Chapter VIII, Big Explosion, First Kill reward!

The dragon ribs were pumped.

Devil Dragon Even if it is crazy and unwilling, the strength of Strength is gone like water.

Even when he was in full bloom, he couldn’t beat Little Nezha, let alone now?

Little Nezha armed with a sharp-pointed gun, picking up the dragon’s ribs and talking with the Dragon Body’s last a trace, and the hustle and bustle followed, and the Devil Dragon’s huge body, wrapped in a bag.

Then, like throwing garbage, throw it at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang will not miss it, it is a good time for this killed Devil Dragon.

Wings of Vermilion Bird is booming, turning into a raging Zhao Fang, bringing mesmerizing to the extreme fire, burning off half of its own bloodline, activate God Slayer Spear’s hidden killing move!

Antiquity Slaughter Immortal !

Long spear At the moment of contact with Devil Dragon, the terrifying penetration force of the spear head contain has penetrated directly into the body of Devil Dragon, from the dragon head to the dragon tail.

In God Slayer Spear, he was exposed to the dragon’s all of a sudden, Devil Dragon, who was still struggling, and his eyes appeared a little sluggish.


It is endless sorrow and pain!

Devil Dragon Remaining HP, instantly bottoming out.

The body of the huge Devil Dragon, the terrifying gun eyes of the countless road appeared.

It seems to have smashed the countless gun and was smashed into a sieve!

Devil Dragon sprays blood, like bloody rain, spilling over the entire land.

Such a spectacular and bloody scene makes all the people who see it shocked and shocked!

at last. Latest fastest update

The bloody Devil Dragon, turned into a pile of rotten meat, collapsed, its unwilling eyes, still roaring, seems to die to believe, his grand Devil Dragon, a generation of Celestial Realm Powerhouse, I am so guilty of death!

Being a child, a youngster, two ‘weak little’ generations that are not as good as mole cricket and ants to kill!

It is very unwilling!

But this is its fate!

After Little Nezha appeared, its fate was already doomed.


Devil Dragon’s fleshy Dragon Body is falling.

The ruins of the entire Dragon Grave are shaking, and the countless dust is mixed with the flesh of Devil Dragon.

The scene is extraordinarily amazing!

Zhao Fang didn’t care about this.

He was injured, he burned his blood essence, and displayed ‘Antiquity Slaughter Immortal’. After a shot of Devil Dragon, the injury increased and the HP value was already red!

Although it was not cleared, it was his most difficult time.

In the past, whether it is against Tu Sen or against the Northern Sea Dragon, Zhao Fang has never been so seriously injured!

Nowadays, let alone stand up, the power of moving a finger is incompetent, and it can only be swept away by the arrogant winds. However, it falls to the ground.

If he falls to the ground in his current state, Zhao Fang will die!

The only thing that made him feel lucky.

In the mind, the notification sound is about the same.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain 1 billion Spirit Point, 100 million Spiritual Force Value, 100 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain ‘Blood of Devil Dragon ‘whether to fuse ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain ‘Devil Dragon Pearl ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain ‘Vermilion Bird Boots ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain ‘Nine Tempered Stone ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain ‘Soaring Dragon Technique ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain resurrection ring fragment *2.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Celestial Devil Dragon ‘,obtain ‘Immortal Technique Collapsing Mountain fragment *50’.”



“Because Player is the first Killed Celestial Realm boss, it’s one of the First First Kill Treasure Chest.”



“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 6-Star Heavenly Venerable.”


Not far from the ruins of Dragon Grave, Feng Wudao is almost stupid.

He looked at it unbelievably, and it fell from the sky, completely without the just now the overbearing aura, turned into a pile of dead Devil Dragon.

Shocking inexplicable!

“He, he, he actually killed Devil Dragon!”

After witnessing the power of Devil Dragon, even if Feng Wudao obtained Inuitance of ‘Pu Wen’, he expressed great doubts about the entrustment of ‘Pu Wen’, the last killed Devil Dragon!

He doesn’t think he can kill Devil Dragon.

At least, he is only Transcended Heavenly Venerate cultivation base, can’t do this!


What he didn’t think of was that Zhao Fang did it!

This shock caused him to collapse.

“Is this my destiny?” Feng Wudao shuddered in his heart, fearing to the extreme, and even the nails were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand, not aware.

He lowered his head.

But the next moment, he suddenly looked up, double eye reveals out of the wild beast is still unwilling to struggle when facing the desperate situation.

When he saw Zhao Fang, who was seriously injured and the body fell by himself, Feng Wudao looked gazing, and immediately, his face showed a thick smile.

Hey you are sick, want your life!

Feng Wudao killing intent, the whole person turned into a shell, carrying an irreting of the irreconcilable until death, killing Zhao Fang!

“Zhao Fang, pay with your life !”

Feng Wudao screamed, he already noticed that Zhao Fang at the moment, the oil was dry, it was the most weak time.

And that extreme mysterious, I don’t know where it came from, it looks like delicate and pretty cute, means extremely cruel, and makes Little Wuzh of Feng Wudao extremely wariness, at the moment, playing with the Devil Dragon ribs that just pulled away, didn’t notice Here.

‘Heavenly time, land, people, and are standing on my side, I will not believe, so you can not kill you! ‘

Feng Wudao eye reveals Crazy, it seems to see, Zhao Fang was shot by his palm, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.


Little Nezha heard the laughter and saw Feng Wudao who rushed to Zhao Fang like a wild dog.

His age is young, but not stupid. At first glance, Feng Wudao is preparing to ride Zhao Fang weak, killed Zhao Fang.

Immediately, his little face became very serious, “Stop!”

Feng Wudao not only did not stop, speed increased a bit more.

Little Nezha’s eyes are slightly cold, and the Qiankun Circle directly pulls out and hits the back of Feng Wudao.

But even so.

Still late!

Feng Wudao has taken the action, the sharp palm of the knife, directly covering the Zhao Fang of the micro eyes, as long as this palm falls, Zhao Fang will be photographed as a meat sauce!


In Feng Wudao’s opinion, Zhao Fang is sure to die. Zhao Fang, who has been bohemous eyes, has opened his eyes fiercely and his divine light is superb.

This look, seeing Feng Wudao is very shocked!

This is a person who is seriously injured and will die. The rich vitality and fighting intent in the eyes are not so much more than when he is full!

“This, how can it be?!”

Feng Wudao is even more shocked.

But at the moment of his blasphemy, Zhao Fang’s cold eyes fell on Feng Wudao, and his lips were slightly raised, revealing a smile that made Feng Wudao creepy.

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