Chapter VIII, Feng Wudao’s chance

Dragon Grave ruins abovee.

Hundreds of Buddha light chains from Dragon Grave all around are like a very strong cage.

Devil Dragon’s huge body is locked in the ruins of Dragon Grave.

No matter how fiercely it struggles, how to anger and scream, it can’t break the chains.

At this moment, it is like a lamb that has been slaughtered!

But even so, Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea is still no one, can kill it at this moment!

Even the Lamb is a god who can swallow the tiger and leopard, step on the sky, and master the power of destruction.

Xiong ba The four-person ugly complexion, with the discovery of Devil Dragon, no matter how crazy it is, does not threaten itself, it is slightly relaxed.

But it didn’t take long.

Their complexion, once again becomes hard to look at.

“This Devil Dragon is too strong, even if it is tied up for us to kill, who can cut its defense?”

Xiong ba complexion gloomy.

Xu Feng Nian three people didn’t start to talk, they didn’t stop, but as Time passed, their complexion gradually became pale.

This is Yuan Force consumes too much and triggers a natural reaction.


The consumption of such a fierce Yuan Force caused the four people to recover from the injury when they first fought with Fei Yu.

The four men suppressed the in the body injury while bombarding Devil Dragon, might extremely common, like ticking in Devil Dragon!


Devil Dragon was savage and full of killing intent, but staring at the four.

If it is not locked by the light chain of the Buddha, it can’t move, it probably has already rushed down, biting the four mole cricket and ants that dare to take action on it!

have to say.

Celestial Realm Powerhouse, even if the hands and feet are tied, the terrifying dignity of the emits is not comparable to the common characters.

Even the location of the four people is the hub of the Buddhist Radiance Great Array, which can avoid most of the Devil Dragon’s imposing manner Pressure’s Might.

Under the gaze of Devil Dragon, the four still feel uncomfortable, and the body is even more muddy and unable to move!

In exchange for the common Martial Artist, it is estimated that the fart has been scared, where to go!

But Xiongba Xu Feng Nian Tian Peng three people, followed Zhao Fang for a long time, let them have some indifferent revere heart, become more indifferent, even for others or Powerhouse, no revere heart!

The power of Devil Dragon is just that they feel uncomfortable and not afraid.

Seeing it hate staring at himself, Xiongba retreats to Half-step.

Then reacted, suddenly irritated, staring at the pair of bear eyes, yelling at Devil Dragon: “damn’s, the eyelids are great. Isn’t it still like a retard, locked here?”

This sentence seems to have poked the soft underbelly of Devil Dragon, and it struggles more intensely.

Hundreds of Buddha light chains, huā lā lā pulled by it, Weiwei extremely terrifying, seems to be able to get out of trouble at any time.

Even with the daring of Xiongba, seeing this scene is not difficult to swallowed saliva and said.

It was only after Devil Dragon struggled for a long time that he could not break free.

“damn, I thought you could escape. It’s really scaring you to bear Grandfather!”

Xiong ba patted the chest, sighed and sighed, and the look of the face was undecided!

“human mole cricket and ants! You are waiting for this Sir, when this Sir is out of trouble, it is when he is dead!”

Devil Dragon was furious, and there was an extremely hoarse and full of intense killing intent.

The other Influence disciples, who were frightened by Devil Dragon escapes, were scared to death by this sudden sentence!

Their complexion is ugly, like a mourning test, madly rushing toward Outer Seas, not willing to stay inland for a moment.

As they rush to the Outer Seas.

Outer Seas conversely Someone, rushing toward the inland.

Looking at the lightning-fast black light, someone wanted to remind him a few words, but he didn’t even mean to stop at half-point, and everyone was eager to escape. In the end, no one would take care of this. ‘.

The black light turned into a meteor, crushed through the Outer Seas at the speed of one kind surpass Heavenly Venerable, and after the inland, the speed slowed down.

Turned into a figure tall and handsome, handsome black robed man.

Black robed man Looking over Dragon Grave, the distance is struggling, 嘶吼constantly Devil Dragon, gaze slightly, “This is what ‘Grand Master Pu Wen’ said ‘Coiling Dragon’ evil deformed into Devil Dragon?”

For a moment of silence, the black robed man looked away from the whole inland, his eyes were cold and chilling, and the corner of the mouth was a smug, muttering.

“Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang, you can’t think of dreams, how much chance I am obtained.

This time, goodbye, I will not only kill Devil Dragon, but also thoroughly wipe out the troubles left by ‘Grand Master Pu Wen’. Here, I will kill you and avenge my father! ”

The sneer, black robed man under the foot, the mountain slams, the black robed man rushes, does not evade, directly kills the Devil Dragon bound by the chain.

Not far near, the body is filled with the rich Buddha’s mantra aura, and then, a path of the Buddha’s Great Hand Seal blasts, playing Devil Dragon horriblely.

The Great Hand Seal attack is not that strong, but just reached the level of Transcended Heavenly Venerate nothing more.

The reason why Devil Dragon can be so miserable is because the Buddha’s mantra contained in the handprint has great restraint on its magical creature.

Then there is the aura of the man who is the most despising and hateful of the black robed youth.

“Pu Wen? How do you have the aura of Pu Wen Buddhist Monk on your body, who are you?”

Devil Dragon roared and screamed at the black robed youth.

Black robed youth Screaming, smugly boasting a few words, the corner of the eye, but it is in the Buddhist Radiance Great Array, which is still on the four people attacking Devil Dragon.

Especially when I saw Xiongba Xu Feng Nian three people, he was slightly startled, and the cold eyebrows, the crushing intent that had been suppressed for a long time, broke out!

He looked at all around and didn’t find the person looking for the silhouette, brows slightly wrinkle.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the Xiong ba three people again. “It’s really long time no see Ah!”

Xiong ba three people, at the moment, also noticed that in the midair, under the Devil Dragon imposing manner, the black robed youth, who did not change their colors, saw the other party’s appearance, and the three people were immediately shocked and unbelievable. “Feng Wudao ?!”

Black robed youth, also known as Feng Wudao, is very happy to see the three people this shocked look, the corner of the mouth rose, chuckled, “I didn’t expect it, I was killed by your purgator like a dog today, today Killed back!”

Xiong ba three people did not think of it.

They are even more difficult to understand. This just entered the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, and only the 4-Star Heavenly Venerable cultivation base’s fellow, in the two months of Time, what happened in the end, there have been such ups and downs.

Simply Unheard of!

Just at this time.

The light in the Great Array of the chain circulates, exposing the Zhao Fang, which originally covered the figure, to the Xiong ba three people and Feng Wudao.

“én? Zhao Fang !”

On the occasion of seeing Zhao Fang, Feng Wudao eyes, immediately flashing a stunning killing intent!

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