Is the 797th chapter awkward?

“Dragon Cleansing Pond?”

Zhao Fang blinked slightly and remembered this place secretly.

At the same time, relying on the ‘Little Linzi’ powerful soul Sense, all the materials left in the Main Hall were scraped away.


Zhao Fang is at the doorway, and there is a long wait for Hui Kong and Ming Yao three people.

“It seems that the benefactor is inside, and the harvest is not small.”

Hui Kong has a folded hand, a smile and a sigh of relief.

Ming Yao looked at Zhao Fang carefully and smiled.

Zhao Fang didn’t talk. He looked at the doorway that shrouded the cloud.

Feel the Array outside, that a path of harsh sky-splitting sound.

“There are so many people!”

The footsteps heard by the ear force alone, Zhao Fang roughly estimated, here at least 300 people gathered.

“Don’t those Demonic Cultivators come?”

Yin-Yang Fairyland 50 multi-disciple, almost completely annihilated, Floating Mountain is also suffered heavy losses, Northern Underworld Sect more than half.

The only ones that are relatively well preserved are Zen School and Radiance God Church.

Even with the rest of the Nine Stars Trading Firm, it’s only a hundred 50 people.

But the number of people outside is double that amount.

This only shows that those Demonic Cultivators are also here.

after all.

The number of Demonic Cultivators, in total, is in no way inferior to the sum of Six Great Influences disciple.


Hui Ming’s hands clasped together, swayed the Buddha’s number, and his eyes gradually became solemn, apparently also aware of the abnormalities outside.

Outside of Array, after a brief confrontation, everyone’s firepower was turned around on the Array in front of the Main Hall.

The bombardment of more than 300 Golden Venerable Powerhouses, all of which have already supported the countless years, have long been on some fragmented Arrays. Finally, after twenty minutes, Array rumored ‘噼里啪啦’.

Guarding this Array of the Main Hall for a long time, completed its mission and went to extinction!



The Array crashed and the power of the volley came out of the Array.

Zhao Fang The four-person complexion does not move, standing in place, with a dull expression.

But the more than 300 people who attacked the Array, it was a path of miserable cry.

Obviously, many people have been hurt by the aftermath of Array crash, and the injury is extremely heavy!

“The Array that Idiot !Celestial Powerhouse left, is it so easy to break?”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth reveals a trace sneer.

“Array is broken!”

“Into the temple to grab the treasure!”

The screams were quickly replaced by the screams of excitement.

As the smog generated by the Array rumbled has not been completely dispersed, there are dozens of silhouettes that rush toward the Main Hall.

But they are full of excitement and joy, they will be in the fastest Time, stealing the treasure in Main Hall, but unexpectedly found that Main Hall’s doorway, I do not know when, has stood four silhouettes.

After a slight sigh, they reacted, and the excitement disappeared. Instead, it was anger, it was gloomy!

Dozens of silhouettes, falling in front of the Main Hall.

Most of these people are Demon Flame, the amazing Demonic Cultivator.

There are only a handful of Zen School, Radiance God Church, and even Nine Stars Trading Firm.

When they saw the four people in front of the Main Hall, they were expression startled, and they immediately smiled.

The situation is already clear.

Since Zhao Fang four people first one step, came to the Main Hall, the treasure in the Main Hall, it must have been looted by Zhao Fang.

If these four people are people of Floating Mountain, Yin-Yang Fairyland, Northern Underworld Sect.

These people, saying that they can’t be like the demon Martial Artist at the moment, are ready to rush to get rid of their storage ring.


After discovering that they are ‘own people’, they have no such thoughts.

“Senior Brother Hui King !”

“Saintess Your Majesty !”

Radiance God Church and Zen School disciple, quickly to Hui Kong and Ming Yao salute.

As for Nine Stars Trading Firm and others, when I saw Zhao Fang, I was quite shocked.

“Floating Mountain, Yin-Yang Fairyland, Northern Underworld Sect, Three Great Influences, the young Powerhouse’s team, didn’t kill this person?”

“He actually came here one step earlier than us!”

“Looking at it, it is unscathed, this can be it be!”

Nine Stars Trading Firm is shocked and slightly complicated.

They also don’t know how to face themselves, this nominal partner.

“You captured the treasure in this Main Hall?”

There is a Demonic Cultivator, and coldly looks at Zhao Fang.

Among them, the gloomy and killing intent of the eye, the focus on Zhao Fang, and the Ascetic Monk.

In their view, the Ascetic Monk Zhao Fang cultivation base is the weakest.

As the saying goes, the persimmon has to be soft, and this is the usual style of this is a Demonic Cultivator.

As for Hui Kong and Ming Yao, both people are 5-Star Heavenly Venerable, and there is no one who can take them.

and so.

After confirming that the Main Hall treasure was indeed plundered, the eyes of these Demon Cultivators fell on Zhao Fang, one by one flickered, revealing the gloomy greedy killing intent.

Ascetic Monk is weaker than Zhao Fang, but behind him is Zen School, and there is an 5-Star Heavenly Venerable Hui Kong.

In addition, the Buddhism School Cultivation Technique has a strong restraint of the Demonic Cultivator itself.

They did not want to anger Hao Kong and gave up Ascetic Monk.

So come.

Their goal is only one, the only one!

Zhao Fang !

“brat, give your storage ring to this Young master, this Young master can guarantee that no one can kill you!”

An 4-Star Heavenly Venerable cultivation base, with a folding fan, it looks like a different red hair from the common Martial Artist, indifferent.

The unusually pale face looked at Zhao Fang with a gloomy yin test.

“It was actually a small one!”

Zhao Fang is not angry, but also the indifferent sweep of the red-haired Demon Cultivator, pointing to the Coiling Dragon ring in his hand: “Are you sure?”

The Demon Cultivator stared at the eyes of the Coiling Dragon ring, slightly bright, complexion was a little hot, and immediately said: “nonsense, come over quickly, otherwise, you are ‘magic as fire’ Grandfather, don’t mind peeling your cramps to the skylights !”

“But, this storage ring, there is only one, you so many people, how to divide?”

“Hey, here is the Young master cultivation base strongest, who dares to grab this Young master?”

The red-haired Demon Cultivator, who called the ‘Blood Demon Young Master’, coldly glanced at everyone and looked like a Warning.

Zhao Fang looks at those who are not dare to say, glance at the gloomy, I don’t know what Demon Cultivator is thinking about the sinister idea. I couldn’t help but glance at the red-haired Demon Cultivator and suddenly laughed.

“Why are you laughing?”

Red Hair Demon Cultivator complexion gloomy.

“With one’s own strength, threaten all Martial Artists in the audience. Are you embarrassed?”

Red Demon Cultivator did not understand the meaning of Zhao Fang, immediately said with a laugh, “If you know the nickname of this young master ‘Golden Scorpion’, then you should understand, my identity, and means, If you know each other, just hand over the storage ring!”

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