Chapter VIII Chapter Butterfly Swinging Wings

The same is true of several other influences.

Split second, Zhao Fang suffered from the siege of no less than forty people.

These forty people are the elite Powerhouse of the four Great Influences.

Each has a powerful strength of Heavenly Venerable.

Forty people teamed up to challenge any one of the influences present.

Except Gemini Heavenly Venerable!

It is such a powerful to unmatched combat power.

The object they want to obliterate is just a Zhao Fang with a Butterfly Emperor and a combat power of 7-Star Heavenly Venerable.

How do you think this is a situation in which one side is slaughtered!

Zhao Fang, no matter what, but also against the joint attack of more than forty Heavenly Venerable!


When they rushed, the Zhao Fang expression was as plain as water, as if it didn’t feel the same.

He gently stroked and touched, the red butterfly’s wings, feeling the strange touch of the complex mysterious pattern, light said with a laugh, “Go, Butterfly Emperor!”

Red Butterfly understood Zhao Fang’s words, fluttering his wings, and flew to those who rushed in with a kind of seemingly clumsy and strenuous gesture.

See this scene.

Northern Underworld Sect Vice Sect Master is even more sneer, he can even foresee that the red butterfly was shot by the Northern Underworld Sect Elder.

Just as soon as he was in contact with the Influence Powerhouse such as Northern Underworld Sect, the red butterfly stopped, and after a slight silence for two or three seconds, he suddenly fanned the bloody wings. Latest fastest update

Followed by.

A strange scene happened!


Elder, a Northern Underworld Sect 6-Star Heavenly Venerable, suddenly exploded!

When his flesh and blood burst open, he quickly condensed and turned into a red butterfly, and then… flapped his wings!

Bang! Bang!

This time, two people at the same time died.

Their flesh and blood, also turned into the appearance of the red butterfly, light fan wings.

Tight is in the blink of an eye.

More than forty Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses died three people.

This is not worth mentioning for the remaining Heavenly Venerable.


What makes them chilling is that they simply can’t see how Red Butterfly is killing the three people.

What makes them wariness and even fear is that the red butterflies condensed by the slain people seem to have some kind of Ability of the red butterfly, and they can kill people by waving their wings!

“What is this strange Divine Ability?”

The remaining thirty Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses were shocked and scared.

Yan Qingcan and others are also stunned.

They are all given to Frighten by the stranger of Red Butterfly!

Just as they circled, Red Butterfly once again flapped its wings.

Bang! Bang! 嘭~

This time, there are eight people who died on the spot!

One of them is Yin-Yang Fairyland’s deputy Cave Lord ranked existence, the same 8-Star Heavenly Venerable-level existence, but no backhand!

This scene.

It’s even more shocking than just now.

If you say that the wariness and panic just now, it is still hidden.

But with the death of the Yin-Yang Fairyland deputy Cave Lord, this horror was placed on the table.


Everyone has to face up to the threats that Red Butterfly brings to them, as well as fear!

“Let’s go together, don’t give it a chance to wing it!”

Northern Underworld Sect Vice Sect Master Fear, after the big drink, cast the Northern Underworld Sect secret technique and break into Void.

It can be myself for a moment.

At the moment when Red Butterfly once again fanned its wings, the North Underworld Sect Vice Sect Master, which was sneaked into the vicinity of the red butterfly and gave a fatal blow to the red butterfly, seemed to be beaten by a person. Out of Void!

When his body was just exposed to this land, it burst open!

Blood Mist The diffused red butterfly also gently flaps its wings.

All red butterflies on the scene,simultaneously flapping their wings.


This time, nearly 20 people died!

More than forty people who wanted to kill Zhao Fang, not yet close to Zhao Fang, died in the blink of the skill, more than 30 people.

There are only a few people who are terrified and unsuccessful. After seeing that the red butterfly is about to launch an impact, they are scared of the six gods masterless, the soul is not attached, and immediately take care of nothing, crazy self-escape!

The results can be imagined!

In the sound of silence, it turned into a Blood Mist, completely dissipated.

Gemini Heavenly Venerable does not take action to protect Zhao Fang.

There is no earth-shattering in the imagination!

Zhao Fang just summoned a red butterfly and smashed all the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses that rushed to him in just a few moments.

This strange scene, until the thick smell of blood, with the wind, when passed into the nose of each population, still let them disable to believe.

Now dead Silence!

Yan Qingcan and others, who originally thought that Zhao Fang was mortal, also looked at Zhao Fang with a look of ghosts.

After the reaction, I thought that the strange red butterfly, obliterate all the influence of Heavenly Venerable in my own influence, these influence owners are angry!

But this anger quickly turned into fear!

Even if they look at the battle just now, they are all in the eyes, and in the blink of an eye they have been scrutinized hundreds of times in the blink of an eye, and they have never been found. The red butterfly is the one who killed it.

Fanning wings?

Don’t be damn kidding!

Everyone couldn’t believe it. It was just that the red butterfly fanned its wings.

Moreover, what scares them is that they are not sure, and they can be safe under the wings of Red Butterfly.

For a moment, Yan Qingcan and others complexion, at the same time, in the heart of the red butterfly, produced a more intense wariness and fear than seeing Gemini Heavenly Venerable.

Gemini Heavenly Venerable Although strong, killing can still see the means!

And the red butterfly is completely killing invisible, making people unpredictable!

Then everyone was shocked and the scene was quiet.

Within Zhao Fang mind, level up notification sound sounded again.


“congratulations Player level up , current cultivation base 7-Star Heavenly Venerable.”


Zhao Fang has a slightly narrow eye and looks at Yan Qingcan and others.

‘Only more than forty ordinary Heavenly Venerable gave me nearly one billion Spirit Point. If Yan Qingcan and others are solved, even if 8-Star Heavenly Venerable is not available, Spirit Point progress bar can be promoted. More than half! ‘

I noticed that the killing intent of Zhao Fang was undisguised, and Shi Xiao Kui was scared!

Since she debuted, there have been few experiences of blood stasis, and most of the Time is spent in the sun, that is, in bed.

He has seen the bloody and weird battles that have never happened before.

Her figure, at Zhao’s gaze at the same time, subconscious took a two-step step back.

Not only her.

Yan Qingcan, Jin Shanshan, including Old Man Shan Yin, who is deeply sinister and sinister, and the gossip of bloodthirsty, have a bit of retreat at the moment.

They saw the hardships of the red butterfly, but they couldn’t think of the method of cracking. I was afraid that I would, like the Elders of my Majesty, sneak into the sky between the wings of the red butterfly!

“so close!”

Radiance God Church Priest, secretly wiped his forehead sweat, a look of luck.

He was glad that he had just listened to Ming Yao’s suggestion and did not take action with Zhao Fang like those of Yin-Yang Fairyland.

if not.

His elite, I am afraid that it will become a Blood Mist at this moment!

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