The VIIIth chapter of the Buddha statue is broken, Devil Dragon escapes!

call out! 咻~

Xiong ba Xu Feng Nian three people, coming from a distance.

Indicates that there is no discovery.

Zhao Fang brows more and more tight, his eyes fall on the Buddha image above.

At the same time, Primordial Spirit emits, I want to see the Buddha image as transparent.

But as his Primordial Spirit approached the Buddha statue, Zhao Fang felt that the Buddha’s massive swallow force seemed to pull him into World at a mysterious position through his Primordial Spirit fluctuation.

Zhao Fang was shocked, but the expression was extremely calm, and quickly cut off the connection with the silk Primordial Spirit.

That weird feeling, this disappeared without a trace!


Zhao Fang has a slight squint. “It seems that the disappearance of Nine-Headed Lion, and this statue of Buddha, must have an inextricable connection.”

“Just, in the Buddha image, what kind of World is it. At the moment when the mind is pulled in, I feel that the whole piece of World seems to have collapsed. It seems that there is absolutely absolute terrifying existence inside. Once inside, I don’t even know if I go in. How is it dead?”

Zhao Fang murmured.

This feeling, he is not the first time experience.

A long time ago, in a place called ‘Mo Yun Mountain Range’ in the Desolate Domain, Zhao Fang pulled up the God Slayer Spear of the mountain, and inside the underground World, there was an extremely pleasant and exciting message.

Zhao Fang at the time did not know what happened.

Until then, Tu Sen broke out, killing thousands of miles, and cruelly cruel, making countless life charcoal.

That is, in a few countries around Raging Flames Country, all of this terrifying Demon God, direct destruction, and Blood Mist enveloped the entire Desolate Domain, just like the end of the world.

Every time I think of the original scene, Zhao Fang’s heart is also somewhat regrettable.

Regreting the recklessness of the original, causing such a great disaster.

and so.

After perceiving a certain role of the Buddha image, Zhao Fang’s complexion immediately became gloomy.

If, as he suspects, the Buddha statue is suppressing an exceptionally terrifying existence.

The Nine-Headed Lion, which was pulled into the Buddha World, is definitely a fierce one!


Zhao Fang complexion gloomy, Nine-Headed Lion has been following him for many years and has a very good relationship with him. He naturally can’t bear to sit down and watch Nine-Headed Lion die.


Once you enter the Buddha World, you may find only the residual limb of the Nine-Headed Lion.


He himself is also possible and will be completely left in the Buddha World.

For a moment, Zhao Fang is caught in a difficult choice.

Xiong ba three people saw what was silent in Zhao Fang behind.

They did not influence Zhao Fang’s decision, just waited for him to decide, and faithfully executed Zhao Fang’s decision.

Silence for a long time.

Zhao Fang still not willingly give up and ask Little Linzi, “Is there any way to let me put Nine-Headed Lion out?”


Little Linzi has a firm tone and no hesitation.

Zhao Fang was shocked. “What?”

“Break the Buddha!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang is a little silent. “How do you know that breaking the Buddha image will definitely save Nine-Headed Lion.”

Little Linzi was also silent, and it was soft for a moment: “This Buddha statue World, I also went there. It is not bad for you, it is sealed with an extreme terrifying existence, if it is released, Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea Anyone will die!”

The voice of Little Linzi reveals the rare solemn meaning of a trace.

The guess in the heart, assured confirmed, Zhao Fang did not show a happy look, the brow conversely wrinkled tighter.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, the Buddha statue should have the effect of repression. If it is broken, the fierce object that has lost the crackdown, will it be that it will jump out?”

“Not so fast!”

Little Linzi said, “The Buddha image is just one of the dozens of Seals, the most Outer Circle. Even if it sprints, it takes an hour of Time to completely rush out. At that time, you may have left the Coiling Dragon Cloud. Sea.”

For this, Zhao Fang has some doubts.

He always feels that things are not so simple.

Slightly sinking, he asked, “How did you escape from that year?”

Wen Yan, Little Linzi is silent. “At the time, I was still in the state of peak. I was able to tear off the layers of seals with the powerful Ability. But it was because of the battle that my Fleshy Body collapsed. It has become what it looks like today.”

Hearing this, Zhao Fang is more wariness uneasy about the suppression of the Buddha statue!

“As you said, even if I escape from the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, the terrifying existence, it is possible, rushing out of the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, when the entire Northern Prefecture, and even the Heaven Domain are living, aren’t they all poisoned? ”

Little Linzi is silent.

Obviously, he defaulted to Zhao Fang’s words.

“Is there any way to restrain the existence?”

Zhao Fang asked some unwillingly.

“Devil Suppressing Stele !”

The answer given by Little Linzi makes Zhao Fang dumbfounded.

“What is this thing?”

“It’s one of the Myriad Domain Territory Ten Great Supreme Saint Artifacts. It has a terrifying muscle that suppresses the complete demon.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang I want to have a heart of cough up blood. “Fuck you, can’t you say that I have it?”


Little Linzi yelled, “You don’t seem to have one.”

Zhao Fang At this moment, it is a very nostalgic, Ancient Kingdom Heaven Suppressing Stele that was taken away by the Northern Sea Dragon.

Even this monument is not as good as Devil Suppressing Stele.

But with it in hand, even in the face of the super-existence of Half-step Celestial Realm, Zhao Fang can let go of the battle, and it won’t be like this.

“Don’t you give up Nine-Headed Lion?”

Zhao Fang’s brows are quickly twisted into a ‘chuan’ character.

It’s sinking.

Little Linzi and Tian Peng seem to be aware of what at the same time.

Yelled : “be careful.”

The voice fell.

Zhao Fang’s Void in front of him suddenly cracked a crack.

Then, a whole body dressed in black robe, with a black robed youth in the cloak, appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

Directly shot a palm, the palm of the hand is amazing, filled with XuraX-Star Heavenly Venerable aura, actually directly flew Zhao Fang, and slammed toward the Buddha statue.

“Fei Yu ?”

Zhao Fang looked at the black robed youth who suddenly appeared in front of him and made a fatal sneak attack on himself.

His cold eyes looked at Fei Yu clothes’s black robe and cloak, with a focus on the cloak.

By feeling, he knew that it was not the cloak of the ordinary.

Because, Zhao Fang was shocked to realize that even if Fei Yu appeared in his in the eyes, his Primordial Spirit did not notice any aura of Fei Yu.

It is clear.

This cloak has the magical use of covering aura.

It is also the exposition of this cloak, Zhao Fang’s Primordial Spirit, and Little Linzi that have not noticed the approach of Fei Yu in advance.

Until he appeared, he gave a powerful blow to Zhao Fang.


While Zhao Fang was thinking about this, his back suddenly slammed into a hard object, and his blood swelled. When the corner of the mouth coughed up blood, behind a clear light kā chā sound.

Zhao Fang is a glimpse, immediately, complexion drastic!

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