Chapter VIII says you may not believe


Battle Divine Spear extremely Easy to wear the body of Azure Wood Great Spear Master, giving him a deadly place, leaving an extremely horrible runny injury. Latest fastest update

“How, how can it be!”

Azure Wood Great Spear Master bowed his head and looked at his chest. The spear head, in the eyes, was incredible.

But his eyes, but began to spread, vitality quickly disappeared!

He turned and looked at Zhao Fang, expressing extreme grievances and sorrows. “You dare to kill me, the temple will not let you go! My Big Brother ‘Situ Hao ‘, and the temple Captain ‘Qiu Guangling ‘, will definitely Kill you Revenge for me! Certainly!”


The body weight fell to the ground, splashing a burst of smoke.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Elite Monster ‘War God Temple disciple Situ Zhao ‘,obtain 40 million Spirit Point, 4 million Spiritual Force Value, 4 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ,obtain ‘Azure Dragon Spear ‘.”


Zhao Fang expressionless, listening to the system’s notification sound, especially the property of ‘Azure Dragon Spear’, just after a sacred device, Zhao Fang’s face suddenly disappointed, slightly grinning, “damn, turned out to be a poor ghost! ”

Said to turn and leave.

His expression is very dull, even plain and indifferent to the flavor.

Zhao Fang did not care about the threat before the corpse was dying. Latest fastest update

Now that I understand the Influence of the Western Mountains, I am also involved in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea Inheritance.

That is your own competitor!

Even if they don’t come to Zhao Fang, if they meet, Zhao Fang will not let them go!

Shortly after Zhao Fang left, there were several sky-splitting sounds over the fruit trees. Then, four or five silhouettes of people wearing armor were falling into the fruit forest.

When they found Situ Zhao, who was shot by Zhao Fang, he was shocked and more angry!

“Whether you are you, kill my younger brother, I will let you, and your family will be buried with him!”

A person who looks a little like Situ Zhao, picks up Situ Zhao’s body at the moment, full of gloomy’s killing intent.

Situ Hao looked at the side of several temples next to him, and his voice was low: “I want to use traceability, look for the real murderer, you can help me!”

Those temples disciple, slightly sinking, nod.

Situ Hao uses the younger brother Situ Zhao blood as a guide, supplemented by Secret Art, with the help of several other temple disciplines, playing a Dao Guang screen.

The light barrier restores the scene of Situ Zhao appearing in the fruit forest and then being killed.

After reading it, Situ Hao’s expression is more gloomy, “brat, you can’t escape!”


“Next, it’s time to find the Dragon Cleansing Pond!”

Zhao Fang naturally won’t forget the Extreme Dao Butterfly Emperor Wings.

“If you can create the Extreme Dao Butterfly Emperor, you will make an Immortal Beast. In this World, am I going to traverse?”

Based on this recognition, Zhao Fang’s determination to find Dragon Cleansing Pond is far more urgent than getting Celestial Inheritance!

of course.

The reason is not to find Lesser Nirvana Pill.

The main reason is that there is no news from Lesser Nirvana Pill.

But the Dragon Cleansing Pond is different.

The information provided by Little Linzi, the location of the Dragon Cleansing Pond, is estimated to be known to Zhao Fang in the entire Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea.

“Dragon Cleansing Pond can inspire bloodline Ancestral Bloodline Awakening. At that time, you can let Tian Peng three people, all of them go to the Dragon Cleansing Pond. If you can get into Strength, it is a good thing!”

Zhao Fang squinted and thought about it.

He did not notice.

On the occasion of his departure from the fruit forest, behind a huge forest in the fruit forest, a silhouette of a Sword Carrying Youth was revealed.

The Sword Carrying Youth silently watched the back of Zhao Fang, gaze shimmers, quietly followed up!

“The master, there is another tail behind!”

Little Linzi’s reminder that Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle at the same time, expression is also some gloomy.

Whether it is Situ Zhao or the tail that has just appeared, I haven’t noticed it beforehand.

Without the hint of Little Linzi, Zhao Fang didn’t notice that he was behind and would hang a tail.

This makes Zhao Fang, born a kind of extremely powerful frustration!


It can be said that Zhao Fang’s eyes and ears are enough to show that the person is very strong!

Zhao Fang pretends to be nothing, and continues to move forward.

The tail of the behind has been hung tightly, and I have not noticed it. I have already discovered it.

When passing through a high slope, the ‘tail’ is hidden inside the grass slope, avoiding the glance of Zhao Fang.

When he climbed up the high slope and looked around, there was no trace of Zhao Fang.

Sword Carrying Youth didn’t say anything, just expression slightly gloomy and vigilance.

According to the normal speed of the road, Zhao Fang impossible disappeared without a trace.

Then there is only one explanation.

The other party found himself!

But soon, he had another problem.

“I hid myself very well, how did the man discover me!” Sword Carrying Youth murmured.

“Your murderous aura, revealing your position!”

An indifferent voice, from the Sword Carrying Youth behind.

Sword Carrying Youth expression A moment, the right hand touches the hilt behind it, and when you turn around, you have to take out a sword.

But just as he turned around, he felt the back of his heart, against a cold and sharp hard object.

That is the spear head!

Stinging, let Sword Carrying Youth react immediately.

His body was stiff, and he pulled out half of the sword and stopped in the air.

The body keeps the spear head in the state of piercing the body, motionless.

Soon, he calmed down and asked slowly: “Who is Your Excellency?”

“You tracked me for a long time, but I still don’t know who I am?”

Sneer from behind Sword Carrying Youth.

Sword Carrying Youth startled, the expression is slightly complicated, “How can it be, in my perception, you are just 1-Star Heavenly Venerable, how can I find my existence? And, actually, I sneak into it without my knowledge. How do you do it to my behind?”

“You are just 5-Star Heavenly Venerable peak. Is it difficult to get to your side?”

Very plain, but in the ears of Sword Carrying Youth, it is not afraid of thunder.

Until now, he only knew that he was looking away.

The other party is not the common 1-Star Heavenly Venerable, otherwise it is easy to detect its own tracking, and also impossible in its own unprepared situation, sneak into its own behind, more impossible, a word to break their true cultivation base.

“You are also a native of the Western Mountains?”

Sword Carrying Youth is very honest when I hear the question, “Western Mountains Sword Cleansing Pond !”

“This is Sect name?”

Sword Carrying Youth, “I am Huo Chengyun of Sword Cleansing Pond. Your Excellency doesn’t know me. It should be the Martial Artist of Northern Prefecture.”

Zhao Fang is undecided and does not answer him.

Instead, continue to ask, “Why follow me?”

Huo Chengyun was silent until she felt the vest spear head’s slight force, only to start to talk.

“You may not believe it when you say it. You are like my younger brother who died!”

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