Chapter 485 Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, open! ! !

The sea of ​​clouds seems to be smashed by the infinite Blade Intent of the nine-day above, and instantly split into two halves.

The infinite clouds are like real sea water, and the Boom flows into the Misy Cloud Mountain Range below.

When the sea of ​​clouds washed the mountains and the mountains trembled fiercely, a heavy iron was built in it. The surface was not covered with brass or gold-painted golden gate. It stared at nearly one hundred dazzling night pearls, like in the night. The bright light, rising slowly from the Misty Cloud Mountain Range, is just a moment, and it is the point of promotion to the sky.

Together with the sky breaks the sky.

Kim, Golden gate buzz trembles, sound like dragon roar Tiger’s Roar, contains Supreme’s dignity, sweeping the eight.

Golden gate slowly opens a crack.

A bleak ancient aura from the wild, revealed through the large gate crack.

At this moment, Misty Cloud Mountain Range above, Six Great Influences under the sea of ​​clouds, activates the defense of their respective Battleship!


They stared at the golden gate that was slowly cracking.

As for the Yin-Yang Fairyland disciple, which was originally intended to rush to Zhao Fang Xiong ba two people, as soon as the Misty Cloud Mountain Range was shaken, it returned to the Battleship where Yin-Yang Fairyland was located.

Zhao Fang saw the experience run, although unwilling, but there is no arrogant, to kill Yin-Yang Fairyland Battleship.

Moreover, at the time of Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea activate, Battleship, extremely dangerous, he and Xiongba, returned to Nine Stars Battleship.

The scene of Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea activate, all in the eyes of him, has forgotten the Yin-Yang Fairyland’s ‘experience blame’, and there is only the excitement and exciting of Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea since it was activated!

“Wait for so long, this Dungeon, finally activated! Look at this scale, This is going to engage in major event Ah!”

The Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea’s activation is much stronger than the Five Elements Ruins World, Ancient Demon Battlefield, Devil Spirit Mountain Range, and even more shocking.

Yu Xingyun Chu Liang and others, is also complexion excited looking at this scene.

Most of the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses on other Battleships are also in this mood!

It’s like that in the Golden Gate, there is a rare treasure that makes them sleepless at night.

Golden gate, eventually, all activated!

The brilliance, from the World emits after the large gate, instantly enveloped the ‘Five Warships-One Mountain’ after the large gate.

At that moment, the entire Time became a dazzling white.

What is even more shocking is that after the Golden Gate is activated, it seems to become a giant gate. Even the huge Battleship has become tiny as mole cricket and ants.

This kind of change has made people in the place feel shocked, so that the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea has a revere heart.

The glaring of light slowly dissipates, and the heaven and earth regain their original color.

Through the Golden Gate, everyone saw that the World after the large gate was a series of temples, and the degree of luxury and luxury was more than that of the Emperor Palace.

“Ancient Writings Record: Dragon Race is a luxury, like to collect treasure. If it is really Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, it is the legacy of Heavenly Dragon (Celestial Realm Dragon Race ) senior, which is not a few!”

Xiong ba narrowed his eyes and looked at the Palace Complex’s gaze after the Golden Gate, with a bit of heat and excitement.

Sōu! sōu!

Sky-splitting sound suddenly came out.

Seeing the distance, with a dozen silhouettes, the Misty Cloud Mountain Range abyss rushed out and turned into hundreds of lightnings, heading straight to the Golden gate.

As the hundreds of silhouettes approached, the ‘Five Warships-One Mountain ‘Powerhouse, parked next to the large gate, recognized the identity of someone.

“Blood Gown Old Ancestor?”

“Jade Face Evil Spirit?”

“Thousand Hands Granny ?”

When the quiet large gate suddenly came out, this a path of exclamation.

In the original quiet Great Battleship, an exclamation sounded immediately.


These names, each in Northern Prefecture, have a fierce name and are the giant figures of Demon Dao.

Although they were suppressed by the Seven Great Influences on the bright side of Northern Prefecture, they were well-deserved in the Dark World of Northern Prefecture.

Among them are the three Demonic Cultivator Demon Cultivator, which has a peak Heavenly Venerable cultivation base, which is equal to the owner of Seven Great Influences.

After seeing these people, the people of Six Great Influences, the complexion has changed, and it has become very ugly.

“Oh… so grand, you Six Great Influences, you want to be alone, your appetite is not small! But, if you do this, you will not die?”

The sound of a cold and bloody and cruel came from hundreds of silhouettes.

Six Great Influences are silent, no one answers, no one blocks, seems to agree with the arrival of these Loose Cultivator demons.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became strange.

“A bunch of poor ghosts, even flying Battleship, there are still faces to join in the fun, but look at their red black boss logo, I do not know what will happen after killing.”

Zhao Fang looked at the hundreds of Demonic Cultivators coming, screaming at the chin, and the words were mean, but with a little expectation.

“hēi hēi, the only difference between the demon Loose Cultivator and the right path is that they prefer to be alone, like the right way to bring Battleship. It is a very troublesome and embarrassing thing for the demon Loose Cultivator. Therefore, they prefer to fly freely.”

Xiong ba said with a smile.

“Demon Cultivator’s temperament is too casual!”

Zhao Fang is quite speechless.

The Demonic Cultivator is the first three people, a blood-dyed red robe, a slap-up, and an old man.

A hand-folding fan, handsome face, such as yoyo young man, but the eyes are revealing the white robed Youth of the vicissitudes of life.

And the last one, the ugly appearance, the old women who still dare to be underestimated in silence.

These three people have a peak Heavenly Venerable cultivation base , aura extremely powerful !

Blood Gown Old Ancestor Indifferent eyes, sweeping Six Great Influences, 桀桀said with a laugh: “Shan Yin, Wei Guang Ming, Jin Shanshan, Yan Qingcan, Old Monk, and…”

He swept the eyes of Nine Stars Trading Firm, extremely indifferent, indifferent and even with a bit of disdain, the words did not say anything, but crossed the Nine Stars Trading Firm.

Such ** naked ignorance and contempt, immediately let Nine Stars Trading Firm people complex complex difficult to look.

Yu Xingyun Chu Liang two people, the same is true.

Blood Gown Old Ancestor ordered the names of the other five Great Influences, but when they talked about Nine Stars Trading Firm, they didn’t have the following, and they were very angry when they looked at the ridicule and disdain.

Blood Gown Old Ancestor ignores the angry Nine Stars Trading Firm, but continues to look at the other five Great Influences. “I blood robed wants to put a foot in this Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, you guys can have opinions ?”

This sentence, throwing the ground, but domineering can to move unhindered.

The gaze shimmers of the five Great Influences, did not speak.

Blood Gown Old Ancestor squinted and sneered, as if he was not ready to wait for them to turn back, “Walk!”

As his voice fell, his behind immediately rushed out nearly three hundred evil aura, and went straight to the Golden gate.

But just as they approached the Golden gate, the change suddenly occurred!

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