Chapter 821 Buddha Descending Dragon

At this time~


In the area where Dragon Grave was located, a loud bang was heard, and the entire Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea also swayed.

next moment.

A Black mist column, rushing out of the Dragon Grave, spread over the Dragon Grave, reflected in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, and all the surviving people in the eyes.

The black mist column reveals the terrifying destruction of the aura.

The strength of the aura is as unstoppable as it is, but anyone who feels this aura is shocked by this aura complexion greatly changed.

In a panic, they all made a move like Zhao Fang, and wanted to escape from the inland and escape from the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea.

Zhao Fang narrowed his eyes and stared at the black mist column that rushed.

Feeling the withura of the body powerful and terrifying, the panic in his eyes was gradually replaced by a firmness.

He is a very strong person.

Since you can’t leave, since you don’t want to die, there is only one choice.

Killing with the newly born terrifying existence, killing each other and killing yourself!

Although, this opportunity is very embarrassing.

Even, there is no hope!

After all, what I have to face is a super terrifying existence that has completely entered the Celestial Realm world.

It is not comparable to the Half-step Celestial Realm of the Northern Sea Dragon.

“damned, even if I am ready now, the probability of killing the Celestial Powerhouse is extremely:”

Zhao Fang knows the answer, but he dare not give up, because this is his only hope.


In the Dragon Grave, a magical dragon roar sounds, and the sound of the preserved Pressure’s Might, which directly crushes the Dragon Grave into powder, even a small inland, is destroyed.

Unlike the oriental beast, dragon roar is very aggressive!

And just the dragon roar’s might has reached the peak of Half-step Celestial Realm.

Even if everyone who survives the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea is piled up, I am afraid that it will be killed by this dragon roar.

As the sound came, all the creatures in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, silently bowed to the Black Mist, shivering, full of fear and fear.

next moment.

The black mist column ‘twisted’ and turned into a huge Black Dragon, screaming and shaking the sky!

this moment.

In the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, all the living creatures saw the amazing scene and saw the true face of the existence that made them feel cold.

Zhao Fang, I also saw it.

He is not the first time to see Black Dragon.

When he was in the sea, he met a Black Dragon.

The same is Black, compared to the huge Black Dragon in the sky, the Black Dragon Sovereign of the Demarcation Sea is like a bug, insignificant.

If you want them to be compared together.

Aside from the huge disparity of Strength.

Even the Black that is common to them is not the same!

The black of Black Dragon Sovereign is brought by the black scales of the body, which is just a simple color.

And this huge Black Dragon just out of the group, although the body surface, is also Black, but that represents not the color, but the endless evil and negative emotions.

This feeling is like some powerful Demon Dao Powerhouse that Zhao Fang has seen before!

That’s right!

The huge Black Dragon in front of you is a black and devil dragon full of slaughter desires.

“Fuck, such a terrifying Devil Dragon, if it can be killed, how many good things will break out?”

Zhao Fang looked away, the Devil Dragon, the powerful eyes of the strongest boss, and the excitement of the excitement and the inability to hold it.

This is the natural reaction of his encounter with **oss.


When I think of it, between myself and this **oss, the gap that cannot be crossed.

Excited and excited, immediately dissipated, replaced by incomparable depression and distress!

He really doesn’t know how to play against Devil Dragon, who is reaching Celestial Realm!

Devil Dragon gets out of trouble, dragon roar bursts, celebrating his joy of getting out of trouble, and venting the sorrow of being trapped.

Dragon Grave became the battle field!

Although no one dared to fight Devil Dragon at this time, Dragon Grave became a piece of ruins, devastated and desolate!

After destroying the Dragon Grave, Devil Dragon swept to the inland sea.


Just as it was about to leave the Dragon Grave, DD

call out! call out! 咻~~

From the Dragon Grave, which has collapsed into ruins, it suddenly shot hundreds of golden chains filled with rich Buddha light.

Each chain is five x6 thicker than the Main Hall column. It looks like a wall without edges.

Devil Dragon saw these chains, excitedly excited eyes, and instantly became cold and hateful, as if to see the unforgettable enemy.

It was suddenly roared, and the Dragon Body swayed, with the savage posture of one kind Berserk, and the chain that rushed up, once again fell into the ground!

After doing this, its anger is still not reduced.

Devil Dragon rushes straight to the ruins of Dragon Grave, watching its crazy look, it is to use his powerful Fleshy Body to create a Dragon Grave again!

Just as the poor Dragon Grave is about to suffer a second tragic fate.

Devil Dragon swooping in, like what he noticed, complexion died huge change, then, with the slightest hesitation, turned around and ran.

Just in the moment when Devil Dragon turned around and escaped, in the ruins, there was another layer of Buddha light.

This time, the Buddha light is not a chain of Buddha aura, but a Buddha of emits infinite Buddha aura.

The Buddha’s face was vague and he could not see his appearance.

From his under the foot to the Lotus Throne, and the attire, it is similar to the suppression of the Devil Dragon’s Buddha statue!

“White Dragon, you are still not dead!”

Devil Dragon heard an angry and frightened voice.

The Buddha did not mean to start to talk, Void Hand caught Devil Dragon.

Looking at his look, he was planning to use his extremely small palm to grab the huge body of Devil Dragon.

This is a very illegal and very bizarre scene.

But the result is even more bizarre!

Devil Dragon saw the palm of the hand smack, in the eyes full of shock, with the slightest hesitation, he turned and fled.

But the palm of the hand was silent, and it was pressed against the amazing Black Dragon Body above.

Then, an amazing scene appeared.

The huge body of Black Dragon was dragged down by this illusory one, and it was directly in the ruins of the above.

Devil Dragon’s powerful strength, under this palm, is not the slightest resistance.

call out! call out! 咻~

Devil Dragon’s all of a sudden, the Buddha’s phantom Void Hand grabbed the ground, the chains that were broken into the ground abyss, flew straight out, and the Devil Dragon, which was just about to struggle, was tied.

No matter how crazy it is, it can’t break away from the little bit!

After doing all this, the Buddha light on the Buddha phantom is a lot of faint moments, and it seems to be extinguished at any time.

Obviously, just take the take action, let the Buddha phantom, which is weak, even more.

However, the Buddha phantom itself did not react at all, but turned around and calmly looked at the area where Zhao Fang was located.


A mournful voice rang in the ears of Zhao Fang.

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