Chapter VIII Slut with a dog, forever!

Old Man Shan Yin, and the banter on the Yin-Yang Fairyland Yan Qingcan, with the other four Influence disciple, walked out of the entrance of the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea with a disillusioned attitude, and became even more intense!

“Zen School has only five or six people left!”

“Radiance God Church is also surprised heavy losses!”

“Floating Mountain is even worse, only two people have survived!”

“Nine Stars Trading Firm is now just two or three people!”

The banter on the face of Old Man Shan Yin and Yan Qingcan has gradually gathered.

If an Influence is so miserable, they might be happy.

However, all four factors have become such a miserable appearance.

This makes them, and they don’t start to worry about their own discipline.

But what made them wrong was.

After waiting for a long time, the other four Great Influences living creatures basically appeared.

There are no people from Northern Underworld Sect and Yin-Yang Fairyland.

“Hui Neng Hui Kong is dead?”

Old Monk of Zen School, after hearing the report of the discipline, the complexion was bitter, and the sorrowful sorrow announced a Buddha number, and began to live for the dead discipline.

“Feng Wudao is dead?”

Floating Mountain master Jin Shanshan, after learning about the changes in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, his eyes were slightly cold, especially after learning the cause of death from the two remaining disciples, coldly swept the position of Nine Stars Trading Firm.

“Yao’er !”

Radiance God Church Priest is an old man who looks very ordinary and whose clothes are extremely ordinary.

The eyes of the old man are very wise and reveal the vicissitudes of the world through the stock.


Ming Yao, who looks like a difficult situation, leans toward the old man in front of him and becomes a salute.

The old man nod, sweeping the Floating Mountain, Yin-Yang Fairyland, and Northern Underworld Sect position, brows slightly wrinkle, “what happened?”

Ming Yao was slightly hesitant, but with the eyes of the old man gazing, his lips were swaying, but there was no start to talk, but a voice to the old man.


The old man’s body is slightly shocked, and his face is always light, and it is rare to show a shock!

His reaction immediately caught the attention of other Powerhouses.

after all.

Enter the Six Great Influences of the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, plus the Demon Cultivator Powerhouse.

Whether it is Feng Wudao of Floating Mountain, Liu Jue of Yin-Yang Fairyland, Fei Yu of Northern Underworld Sect, Hui Kong of Tantric, and Ming Yao of Radiance God Church.

These are the chief disciples of the five Great Influences. Today, only Ming Yao is alive, and she naturally becomes the focus of everyone.

the more important thing is.

Blood Demon Young Master When they die, they want to know everything about Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, they can only ask Ming Yao.

Other disciplines are also alive, but they are too low to touch the core of the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea. Latest fastest update

Therefore, as the face of the bright Priest changes, the eyes of other influence owners have fallen on Ming Yao.

Ming Yao was a little nervous and licked the cloak.

Although she is Saintess of Radiance God Church, she has been noticed since she was a child.

Can go to those people’s eyes, where can compare with the present.

Nowadays, all the Powerhouse eyes on the field come together. Among them, there are several Powerhouse’s Strengths, which are not inferior to their own masters.

In particular, there are two or three gaze, obviously with a bit of undisguised anger and chill.

“Yan Qingcan, Shan Yin, and Gorefiend. If you want to know what is happening in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, it is best to converge your aura. If you scare my Treasure and forget everything, then you will Cry.”

Bright Priest slams the Three Great Powerhouse.

Yan Qingcan three people brows slightly wrinkle, they are also afraid that as true as the light Priest said, the scary Ming Yao is overwhelmed and can’t get the answer.

For a moment, not only the three of them, including the floating mountain master Jin Shanshan, all slightly converged in the eyes of the sharp, become much more flat.

“The little girl of Mingjiao, hurry up!”

Yan Qingcan’s Dual Cultivation companion Shi Xiao Kui, urging.

Ming Yao silenced and organized the idea, and all of the scenes that took place in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea were told.

When I heard about Devil Dragon escapes and bloody Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, all the Powerhouses on the scene were dumbfounded!

“What are you talking about? Devil Dragon in the Celestial Realm world? How can it be?!”

“Coiling Dragon has been dead for many years. How can there be Celestial Realm Powerhouse in Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea?”

Shan Yin, Yan Qingcan, Jin Shanshan, and Gorefiend and others are shocked!

Bright Priest had been listened to before, and I was prepared to listen to it. When I listened to the second time, it was no longer shocking.

Still feels scared!

Celestial Powerhouse Ah!

Not to mention Northern Prefecture, even the ‘Central region’ of the Heaven Domain Central Region, has never heard of which Influence has Celestial Powerhouse oversee!

This Rank level Powerhouse has not appeared in the history of Heaven Domain for tens of thousands of years!

Today, it appears in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea that everyone thinks is not unexpected.

The news made everyone on the scene silent, they were shocked.


For a moment, an old voice came from the location of Zen School.

Zen School contemporary abbot, calmly looking at Ming Yao, “small benefactor, you just now said that shortly after my Zen School disciple entered Dragon Grave, Devil Dragon escapes, and then was suppressed by a Buddhist Radiance Great Array, and also saw a Buddha Phantom? This statement, really?!”


In the face of this highly respected old monk, Ming Yao is very respectful, right color nod.

Old Monk blinked slightly and sighed: “It turns out that everything is long-lasting! The old man is eager to participate in the Buddha, but he can’t see through it. This time, he personally ruined forty-eight people like Hui Neng Hui Kong. Into the 18th floor Hell!”

The words of Old Monk immediately led to the crowds, Qi Xuan, and looked sad.

“The fart of God, the little bastard of Nine Stars Trading Firm, dare to slaughter me Northern Underworld Sect disciple, Old Man catches him, he must be smelt him, let him regret it!”

Northern Underworld Sect Lord Old Man Shan Yin, the sound is extremely cold.

After learning that Zhao Fang had killed all the Northern Underworld Sect injuries including Fei Yu, the temper was narrow-minded, and the old Monster, who must report it, was completely angry!

Not only him.

Also angry, there are two Cave Lords from Yin-Yang Fairyland.

They did not expect that Zhao Fang was so ruthless, after entering the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, the Yin-Yang Fairyland disciple was completely extinct!

No wonder I waited for a long time and didn’t see one person coming out!

“This damned little bastard actually kills us so many disciplines… When he comes out, he must let him survive, can’t die!”

Shi Xiao Kui charming face 寒煞, killing intent 如凝!

“That little bastard has killed so many people in Yin-Yang Fairyland. If there is no such thing, my Yin-Yang Fairyland will not give up!”

Yan Qingcan looks at the Nine Stars Battleship, and the sound is deliberately elevated. The intention is to tell everyone and tell Gemini Heavenly Venerable in Battleship.

“tch tch, really a donkey with a dog, forever, slut with chicken, like glue like paint! This is used on your two people, it is a perfect match!”

There was no sound in the Nine Stars Battleship, conversely at the exit of the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, which sounded a light and a bit of a playful sound.

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