.

The disciples on the other four Battleships are also looking into the distance, with the expectation of expectation.

“Chī! Chī! ”

There was a strange sound coming from the sky.

Everyone’s eyes are condensed, but they see, at the far end, there is a black spot, which is approaching quickly.

As the distance draws closer, the black dot is constantly enlarged, from the size of the mung bean to the size of the palm, then like a house, and then, vaguely can see its full picture.

With Time, the black point of the air, which is flying fast, is heard in the ear of all the influences in the presence of one kind extremely harsh.

So, their eyes, at the same time, look at the giant great war ship that flies, and the middlemen on Battleship.


“Sure enough, Nine Stars Trading Firm!”

Five Great Influences, with a slight eyebrow and a calm expression, don’t care about the upcoming Nine Stars Trading Firm and others, and even with the disdain and neglect of Nine Stars Trading Firm!

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